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About Livers

  • Birthday 09/14/1950

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    Central NY
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  1. Not for several years. Cleanup/Repair finds nothing here. Though, I haven't seen the problem in a while. I'm glad to hear you're sorted.
  2. @Flappie, of course your track works perfectly. I have one mission that that always fails - at the "Mission Successful!" message at the very end. A track is out of the question, so I'll have to look more closely to see if I can duplicate it in a quickie. It may very well be one of those things that will correct itself with a rebuild of the triggers. I'll try that first of all.
  3. Upscaling is OFF in the file I provided. I just downloaded it from above and checked. Scaling is 0.66, and setting it to 1.0 doesn't seem to do anything. FWIW, I normally do set Scale GUI to 1.5 in the Options. Where in the GUI is either setting exposed?
  4. Here is mine, I'm seeing the same problem as the OP: Options.lua
  5. Fixed again, let's see how long it lasts this time.
  6. Great advice, until the topics are reported, then locked.
  7. Not seeing that here. e3a_24l_andersen.trk
  8. I've run this little scenario with Combined Arms, and I can't get a clear view either way, Red or Blue. And yet the AI continue to go nuts. Shooting thru trees.trk
  9. Ok, I was hoping for a fix to this: Its been over two years. I'll continue to wait. Thanks for the response.
  10. No, it's not fixed - if I understand the above from the Change Log. Drag_Race.trk
  11. And with the latest update to, the mission in my OP runs now without crashing! With the caveat that FPS does drop to single digits at several points. So well done ED on performance improvements this patch.
  12. Also, jumping into a M270, rearming gives the "Unable to start replenishment; unit is in motion." result. Same or similar bug?
  13. Desert Summer is the only one available for me? Looks really odd in the Caucasus. No problem with the Red armor I glanced at, lots of choices.
  14. Give it a "CAS" task and some enemy ground units within range, and it should just work. I like keeping its altitude to above 8500' or so. Reaper vs 4 T-90 tanks.miz
  15. @Flappie, this appears fixed, yes?
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