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  1. I Have the same probrelm with P-47 Elevators trim... Someone told me that this problem is because my Force Feedback 2....
  2. I have the same problem
  3. Hayate

    DCS News Update

    Chiedo scusa ma col PC sono una frana.. Cosa posso eliminare e dove lo trovo? Potresti darmi il percorso dei file? Grazie mille
  4. Hayate

    DCS News Update

    Grazie mille Ah... Dove le trovo? ( Il PC, per me, è una pericolosissima scatola di metallo.. )
  5. Hayate

    DCS News Update

    Buongiorno Io volo solo WWII, Sabre e Mig-15... Volevo chiedervi se è possibile eliminare qualcosa per fare spazio sul disco Grazie
  6. Hello guys! Someone knows how to reduce the number of bombers in the Bf-109K campaign? My PC can't work with that mass of planes
  7. Hi In this campaign, the nose 20mm cannon don't works I tried everything.. In every other situations, multiplayer etc. it works Any ideas? Thank you!
  8. The edition published in 2004 was the definitive before Clostermann death.. Sadly few people reads and understand french... I found very very intheresting videos
  9. Since this morning, when I launch DCS I see only a big black square on my monitor.....
  10. I think it could be more important to have aircrafts turbolence......:music_whistling:
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