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Chopper A-10

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Everything posted by Chopper A-10

  1. Love my VAICOM PRO with VoiceAttack . .. works great. Here is my only issue. In single player mode I hear a mic click when I give a command using a PTT button. In multi-player there is nothing . . gives me the feeling that my commands are not being heard. They are, but would love to have the mic click. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help, Chopper
  2. Served 18 months on Guam, Anderson AFB . . this map will be good for sea ops . . creating missions to attack ships . . all other islands in the area are friendlies . . great place for a practice bombing range and carrier ops. Was in 8th Air Force Crash Rescue, we bombed Vietnam everyday, 24/7 Dec 69 thru May 71 when I was there. Lots of Naval and Air Force history played out in these islands . . rains there every day. Chopper kayla quick net worth
  3. ED . . any thought to making a mission 'locked' feature with a password so that it can't be changed. Example: Your mission is set to a specific time, you have labels/dots turned off making the attacks to be pure instrument and weapons systems more like a real mission, etc. Just a thought . . Chopper
  4. Having the same issues . . . flew last night, updated, VoiceAttack now not working . . was looking to see if other had same issue . .
  5. Thanks Rudel_chw . . . I had already tried that . . . found the problem just now! Three hours of my life that I'll never get back . . LOL I had painted names on the Hornet for a friend . . I sent him the files back using a ZIP file. I left the ZIP file in the livery folder . . apparently Mission Editor tried to use that ZIP file as a Hornet livery and that's what caused the problem. I sent my problem miz file to a friend who had no issues, so I knew it was on my end. Then I eliminated different aircraft and found it was only the Hornet . . then it hit me, removed the ZIP file and all is normal. Learn something everyday, thanks, Chopper
  6. It seems the problem is with the HORNET only . . can't delete aircraft . . .never saw these 'blue' full or half panels before. Really could use some help on this one
  7. "]http://[/url]
  8. I'm working on a new mission and somehow I've selected some OPTION that has eliminated me to select an existing aircraft that will show the right side column to set waypoints, altitude, select type of aircraft, etc. It shows a 'blank' blue area where the information should be. What ever I did also has effect other saved missions. Haven't a clue what I did, any help would be appreciated
  9. My launch bar switch is in the UP position prior to launch . . it still sparks on launch . . the launch bar in the 'down' position is 'straight down' don't remember that being that way. I have launch videos that shows NO sparks at all . . all I can confirm is that there has been a change.
  10. This should be a BUG . . I just tried it and now when you launch the 'launch bar' throws SPARKS almost half way down the catapult. I'm pretty sure that this is something new.
  11. Thanks guys . . . kind of figured it out . . I think I have the sequence, want Snap Views in VR using Voice Attack . . . ED does make it interesting!
  12. Been trying to setup Snap Views in Non-VR and VR I get the pre-set view to show by holding down the buttons (ex: LWIN+NumPad 4) it jumps to view then jumps on and off the view. Seen several videos in both VR and non-VR and the view is frozen until the command is given again. Any help will be appreciated, Chopper https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrks8bblvb0ub48/Snap%20View%20Issue.wmv?dl=0
  13. Formation Mission See if the attached is what you wanted . . you should be able to fly in formation with the other four aircraft. I don't have that aircraft, but it should work fine for you . . . let me know, Chopper Albatros L39 Formation Training Mission.miz
  14. Some of the aircraft have targets assigned to way-points, you designate your way-point as a target. Others you will have to find, others use a JTAC drone, etc. The first two aircraft (SEED) use way-points. I hope this answers your question . . if not, send me a PM and I'll try to answer.
  15. ] Operation Name: CLEAR ZONE Mission: Maintain Safe Passage of All Shipping Lanes In The Gulf of Oman Mission Area: Gulf of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz Objectives: Enforce Safe Shipping Lanes Through International Waters On June 19, 2019, the Iranians shot down a US Global Hawk drone with a SAM missile and was responsible for the attacks on two oil tankers, all operating in international waters, tensions in the Gulf of Oman are on high alert status. For MIZ file and PDF Mission Briefing click link below. MISSION FILE AND BRIEFING DOC UPDATED ON: 08/26/2019 NOW VERSION 1.1 https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3306058/ Chopper
  16. Thanks again guys for the input . . watched a lot of PS videos and with the input from above I was able to do exactly what I wanted for both the Tomcat and Hornet. Thanks, Chopper
  17. Thanks guys, I do appreciate the advice and feedback . . I do want to do this myself, so I am going to learn how changing names/aircraft #'s and full repaints are done. I've posted missions on this forum and I want to continue to build them and change aircraft as needed. Exactly the assistance I was looking for . . I now have a LOT more information to go forward with, thanks again!
  18. I haven't found one piece of documentation or YouTube video that shows how to access the layers. Sure it's easy if you done it before or maybe 100 times before, but mkosmo you are about as helpful as my wife with that answer. I have Photoshop and Paint.net . . I didn't say I knew how to use them. I'm just a dumb old pilot trying to change a name and number. I thought I might find some help here at DCS/HB, because I've exhausted all of the others with no success. When you are 70 and they have a software issues over your head, ask a question and sit back and wait for someone like mkosmo to give you feedback. As I stated in the beginning of this post . . "any help would be appreciated"
  19. Can someone help with directions/instructions on how using the newly release paint kit (HB-F-14_Paintkit-v1.0) for the Tomcat on how to change pilot/co-pilot names and also aircraft numbers (401, 402 etc.)?? Any help would be appreciated. Also if anyone is interested in teaching me . . perhaps on TeamViewer?? Thanks, Chopper
  20. Hollywood, Love your product . . have the latest installed with the AIRIO .. everything is working correctly (I think) . . two questions: Were do I see the version # of VoiceAttack and the AIRIO . . I see what I believe is the VA version in the boot script, but not the AIRIO. This is a very long thread topic in DCS's forum, if you have already answered this question already I'm sorry, I looked for it . . I fly only VR . . .will there be in the future updates giving a choice to have the Jester/Iceman Menu wheel available? I know for myself it would be a blessing . . hard to remember all the different commands under the goggles. Love how everything else has been working . . keep up the good work! Chopper
  21. Military Command has selected two target area for this operation. Sector 28A, the Minab Dam Sector 62P, The Islamic Republic of Iran Southern Railyard. These target areas are essential in containing the growth of military grade materials for the Iranian Nuclear Program. The Minab Dam is gearing up to produce high outputs of electricity and the railyard in critical in stopping the transportation of materials. This mission is the continuation of prior operations in the area; Operation Knockout, Operation Krypton and Operation Top Down. Operational orders came with the President’s approval for these two strikes. Mission Air Threats: Consist of SAM sites, AAA, and MIGs. MIGs/F-4s are on alert in both locations. Mission requires DCS Mod: US Navy Deck Equipment https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3301580/?sphrase_id=16148672 Mission available at: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3303571/ Download Mission Briefing below. Enjoy, Chopper Operation Strike Twice V1.1 BRIEFING.pdf
  22. My Hornet in VR works like WAGS video each time . . no issues locking targets . . .I've even tried moving targets . . works per his video.
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