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  1. We've just opened an experimental discord channel for the first time, and our lead FM dev will be there as an active team member by now. Check the link: https://discord.gg/eUPQgfTA
  2. Hi, it's mostly a stat card & name change, plus a few tweaks to match the acclaimed mach number, while not changing the overall kinematic range. Thanks. uboats might be busy squashing bugs.
  3. Hi, we apologise on the longer-than-expected delay. Both issues (DL & this) were well communicated and pushed through the internal system. At the mean time we look for workarounds when waiting for an API fix, as @uboats is striving to do. Thank you.
  4. Fuel flow depends on speed and altitude,at the same altitude, faster means more fuel flow,Fulcrum is so much faster than Thunder.
  5. 你是在游戏里问别人黄色网站的网址吗?我给你一个?
  6. 飞机贴图能再优化下就好了
  7. F5E要有台湾涂装你岂不是要笑醒:music_whistling:
  8. 我也是复制到新电脑上没有声音, 重新下了。
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