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About jamespejam

  • Birthday 10/24/1982

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Interests
    Heavy Metal
  • Occupation
    3D Designer

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  1. Thank you very much mate. I´ve played around with the values, and from the original 0.65 it seems to me that with a 0.8 IPD the scale of the instruments looks more believable, even though the rest of the cockpit seems too tiny with that value, at least feeling wise the panel looks better.
  2. I´ve learned some lessons, not sure if ED did.
  3. Amazing videos! Congrats!
  4. That is the only reason why I haven't got the P51. I am afraid of spending money on a clearly outdated model and suddenly there is a P-51D II trick. Should not be so complicated to be done either.
  5. Hi, I was trying to find information about this and could not find anywhere, so please excuse me if the topic turns out not relevant. I was really excited to get the L39, and during the free to play period I was finally able to test it, but one rather important aspect made me choose the Mig-15 instead; the cockpit and the gauges seems way too big in VR, the HSI seems to be as big as a my open hand, and I could not really feel like I was flying a small combat jet trainer. I don't know if it was just a false impression and think it´s possible to change the scale of the cockpit by the user of if it would be a way too big task at this stage. But wanted to know if anyone else shares this opinion. cheers.
  6. Amazing module that lacks some love to be finished and fix the remaining issues (the prop still rotating in the wrong direction says a lot). It looks like the new prop effect was not included in this bird either. That, together with the NS430 not working in VR after such long time is a shame with no good excuses.. shame on you ED.
  7. Sorry, yes, there´s a roughmet in the texture file, but the surfaces looks quite flat, with no much graining variation. There´s one layer hovering on top of the fuselage over the sides too: Any idea on when the new exterior model would be available? I am dying to work on some liveries for this little monster.
  8. Thank you for the functional search light!!!
  9. Awesome mod guys! I was really looking forward to this plane, and I WOULD PAY for this. High hopes on this one! It already seems to be quite fun and it´s amazing how complete and functional it is from the start, amazing! I will post some stuff that I think could be improved in the coming updates; MOD name shows in lower case, wouldn´t it be better as "EMB 314 / A-29B" or simply "Super Tucano"? Instant Action for sceneries other than Caucasus missing. Warning msg when starting from Instant Action Normal map texture missing? Low res interior texture. Marked switches are inverted in the mouse rh/lh clicks, a bit strange in the VR; Normal/Switch in the lower Bendix Comm - Flap Lever - Fuel & Hidr shutoff switch Strobe light in the wingtips has a black glare, while the lights do not glare when on. Pilot change when ejecting? Ground effect missing? Flap with only one down position? Stall is weird (freezes in space), same when flying inverted, on apex of looping, etc. Stall speeds too high? Even with low fuel and little load, stalls happen above 100 knots Stall alarm not working Roll speed too low ? Parking brake without keyboard binding Gear light indicator too weak (gear maneuvering red light too bright at night) Taxi light turns off when steering/not following nose gear movement Taxing too stiff while turning? No effect of different weight loads. Differential brake not working Braking efficiency too low? Seems to be a liner deceleration, should be more progressive "Brake on" indicator still illuminated after battery is set to "off" HUD brightness knob not working Night/day switch not working Light alarm test not working Storm light comes out nowhere/illuminates outside, but not visible when looking from outside view Battery never runs out of juice, generator inoperative fuel pump switch innoperative, start works even when it is "off" Congratulations for taking the lead on this one.
  10. It would be a cool thing if someone-who-can did a MOD, maybe using the Su25 or SU25T as a base, they are not super different. AMX SU-25 PERFORMANCE Maximum speed: 1053 km/h (654 mph, 569 kn) Maximum speed: 975 km/h (606 mph, 526 kn) Combat range: 889 km (552 mi, 480 nmi) hi-lo-hi profile, with 900 kg (1,984 lb) of external stores Combat range: 750 km (470 mi, 400 nmi) at sea level with 4,400 kg (9,700 lb) of ordnance and two external fuel tanks Ferry range: 3,336 km (2,073 mi, 1,801 nmi) Range: 1,000 km (620 mi, 540 nmi) Service ceiling: 13,000 m (43,000 ft) Service ceiling: 7,000 m (23,000 ft) Rate of climb: 52.1 m/s (10,260 ft/min) Rate of climb: 58 m/s (11,400 ft/min) ARMAMENT 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61A1 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling cannon (Italian aircraft) 1 × 30 mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 autocannon with 250 rounds 2× 30 mm (1.181 in) Bernardini Mk-164 cannon (Brazilian aircraft) 5 Hardpoints up to 3800 Kg 11 Hardpoints up to 4,400 Kg I wish i knew how to do it
  11. It´s being 3 years now.. anything to share? it´s being mostly 3D modeling so far but not much info about weapons, version, two seater, systems, customization (removable armor shield?).. it has being a quite silent development and somehow frustrating for the ones following it. :(
  12. Congratulations for this AMAZING module that out stands some payware aircraft! Going professional is a major step and I assume the whole community is really looking forward to see you guys succeeding in this adventure! Would be great if you guys could keep the MB339 still working on DCS, even if without upgrades, but I have no idea how hard it might be. I personally wish we could see more italian aircraft in the future, and the AMX is in the top of my mind when I think about it. Grazie e ti auguro tutto il meglio!
  13. Nice pics of the cockpit WIP; As a eternal lover of Activision´s A-10 Cuba, I say it looks good enough for me :D
  14. Never forgotten!:pilotfly:
  15. Thank you very much Eagle Dynamics! It is perfect to try the modules and avoid regreting getting this instead of that! I am testing every module in a kind of each era / kind at once, comparing modules with the ones I had. So far the ones that were added to my wishlist: FW 190-A8 Sooo advance for this era ofa viation, he Anthon more fun to fly in low altitude then the Dora Mig 21 A piece of art, kind of intuitive to fly and sooooo fast L-39 It´s way more advanced hen expected, lot of armaments to choose, very welll detailed UH-1 I NEVER liked flying helis, until I´ve tryed this one, I am still clumsy on landings but getting better andahaving fun with how easy it is to fly and how cool it is to deploy thousands of ammo in the bad guys from different gunner positions F-16 The modern birds are not exactly my kind, too much computers and too less feeling of flight for me, but the field of view with this bird and how easy to handle it is (I am almost not killing everyone in the tankers anymore) makes the falcon the real deal of this generation From my personal hangar could see how some of the previously owned modules are quite cool indeed: YAK Does everything the pitts does and with more pleasure to fly, a couple of things more in the systems. A better damage model would add fun to this one though. F-5 Really matches the MIG 21 but it´s simplicity and efficiency, the precision of the cannons and the air to air combat (even though the air to ground capability of the Mig21 is much better). One of the coolest damage models (I see them wait to often).
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