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About Falcon41

  • Birthday May 30

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    New Zealand

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  1. I'm still thinking its underpowered. I was just at an airfield with no stores on at all and 25% fuel weighing around 16500lb and wouldn't VTOL off the ground unless the engine was pushed way past 100% with water on.
  2. I can't even get past the login screen, the login button is completely unresponsive
  3. Same here, no audio for the rwr or missile launch warning
  4. Both me and a friend experienced this last night on every 16 we flew
  5. Thanks for the info DmitriKozlowsky, I was having issues with the DMT and TPOD competing for SOI and never occurred to me to turn the DMT off!
  6. I'd rather that they just finish the M-2000 first because to be fair it was released before the harrier. Get it 100% and then forget about it and move on to having more resources dedicated to the harrier. I appreciate they have a guy full time on the harrier but RAZBAM could do with ticking modules off their to do list
  7. Great, thanks for the info Zarma. Interestingly it looks like you can select point tracking whilst the TPOD has the F NOT READY message displayed, but is then not accessible when the message goes away
  8. I've just come across this, I take it there's still no fix?
  9. So did this get concluded as a non-bug work in progress model then?
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