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  • Birthday 01/01/1955

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL-2
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  • Interests
    flightsim, sim racing, retrogaming, model railroading, military history

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  1. Yes, I have been holding off flying Reflected Simulation's great Mossie campaign until we can get at least a navigator's body in the cockpit. In that "other" WW2 flight sim, having that live animated navigator next to you in the Mossie really adds alot to immersion (except when he's passing gas LOL)
  2. Doses this mean there is a Hellcat campaign in the works?
  3. Now DCS is REALLY COOKING with the Pacific stuff!!!!!
  4. Plus he passes gas from time to time
  5. Reflected: Dont sell yourself short! I, for one, have bought many a module only after and because you made a campaign for it. For example, I wasnt gonna buy the Mossie. You made a campaign for it so I bought it just to fly your campaign. I wasnt gonna buy the p47, but I bought it just to fly your campaign. I wasnt gonna buy the bf-109, but I bought it just to fly your campaign. I wasnt gonna buy the FW-190 but I bought it just to fly your campaign. I dont even like jets much, but I got the F14 because you made a campaign for it. I have a strong feeling many others have been so motivated to fill DCS' money pockets because of your work and DCS knows it. Therefore you probably have a lot more influence then you realize! Make them get to work on the PTO stuff!
  6. I know a lot of people who use it and dont get sick. Conversely I know alot of people who get sick just using VR. It all depends on the person I guess.
  7. There is a free VR program called Necksafer thats been around a long time which allows you to see behind you (or above you if you want) without turning your head much, a lot like tracIr does. I do ALOT of dogfighting and without it my 70 year-old neck would'nt last 5 minutes!
  8. Incredible! But if its for VR you will not see the cockpit. What am I missing? If I had that cockpit, no way would I want VR!
  9. I want it! How do we get it???
  10. Those lousy crew chiefs! They've been drinking their holiday cheer early this year! I didnt mean to imply there was a problem with the campaign, I know its ED's fault. I just found it hard to believe it had anything to do with fictional cold weather. But what do I know? Maybe this will get my lazy behind to learn a full start-up procedure. I did once for the P51 many moons ago.
  11. That doesnt make any sense if true. In all my years flying DCS planes with auto-start, never saw or heard of a auto-start procedure being "not being fined tuned for cold weather." Why would ED allow such a thing? Hope it can be corrected or changed. I too lazy to do full start-ups and if auto-start does not work all the time in this campaign, I sadly will have to skip it.
  12. Same issue. One time, when I hit autostart a second time after the right engine started, the left engine started. But after taxing a little while, it stopped.
  13. I recently stopped using my second HF8 pad. A speaker stopped working in a couple months in my first one. They sent me a second one under the warrantty and a speaker in that one stopped working after about 6 months. I could never get the HF8 software to work properly for any flight or racing game for either pad and the HF8 support didnt help at all. I now just use my old Buttkicker 2 which works 200 percent better. Also, I was never crazy about sittting on the HF8 seat pad. It's uncomfortable becaue of those hard speakers.
  14. What about a Korean Era campaign for the MIG-15bis, Reflected??? Please, Pretty Please???
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