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Everything posted by Pinello

  1. I have a corrupt installation (file system), and will do do a fresh install of Windows and DCS (current same SSD-disk). I'm able to start DCS, but everything crash from there, also DCS_updater. Install will be on the same machine, possibly different IP-adress. Is there anything I should/can do to release the licences before I do this? I will probably not be able to anything with tools present installed in current DCS folder (will crash).
  2. ..and post fra the Big Nuts 2017: "I would like to know more about the harrier fm. Its an Afm not a pfm right? The main reason i play dcs is because the fm's are so realistic, mi8, mig15, sabre etc etc... So how realistic is the harrier fm? I know the mirage had issues for a long time so im skeptical. I see a lot of modules in the works for razbam, im just worried dcs will start filling up with mediocre flight models which may break the magic for me. Ive seen the new harrier video and there is no mention of the fm, just 'oh wow it looks good and has shooty things on it'. A concerned hard core dcs fan." It walks like a duck.
  3. Interesting post: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3819482&postcount=1
  4. Seeing your setup, do you know if you are constrained by CPU or GPU? Any OC to the CPU?
  5. From the hardware thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3797666&postcount=11
  6. He's mainly selling hardware for DIY FFB Yokes and moving platforms, so I guess he is more of a competitor. Maybe we could fly the Hornet with a FFB Yoke!
  7. Or you can use the telemetry data itself to calculate the forces. But that needs deep understanding of aerodynamics. Like this guy has done: http://bffsimulation.com/CL_Software.php Maybe he is interested in some cooperation..
  8. Anyone compared the Oculus Touch against the Vive controllers in DCS?
  9. My understanding was that ordering extra accessories (base station) was ment do be done after the kickstarter campaign ended. But I cant see where to do that. Did I miss the boat on that one?
  10. And a brushless motor: https://www.ebay.com/itm/High-torque-3-8N-m-12V-DC-motor-DC-high-power-600w-resolver-brushless-servomotor/222596428686?hash=item33d3c7f38e:g:-NkAAOSwJLJZfAnF
  11. Debolesis, does both: https://www.shapeways.com/product/7HQPSPLBE/locking-nut-f-15-version?optionId=63467278 https://www.shapeways.com/product/ZGV4GEZ23/locking-nut-f-16-version?optionId=63467281 ..fit on: https://www.shapeways.com/product/QDSU4NS69/force-feedback-2-to-thrustmaster-adapter-120mm?optionId=63770860 ?? Regards
  12. Yes, sorry it was a stepper. But weak? 188W/peak current 28A/18 kgf.cm. Do you have a link to info for the motor you are using? Regards
  13. What would be a good afordable motor? Could this be something: https://www.ebay.com/itm/3D-CNC-Nema-23-Wantai-Brushless-DC-Motor-3000RPM-24VDC-188W-57BLF03/141213228688?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 Edit: Sorry, that was a stepper..
  14. Great. What would be the extra cost of making it 12cm height? And will it be stiff/rigid, or just limp..?
  15. And maybe make the FFB2 adapter in difrent "extention" lengths?
  16. How much for the control panel? Regards
  17. And some more inspiration for the mechanical side of things: http://www.simprojects.nl/flight_stick.htm
  18. I guess you know this, but there are several g-set projects over at: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/forums/diy-motion-simulator-projects.22/ ..but Bergisons g-seat is the gold standard!
  19. ..and now a stick: http://bffsimulation.com/Gallery/BFF_Flight_Stick_1000.JPG
  20. Seems like the guys in Flyinside who put their money where their mouth is, has done some thinking through..:
  21. Touch are here, a "standard", and working. The rest is wishware (yes, I know of Leap Motion)
  22. Some inspiration: http://vs4.irisdynamics.com/magnetic-force-feedback-joysticks/
  23. Any plans for Touch support in cockpit? Like Flyinside:
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