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  1. I still die 100% of the time from any missile hit after the update. I have about 14 instances since the last update where I've been hit by a missile, mostly aa-8s and aa-11s and was killed each time. While not a huge sample set I dont see any difference than before and all shots were from the rear quarter.
  2. Is the low detail and less than low detail area at least equivalent to MSFS 10 satellite terrain texture from 25K feet and up? For carrier ops I won't be flying below 25K but would like the view to be better than a blurry brown texture until I get to the detailed areas.
  3. I wish we could see system failures occurring as a result of damage or a cascade of issues happening as systems relying on each other fail. This would require one to know the emergency procedures and apply them properly to mitigate or reduce the impact of the damage as you nurse the jet back to friendly territory hopefully making it before you have to eject.
  4. Since owning the F-18 module any missile hit from any angle the damage is very binary for me. Either the missile hits and it is instant pilot kill or it hits and there is only minor damage that has near zero effect on aircraft performance and systems. Occasionally the radar and HUD are INOP. I dont think I ever ejected from a hornet except just to mess around or quit a game.
  5. Without significant air and ground AI, GCI, ATC improvements the whole concept of getting a dynamic campaign is silly. Considering how the AI behaves and reacts to practically scripted commands in mission editor the dynamic campaign will be a complete flop. I watched 4 ai AH-64-Ds circle a set of zsu-23-4 till they all got shot down. A pair of A-10 desperately searched for ground targets from 22K feet at 157kts only to blunder into an SA-6 site and get shot down. None of the AI even fired a shot.
  6. If it hasn't been added to this point it probably isn't possible to simulate shrapnel. They do need to figure out something though as this is completely unrealistic.
  7. I dont think shrapnel damage is simulated in DCS
  8. After closing the first error this is the second error I get which can only be stopped by disabling the application in task manager.
  9. Unfortunately this did not work for me but my error message is also slightly different. null
  10. If it takes over 4 years to develop this and it's still not done I doubt it will happen. Also, the damage model on the f-18 is very rudimentary at best, the tomcat is a little better. To date I have only had a binary damage result, plane is fine after a hit or pilot dead in the f-18. Until we get a detailed damage model there is no point to have a barricade. While I would love to see one I dont see a use for it at this time.
  11. ruxtmp

    Iraq Assets

    I don't see any new assets being added to the entire game by ED. The best they did is a paid WW2 pack and add a modder's assets. Other than the Normandy WW2 map and Caucus map the game is missing large amounts of equipment for nations represented in maps being sold. I don't see how any dynamic campaign will be created for maps other than for Caucus and Normandy. The rest of the maps do not contain more than a sprinkling, if any, of equipment used by the nations represented on the map. Not sure what the impediment to creating assets is other than lack of return on investment. But at the rate some of the modders are able to pump out mods I would think the effort on a dedicated resource would be small except for maybe creating the 3D object and painting it.
  12. ruxtmp

    Iraq Assets

    Good luck, I doubt we will see any assets added for any map by ED. We basically have the same units from the original game. Mods are going to be your best option. Hopefully a modmaker will take up your request.
  13. I'm hopeful that the Heatblur AI will happen but I think its too far away with all that is on their plate to realistically to expect before the whole game is obsolete.
  14. There is Dynamic ATC which is in the works.
  15. I've been avoiding new maps since release of Sinai as there is limited equipment to populate them accurately or one must heavily rely on mods. Biggest gap is the lack of naval assets of countries represented in these regions.
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