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  1. Thanks, I reinstalled SSA and SSM and that seemed to fix it. I do have VPN (usually off when flying) and can confirm that turning it on does also stop SSA working!
  2. Hi, SSA/sound module stopped working (no effects produced) after the latest OB update 18th May. The SSA aircraft type does not change to the one flying in DCS and Sound Module logging shows no data. SSA updater says new beta version available 2.6.5 but there is no download for it on GitHub, it says 'pre-release' I was running previous beta of 2.65 EDIT 2.64 SSA and latest beta of sound module, which worked. Thanks
  3. Maybe try the solution here, although it's not confirmed as working:
  4. This is looking great, thank you!
  5. marcost


    Yes I'd pay for Kursk region and East Front assets too
  6. My mistake - shows this behaviour when 'bombing' selected, need to select 'carpet bombing' then it works fine.
  7. Latest OB - Formation of JU88 (12 aircraft in total) with groups 2 & 3 set to follow leader Group. All groups except leader turns back before target when attacked by flak or fighters. They circle and then follow the leader, who has passed the bombing target by then. All units also set to No Reaction to Threat. Leader set to immortal. Plenty of run-in to target. Thanks
  8. La-5 - yes!!! Thank you! It doesn't seem possible to damage or destroy the IL-2? Thanks, M
  9. I for one appreciate the continued development, regardless of the pace. When I compare what we have today vs. what was available in combat flight sims when I started simming 30+ years ago, it makes every flight an absolute joy. For me, DCS is getting close to achieving what my vision of a combat flight sim was all those years ago. Regards, M
  10. Very pleased with the Sinai choice, thank you. More 1950's aircraft please!
  11. Nice, thank you!
  12. Can your CPU be overclocked and/or does it have a boost function and if it does, is it boosting when using DCS. Quick search for Xeon E-1630v4 suggests that model may boost to 4ghz? Regards
  13. You can get a wireless version of trackclip pro or convert the wired one yourself, if you know how to solder. How about aluminium tape?
  14. I tried changing that setting, but it just made the stutters further apart on my system Thanks
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