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Everything posted by Veteran66

  1. The DCS Updater GUI Utility work https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=160053
  2. ok thx for your answer, so it is to complex for a SHOOT and HIT script.
  3. i try this script: -- event handlers: HitEventHandler = {}; -- function - event handler for aircraft: function HitEventHandler:onEvent(event) if event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_HIT then local _initiator = event.initiator local _initname = _initiator:getName() if _initname == "Unit1" then trigger.action.setUserFlag(1, true) end end end world.addEventHandler(HitEventHandler) i get the Flag1 whin the Unit1 is hit. better way is: PLANE1 SHOOT- UNIT1 IS HIT = FLAG1 TRUE http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/DCS_event_hit Initiator : The unit object the fired the weapon Target: The Object that was hit. but how i can this write in my script?
  4. Hi Stonehouse Maybe i find a way, this time i work for a small script "FLAK1 true when PLANE1 SHOOTING" :)
  5. Hi all I test the Condition: MISSION SCORE HIGHER THAN (offline) and PLAYER SCORES MORE it will not trigger the Actions (Text to all) PLAYER SCORES LESS will work fine what is wrong?
  6. Hi Stonehouse Look at my post above UNIT SHOOT TRIGGER + UNIT DEAD TRIGGER = TRIGGER ACTION SOUND TO ALL UNIT SHOOT TRIGGER = so the own Planes are in combat UNIT DEAD TRIGGER = the enemy is shoot down TRIGGER ACTION SOUND = the script make activ a Flag so i can set in Editor Flag1 trigger Play sound Pikey`s Moose script is the first script who will work for me (i am a script noob), not optimal but work :)
  7. Thx Pikey i make some tests and it work fine, can you add: Tank: Flag 10 Plane: Flag 20
  8. Hi Stonehouse The damage sound is not the problem it work fine. The UNIT DAMAGE or UNIT DEAD trigger a Soundfile my problem is, AA (Flak) is shooting down a enemy plane and the DAMAGE or DEAD Sound file is play the Soundfile. I will have: only friend plane is shooting down enemy plane = UNIT DEAD Trigger is play sound file. UNIT SHOOT TRIGGER + UNIT DEAD TRIGGER = TRIGGER ACTION SOUND TO ALL So when the enemy plane crash on start or is shoot down by a AA, no sound is play. The sound will play only when the player group plane is shoot down the enemy plane.
  9. i will set a Radio call like "Horrido! Indianer go down" so when a AA shoot down the Enemy plane the Radio call will play, but only a german plane will shoot the radio call will play. (sorry for my bad english)
  10. Hi all I need a working script like: Bf109 shoot P51 = Flag1 or Group1 shoot Group2 = Flag1 how i can make this? http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/DCS_event_hit Event = {S_EVENT_HIT id = 2, time = Time, initiator = Unit, weapon = Weapon target = Object }
  11. this will not work for me: ARM_ShotHandler = {} function ARM_ShotHandler:onEvent(event) if event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_SHOT then local wpn = event.weapon local wpnType = wpn:getTypeName() if wpnType == “MG_131” then MESSAGE:New("Plane shot Gun",15,"Alert!"):ToAll() end end end world.addEventHandler(ARM_ShotHandler)
  12. Hi all I look for a script plane group fires = Flag1 on The Plane Group is Bf-109K-4 i try this, but it will not work: local Plane = UNIT:FindByName( "Plane" ) Plane:HandleEvent( EVENTS.Shot ) --- -- @param Wrapper.Unit#UNIT self -- @param Core.Event#EVENTDATA EventData function Plane:OnEventShot(EventData) if EventData.WeaponName == "weapons.MG_131" then MESSAGE:New("Plane shot Gun",15,"Alert!"):ToAll() local Task = EventData.IniGroup:TaskOrbitCircle( 5000, 450 ) EventData.IniGroup:pushTask( Task, 30 ) end end
  13. Hi all How i can switch a Waypoint off/on?
  14. This is my first Mod for DCS i do not know what JSGME need for funktion. The Install is the DCS World main folder, maybe it will work with JSGME? C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World
  15. I would like blend in with the radio menue a flight map in my mission Briefing pictures is to small and kneeboard is bad for User missions install
  16. The briefing screen picture is to small
  17. Hi all I would like to show a picture in game (mission) Is there a script or other possibilities?
  18. yes, some voices are not in german, was too much work for me. My english is not the best, so i need alwas a translater for the radio call layouts (thx ram0506 for your work).
  19. There are sound files only for german side, it do not overwrite any org. DCS Files. I make it last year on the existing radio call layout what make for modern jets. The speech is WW2 (Jägersprechverkehr) with modern Radio call layout ;) Hope for good WW2 Radio calls in DCS too :)
  20. still waiting for "CA WWII Assets Pack" gameplay Video Firefly vs Tiger1 and PzIV vs Sherman
  21. is in the Alpha some WW2 Vehicles inside? maybe some Combined Arms Videos :)
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