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Everything posted by neok

  1. Hey guys, just build a new pc for DCS VR. Im running a 3070 and 5950x 32 gig ram and 980 pro m.2 drive and the G2. I have a problem with cpu frametime being at 22-25 ms. Even with all DCS setting on Low and 50% SS. I get 45-50 frames but with stutters. Is there a setting Im missing? CPU frame time should be much lower. I tried the following today with Ryzen master. Turned off SMT, then turned on Legacy Compatibility Mode (switches off ccd1 and Im left with 8 coes). Turned on Precision Boost Overdrive. Then switched to Auto overclock. .... Nothing Changed... still steady 22 to 25 cpu frametime. What in the hell is causeing this? I don’t think I’m getting peak clocks of 4.9ghz. Why would that happen?
  2. I like to bump this. Please can I have some help with this as well? I used these values in the MDG_strokesDefs.lua, but those don't seem to work any more after the update. stroke_thickness = 0.4 stroke_fuzziness = 0.2 -- Currently is used for DMC generated fonts black outline DMC_outline_thickness = stroke_thickness * 3 DMC_outline_fuzziness = stroke_fuzziness * 0.15 DMC_stroke_thickness = 0.4 DMC_stroke_fuzziness = 0.2
  3. hey feiercrack, I found a thread where it is explained: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1409442#post1409442
  4. yeah I would be interested in this as well
  5. Can I run the throttle without simproapp?
  6. If you sell the throttle separately, I'm buying one.
  7. Any update on when we get an official fix for the INS bug?
  8. Hey Miles! Very impressed with pointctrl! How is the development going? I will definitely buy one! Cheers, neok
  9. Yes! This would be so helpful navigating the comms menu in VR. Any updates on this? maybe a mod?
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