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Everything posted by Creature_1stVFW

  1. What action on the CP do I need to map to get the pilot's kneeboard to work?
  2. How do I get it show up on the kneeboard without Shift K?
  3. How do I get the kneeboard to work?
  4. Been waiting for this! Finally here and I love it. Just wish ED would make other pilots beside the Caucasian male. Always have to edit the .dds file to make my pilot look like me. Not a big deal, just an observation.
  5. I followed the Warthog Project also. His warp is on the entire screen, but mine is in the center like yours @kenpilot. What is the key bind to warp the screen once I’m in DCS?
  6. The surfaces don’t always droop when the jet shuts down.
  7. Those are GBU-12s being loaded in the video. The bomb body IS a BDU-50, but once the CCG and fins are installed, it becomes a GBU-12. I'm an F-16C weapons load tech, so I'm just dropping you some knowledge my friend.
  8. BDU 50 is the exact same as a BDU 45. 50 is Air Force, 45 is Navy.
  9. Ripple single, release pulses as needed, spacing 999, 400 kts. at 2000ft. That will give you a great footprint. That’s what I use.
  10. Headed to the tanker Dropping some hate!
  11. I love it too @ Panther. I also have over 20 active duty years on Vipers as a Weapons Troop and still work them as a contractor here at Luke. When I OP’d this thread, I thought I would share something that was told to me by a member of my VFS who is also a Viper Crew Chief. I had no idea that was actually how it works IRL. I’ve done thousands of ICTs and didn’t know that they opened the door to Hotpit. How would I, I’m a weapons troop right? Thanks for teaching this old guy something. Knowledge is power!
  12. That’s kinda what I said....
  13. There is a work around for refueling the jet on the ground with empty external tanks. Open the refueling door, and ask for refuel. The tanks will start to take on fuel. I don’t know if it works for other jets. I was told this by a squadron mate, and it works. Give it a try. Hope it helps.
  14. Agreed. I work on Vipers, and it’s not like that IRL.
  15. Will that update include the new clouds, or just the Hornet features? Either way, I’m looking forward.
  16. Great stuff. Looks like Hornet is going to have a great update day.
  17. They’re probably showing off the new clouds.
  18. Can anyone tell me where I can find this .dds file? I've been searching for it for a while with no luck. Also looking for the A10CII pilot texture. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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