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  1. A few comments: 1) The head strap that comes with it (and for some, the faceplate) is not good. As mentioned above, the Bobo or similar head strap is a must. 2) You really need to run the Quest 3 at the max resolution settings in the Link software and also up the bitrate in the debug tool to get the best visuals, but I have had zero issue with text on displays for the most part after these settings changes and is like night and day compared to my old Rift S 3) On quad-view foveated, you can add your own settings config file which puts the reduced resolution area more 'out of sight'. This worked really well for me and reduced the effect whilst maintaining the performance improvement.
  2. The Bobo VR headstrap is a must on the Quest 3 for me. Makes it super comfortable and great price
  3. Nobody listens. They want to stick with the drama and pontificating. I don't know why you guys bother sometimes. This real world GA pilot is super happy to continue the dream of flying fast jets via your simulation of the F-35A
  4. Again, does a half baked incomplete Hornet (way less fidelity than the DCS version) in BMS make it any less of a simulator? I don’t think so.
  5. You have no idea whats changed since then. Only ED do. Why is the first thought of these online communities 'dishonesty' and 'conspiracy'?
  6. ok, a PVP arcade game. DCS is a single player game for me. Quite frankly, I couldn’t give two hoots about PVE, PVP or balance. im not sure balance would exist in a real works environment anyway. In fact, I know it wouldn’t.
  7. War Thunder is and always will be an arcade game. It’s Ace Combat on steroids. DCS has never been such and never will be even with an F-35 in it. If ED couldn’t do it, they wouldn’t. It’s that simple. All this pontificating about a module that’s more than likely 2 years away is getting ridiculous, especially when the War Thunder comparison come out. It’s not even close. Also, BMS has a half baked Hornet in it. Does this mean BMS is also War Thunder?
  8. ED are making a flight simulator not defending a criminal charge in court. Honestly the self importance in here is off the charts.
  9. To confirm my opinion that I’m looking forward to this I asked myself as a C172 pilot that’s earmarked for an upgrade to a C182 if I thought this was a good choice for a DCS module. I said that it was a good choice because I will never get to fly one in real life and it would be great to have a sim of one that is as good as ED can make it. Thank you.
  10. Why does a module have to be 100% authentic or DCS becomes War Thunder? Seems a ridiculous statement. When Falcon first appeared on the Amiga I don't recall anyone thinking it was an arcade game? Even though the systems and realism of the F16 were not entirely there it did NOT turn Falcon into an arcade game. Neither will this F35 turn DCS into an arcade game.
  11. No, you prove it! Lord, give me a break. Its a game folks. Im out
  12. First off, you have no idea what I do. If you are a real military pilot you don't need to get your knickers in a twist over a simulated F35 in a game right?
  13. Lol. 'Those of us who know' Anybody posting here in a niche forum for a niche game is fully aware. Do you really believe ANY of the modules are fully accurate? I don't for one minute. Then again, I also don't pretend to be a real fighter pilot just because I play DCS. In fact, there are many armchair pilots on this forum that think they know MORE than the guys that actually fly (or used to) combat aircraft in real life. Its laughable.
  14. Electronic Warfare is barely modelled in DCS now. They will just make the RCS of the F35 smaller in the game. Bottom line, if you dont like it or its not modelled to your liking, don't buy it. Its that simple. Man, I remember it was much easier when we had vector graphics and playing F19, Falcon or Fighter Bomber on the Amiga. You got what you got and you were happy. Now its just a bunch of moaners and armchair 'experts' and 'lawyers'
  15. Hornet, A10 - they got the actual sounds. Boeing even helped with the Hornet. They clearly have all the permissions and project plan lined up. Why don't you just do them a favour and let them show what they can do? Ding, ding, we have a winner!
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