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  1. Set parking or runway to #4 for all aircraft you add to the carrier. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  2. Yes. You set the action within the unit(s) itself, then when with trigger is tripped, use AI Task Push. Let me know if you need a clearer explanation. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  3. I was able to get a Heli to takeoff from the Stennis and establish itself in a nearby follow/escort position. Just took a lot of manual tweaking and timing. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  4. I’d love this too. Would really like to be able to build a mission outside of the game and only have it loaded if I need to do testing. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  5. Wouldn’t you just be able to set that in the ME itself? Doesn’t seem like it needs to be a manual script. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  6. Alright guys. I think I have the first mission ready to go. Here’s a link to it: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao1GdPnFY9bnxCI5bLRxU_itejLw Please give it a try and I’d love your feedback on it. Here’s the script: https://1drv.ms/t/s!Ao1GdPnFY9bnxCPXHu0Tw760coeN I’d like to try and coordinate with everyone as much as possible. I’m thinking probably just need a plain voice recording. I figured out how to do the radio effect so I think I can do that. Do you guys know if these sound files have to be included with the miz file separately when I upload it or are they enclosed into the miz file? I will be the voice of Breaker 1. I will have my girlfriend do the voice of Vaziani Tower. I need voices for: LSO - 1 line Stennis - 2 lines Crate 1 - 3 lines Rawhide 1 - 5 lines Jackal 1 - 8 lines Overlord - 8 lines Plank - 18 lines I recommend running the mission to get an idea of the pace and mood, then doing the voices. Alright so with all of that out of the way... who’s down for what? Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  7. Sorry I’m a truck driver and don’t always have internet access and I’m stuck this weekend without access. Yes that’s what I do for my LSO “in the groove” calls: switched condition, Unit is below 190 knots and below 500’ agl and within a zone of the carrier which is about 7000’ radius I believe. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  8. Oh lol I thought you meant a lua script file. I was like I can send you the mission file from the miz but that’s a mess lol Okay let me put together a script for you guys and get it sent. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  9. Thanks to all of you guys! How do I send y’all a script file? The way my mission is set up at the moment, it’s all in timed messages to group, if that matters. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  10. I’ll take a look when I get a chance. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  11. You know the scripture: “Through God, all things are possible?” Well... Through scripting, all things are possible. Don’t ask me though. I don’t know how lol. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  12. I see. I’ll keep that in mind when I build my mission involving bombers. On a separate note: I have a section of fighters that split up really far apart when tasked to attack an air drone. You wouldn’t happen to know how to get them to stay together would you? Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  13. Thanks for sharing! Can you elaborate on the attack run tuning necessary? Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  14. To get zones to move with the carrier you need to set a condition for something like “Unit inside moving zone” Here’s what I would do: Set up a zone big enough to encompass the carrier. Don’t need to bother putting it on the carrier as it will get linked to the carrier when you set the condition up for it. Use Switched trigger. Set Unit inside moving zone condition, use your unit, and the zone linked to the carrier. Set the trigger for this to be Flag 1 = 1 Set up all your enemy units and set them for Late Activation. Set triggers for each one: Heli units activate when Flag 1 = 1. Armored column units activate when Flag 1 = 2. TU23’s activate when Flag 1 =3. When you start the mission your Flag 1 will = 1, and the heli units will activate. Fly out and do your thing. When you come back to the carrier, the trigger will put another digit onto Flag 1, making it have a value of 2. This will trigger the column. Fly out and kill them. Then when you come back, now your flag 1 will have a value of 3. TU23’s will activate. Hope this helps. I’ll make a video for ya later if you need it. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
  15. Thanks bud. Todd “Dipstick” Barker
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