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  1. Not only Refurbished F-5E but also Normal/Standard F-5E. Same issues. From cockpit and from external view. HORRIBLE FPS DROPS AND STUTERING. MAY BE both are renderd in same time. One inside another version
  2. This aircraft is equiped with new features: TACAN, Radios, UFC , IFF like in F-16C, New Color MPD with SA page and Navigation page. It would be GREAT to fly such plane. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/MiG-29#/media/Plik:Polski_mig_29_kokpit.JPG
  3. Same here
  4. Kola map is lacking airfield`s radio navigation aids such as NDB, RSBN/ PRMG. I would like to know when Orbx is going to complete. Actually IFR is impossible to perform with MiG- 15, F-86, MiG-19, MiG-21. Only FC-3/24 planes are able to perform IFR approach and landing. Just two airfields are equipped wit TACAN and VOR. Some ILS. All russian side has ZERO aids but Murmanks INTNL has ILS. When KOLA will acheve Caucasus standard? "Thanks for Your passion and support"
  5. same here FC-3 reinstallation makes nothing. Each DCS restart same message. All my FC-3 planes are disabled !!! <profanity>
  6. Sometimes when air spawn. BALT and ATTH do not funcion.
  7. Historically: 1) F-86 top speed from 0 ft to 30 000 ft was superior to MiG-15 bis ( in DCS MiG-15 top speed is slightly higher. It is wrong. Not historical ) 2) F-86 acceleration in level flight was almost same as MiG-15 Bis ( in DCS MiG-15 accelerate faster than F-86. It is wrong. Not historical ) 3) F-86 acceleration in dive was significantly better than MiG-15 bis ( in DCS MiG-15 accelerate faster in dive. It is completely wrong. MiG-15 has much worse CX, especially its wings ) 4) F-86 can fly supersonic in dive and still manouver. MiG-15 is not able to do that. In dive F-86 should outrun and outmanover easily the MiG. ( in DCS it is problematic ). 5) Only advantages of MiG-15 bis historricaly is better acceleration in climb. Better climb rate, Higher maximum ceiling. ( DCS well modeled ) 6) Sabre advantage historically is better acceleration in dive, top speed at any altitude, better turn rate at hi speed, able to run supersonic while dive and outrun quickly MiG-15. ( in DCS it is slightly problematic ) Coclusions: F-86 in DCS has wrong CX. To small top speed at level flight and accelerate while dive very much to slowly.
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  8. Also canopy glass in almost each cockpit is milky in pure day light
  9. Old Roughmets should be replaced by new ones. In all aircraft and objects. It is not reallistic now in new light environement. Everything shine like a hell. Matt coat shine as metal in some angles of view
  10. Can edit only Squawk. When acces by List. When access by IFF shortcut not editable at all
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  11. Since last updates. I got serious FPS drops in AG mode. MPDS in modes TGP & Maverick . From 90 FPS to evn 30 FPS. Stuttering
  12. Crazy pitch behavior near and not far from neutrum. Small amount of stick pull and plane react like crazy to hi pitch. I think internal curve should be adjusted by developers. Ailerons also weird. After input on ailerons for exaple left, plane roll lefft mostly endless. Counter roll input is very difficult to adjust because plane commence roll opposite instead of stop roll. Mirage is very unstable on this axe. Is it normal ? Difficult, unstable platform. Flying brick. Hard to understand and predict its fly model
  13. Track: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_GNztTDc5Uhw2TqA3rywCxEqF8xa8B9O/view?usp=sharing
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