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Everything posted by The_GOZR

  1. Actually the frame rate loss is huge..
  2. Mig29A and Su25A ... :) Fabulous!!
  3. SU25T with no wings challenge download track Funny things Look well at the track.. And i can't remember how to look from the external view... Dumb me..
  4. By loading the mods all other mods will be gone with the meini .. Or switch the meini file with your old one each time..
  5. I saw thx but... I downloaded the mission and the map is empty.. Me.. No.. Compreded !! ;)
  6. BS ED moved to DX9 so should be no prob. Well IMO many guys will stick to Lockon for quite some time since they want to fly jets ..
  7. Is there any map sample ?
  8. Broken my 2 wings on a su-25T and still flying no problem .. Got a reccording ;)
  9. but my MOD's is not free Well you'll get plenty of friends that way..
  10. Fllying online is the best fun you can have 100% agree
  11. To me lesser missiles better it will be.. better Fights ( Old School style ) :) Nothing better than close combat..
  12. A fake? http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=PThwvrYiTx8
  13. Woo !!! magnific !
  14. OK here a solution.. I tweaked and tweak to finaly find something that may fix this problem well actually this did fix the problem to me .. ;) And enjoying my "FUll" setting The problem is located on the "near_clip" many are using it too low so they should try this one.. You can just add this to the graphics.cfg file ... GOZR { near_clip = 3; middle_clip = 5.; far_clip = 80000; structures = {120, 7000}; trees = {10000, 9000}; dynamic = {300, 20000}; objects = {3000, 40000}; mirage = {3000, 7500}; surface = {14000, 100000}; lights = {200, 150000}; lod = 1.2; } Please lets me know if this helped to others. thx
  15. Well i have the same trouble with the black windows pit.. in the other hand with the ADA + A10 all good..\ Kungfu all panels instead of full It must be an other solution because this problem by pass is not a solution .. I'm sure something can be done.. lets try to find it. Thx BTW: As soon as you leave the gears down you can see well..
  16. Well here something to do after this great A10's Weekend addon from SIMMOD hosted by the "104th Phoenix" www.104thphoenix.com Can one server can do the same for ADA? , Something for a weekend ? www.ada-mod.org I'm sure many will thanks the host. This will be also a great opportunity for many screenshots :) Thx
  17. One of the skin have a typo.. "German Europoean" one "o" to many ;)
  18. Make some great Screenshots :)
  19. Well this is a great opportunity for ED's designers and others to take pictures for models.. ;) Nice skins btw !
  20. Well I have "Split Frame Rendering" Forced ( a must ) Vista Ultimate 32bit I get well above 120 fps ( 174.85 Beta ) 174.74 had an SLI trouble for me.... It's easy to do this by the Nvidia profiler no need of this troubled Nhancer this can cause troubles for many so use it with caution.. To see if you are using SLI i mean Really use it.. check the Show SLI Visual Indicator in your Nvidia controls.. I've seen many loosing SLI faculty due to nhancer.
  21. Well well Here a first for me my mirrors are gone when flying online.. Anyone got the same? a trick ? Thx
  22. This is great now our targets got prettier !!!
  23. Did you check if you had any other A10 textures Temp laying around?
  24. This modify the meinit
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