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Everything posted by Canadus
Mit ner 7900 XTX hab ich den Regler auch komplett auf Maximum und auch keine Probleme. Mit Installation auf M2 und 32GB Ram auch nicht wirkliche lange Ladezeiten.
Still fiddling around with my FSR settings. Performance increased by roughly 35-40%, but not yet fully happy with the look of it.
Advice on best product for bass shaker installation
Canadus replied to markturner1960's topic in Input Devices
Wow. Great. It`s exactly what I have in mind for my setup (using the same chair as you...) I plan to use 2x Dayton Audio BST-2, which come in at 35W max each. Did plan to attach the Amp to the chair, but your solution seems to work better, when planning to deattach everything. How do you like your 2 shakers? Do you think that`s it too much or do you feel it`s just perfect, mounted on your seat? I`m asking, as your shakers would correspond to Dayton`s BST-1. Did you also mount some transducers to your pedals? I`m keen on trying that as well (most likely by using some small Dayton TT-25), plus maybe mounting a 5th small shaker to my stick. -
Advice on best product for bass shaker installation
Canadus replied to markturner1960's topic in Input Devices
Would be interested in some pictures of your setup, as I plan to upgrade my jetseat as well & attach some shakers to my swedish office chair -
Correct. I did preorder in the Global Shop, as their european warehouse is out of stock all the time. No need for any payment, before your item is ready for shipping. You have to pay tax & customs though, when shipping to the EU. Maybe keep that in mind.
Just a quick update for anyone, hesitating to preorder with WinWing; it took them only 7 days, to process my preorder and send me info for payment. That‘s way faster than expected. I also did like the fact, that you only have to pay, once you‘re item is in stock again.
34 Zoll Alienware Curved. War zwar etwas über meinem eigentlichen Budget, aber ich bin suuuuper zufrieden.
That‘s great news. Thx for the info.
Looking to Purchase WinWing Setup but have a couple of questions
Canadus replied to iQyThradz3137i's topic in Winwing
Can second that one. Working like a charm, for quite some years now. -
What‘s your disappointment with the elevation funtionality? And how‘s your opinion on the throttle in general? Did you buy the EX version (rumble feature?!)
Fine with me. I‘m not even planning to fly a F-15 with it …
If only it would be re-stocked in the shop. My first impression on the VKB-Throttle is a bit too much plastic & not enough buttons & switches for my personal taste. So WinWing will win here & I‘m ready to throw my money at them…
Yep. Same here in Europe. I‘m leaning towards WW nowadays. If only their gear would be available in the european shop.
What? They‘re teasing us Europeans with those Youtube-Videos, but I can‘t order it yet
Kann ich so unterschreiben. Ich krieg meine GPU, wenn ich wollte, komplett ausgelastet, während sich der Ryzen irgendwo langweilt. Ich hab dann allerdings auch richtig gute FPS und gute Grafik. Allerdings sehe ich die CPU ebenfalls als primär an, wenn man aufrüstet & vom nem halbwegs guten Prozessor kommt. Ich kam von nem 6 Jahre alten Xeon und der war einfach fällig, weshalb das komplette System neu geplant wurde.
Prinzipiell stimm ich dir zu. Wenn ich mir die Performance in klassischem 2D, ohne Raytracing, DLSS, u.Ä. anschaue, schneidet die 7900 XTX, ggüber zB der 4080 richtig gut ab. Für mich war einfach der Preis und das massive VRam ausschlaggebend. Und trotzdem tat ich mich eeeeetwas schwer mit der Entscheidung und hab viele, viele Vergleiche geschaut & gelesen.
Zwar kein VR, sondern „nur“ 2K, aber trotzdem mal mein Senf… Hab nach fast 2 Jahren Pause ein komplett neues System auf die Beine gestellt. Bin begeistert vom 7800X3D. Hab allerdings aus Kostengründen nicht zur 4090 gegriffen & erst einmal auf die 7900 XTX gesetzt. Bisher richtig gute FPS bei allen Details. Würde ich was ändern, wenn ich nochmal ans Reißbrett würde? Vielleicht doch auf ne 4090 sparen Nicht falsch verstehen; ich bin gar nicht unzufrieden. Es bleibt nur erstmal diese doofe Stimme, die auf der rechten Schulter sitzt, wenn man wieder auf ne AMD Grafikkarte wechselt. Muss ich mich noch von frei machen
I agree. Plus, I‘m really satisfied with the quality of my Gunfighter & my sticks, having used them for years now. I‘m interested in the MkIV Gunfighter base as well, as I would like to have the ability to just swap sticks, without having to flash my blackbox first.
Back into DCS after 2 years & want to finally retire my TWCS. Not really interested to buy the Virpil one or go for the Warthog throttle in 2023, so WW seems like the best option. Cold-War era jets at the moment. But lots of buttons on the throttle could not hurt, right Good point. Wasn‘t thinking about the customs.
I wanted to pull the trigger on a WinWing Throttle right now, but did notice, that the F-15EX can only be preordered right now. Is there any info, when those Grips will be available? Should I go for a Throttle-Combo with the F-18 Grips instead?
Ah okay. Now I see. Also had some issues with my Stick not functioning correct & buttons not being working. Removing the extension and connecting the grip to the base directly did solve that problem. Now we need that throttle of VKB to drop...
Finished building my Gaming-PC & re-installed DCS - after a 2 year pause Did hook up my Throttle, Pedals & my VKB Gunfighter Base plus F14 Stick. When running the Bootloader software, I get this screen, telling me that No Boot device has been found. At the same time, the right, red LED on the Blackbox is flashing red. Havn`t found any helpful tips on the net so far. What`s the issue here & where can I find some help for that? Regards, Dennis
Definitiv Vietnam Außerdem Skandiavien (Schweden / Norwegen) Da passen einige Module gut dazu, mit anderen lassen sich Was-wäre-wenn Missionen bauen.