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About Agent_Scarn

  • Birthday 06/24/1979

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Gaming, TV series

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  1. LMAO. I am really crying here...
  2. I think it depends on what is "fun" for you. Some people find A2A fun and A2G boring, others (like me) the opposite. If you are an A2G person then there is no airplane more fun then the A-10C. If you want both then F-16 and F-18 is your airplane of choice. I personally love the F-16. The only thing I find interesting in the F-18 is the carrier operations. Also eventually I believe the F-15E is going to be the Jack of all trades... eventually. Give it a year or so. So, to sum up. Is F-18 boring? It is certainly not. It takes off and lands from carriers and can do everything very well. But it's not one of my favorites.
  3. Go to controls in DCS, go to the f-16 (or whatever airplane you want), select axis commands, go to pitch and/or roll, select axis tune at the bottom and at the new window if there is any jitter (red dot). If there is, add deadzone from the options to the right.
  4. Yes, it happens to me too and it's always the last one
  5. They did. Baltic Dragon released it just before the update. He said that it wouldn't be included in the update because he didn't have time. Here it is https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/85f/sgxnzkzq0fqpsucpok0lll15wtw5n5m2/DCS_F-15E_Flight_Manual_EN.pdf
  6. Same here. GBU 31/3 x2 just don't show up. GBU 31/1 x 2 works just fine
  7. I didn;t have any problems with the "L" or "R" stations, I did have aproblem with the 5 (middle) station. It wouldn't cycle to it. What I did was put the 5 station in a different PROG on it's own. That did the trick.
  8. Good to hear. I forgot to mention that it only happens when my TPOD is on. When I turn it off the flashing stops
  9. I think the problem is more intense since today's update (16/11). I can't be sure. Here is my track. Screen flash.trk
  10. Yes. Here it is. Like I said it's more evident when it's getting dark, so late in the track. https://mega.nz/file/ejxhwRaa#d677Jy696NoadJC7lEcfPgtLq0AOvpakb8a-PGstjeU
  11. I have the white flashing screen problem too. It's on all the maps and it is more evident during night missions. Here is a short video. 00:19 00:51 01:15
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