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Everything posted by CYPHER11

  1. Hey Guys, i´m currently building a Hardware HUD for the F18 - everything works fine, the export and everything but my problem is that the HUD is "masked" in the export View. Does anyone have an idea which file i have to adjust to get rid of the mask? i found an example for the A10 but not for the Hornet. Anyone have an Idea? I already tried to wirk with the HUD_base.lua which was mentioned in the A10 Thread, but i can´t see the right values. Thanks in advance
  2. Currently all enemy Ground Units have Night Vision and can see you like Daytime. Is it maybe possible to give mission builders the Option wheater a coalition or a unit has NVG or not and make them work as soon as it gets darker their visibility decrease? Of course all Vehicles with sensors or radar should work but insurgents or vehicles without should not track me pin point accurate while flying at night. What would also be cool if player forgets to turn off his external lightning that the probability to get spotted is higher? I think with the Kiowa and the Apache Night Missions are more on Focus now and in the real environment most of insurgents didn´t had any kind of or only very limited NVG Capability. Thanks in Advance
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  3. Setting up either a Reaper or Predator Drone and task them as AFAC to designate a Target with Laser via "FAC - attack Group" - no matter which options are set the Drone will always tell "no mark" and does not fire the Laser towards the designated Group. Mission File attached. Ground JTAC works as intended. DCS Reaper .miz
  4. Too bad you don´t like modern Cockpits - i really like the Idea with the C model - but a more Modern Cockpit would also lovely to see. But i know that this would also require Programming a software behind the Glas Cockpit which could be really hard. Thank you for your work - can´t wait to see the the finished Product Keep up your good work
  5. Hey @tobi, Hey @Eight Ball - thank you so much for this Mod. Also the Asset Pack is amazing. I made a whole Guide for the OH-6 for the German Community. If you don´t mind i share it here. Can´t wait for the upcoming Versions. @Eight Ball Is there any chance we might get normal Vietnam AK47 Infantry? Or am i just too silly to find them? - Thanks in Advance
  6. Uff, ja das kann sein. Da muss ich nochmal nachgucken ...
  7. [ENG] Sorry Guys, this Video is in German, but maybe still intresting for some of you... Hallo Leute, Ich finde ja, dass diese Mod viel zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit bekommt. Der MH-60R ist eine "Erweiterung" für den UH-60L Blackhawk Mod. Man kann damit so viele coole Sachen machen, U-Boote und Schiffe jagen, Sonarbojen schmeißen usw. Ein richtig nices Feature ist die Winde. Damit kann man sowohl an Land, als auch über dem Wasser Menschen retten. Außerdem hat man einen Schwimmer dabei, der aus dem Heli springt und Menschen im Wasser rettet. Das ganze ist eigentlich ziemlich cool umgesetzt. Ich hab mir mal eine kleine Mission ausgedacht und ein Video dazu gemacht. Vielleicht ist der Mod ja auch für den ein oder anderen interessant VG Marci
  8. Hi There is a new Version of the Gazelle - i also did Videos about that So - a lot of the Tutorials are not valid anymore
  9. Hey Guys, my Workspace is almost complete. Got a CNC and a K50 Laser Cutter know. I want to start from scratch again building some Panels. I am already familiar with Fusion, Illustrator and KiCAD. But DCS Bios need´s a further look at. I want to built my own PCB´s for all the instruments - my idea was to use a Multiplexer directly on the PCB to save some space and use them in row with one arduino. In the "civil Flightsim World" Multiplexer and Shift Register are supported - but is there any example Sketch for DCS Bios and can they be used to save pins? Thanks in advance
  10. Hey Guys, here is my Video about a few Features of the upcoming Gazelle. Have Fun _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey Leute, hier mein Video über ein paar neue Features über die "neue" Gazelle. Viel Spaß
  11. Hey Guys, new Video about the Gazelle is Online - Have fun =) Hallo Leute, neues Video zum neuen Gazelle Update ist online. Viel Spaß damit =)
  12. Bro you are amazing! if i do not select the AI off, then the animation will start at the point i set and continue? Thank you!
  13. Hey all, great addition to DCS - thank you so much. Is there a way to start the sinking vessels at a already sinking state so you don´t have to wait for an hour to sink? Any suggestion? Thanks in advance
  14. Hey thanks for the answer. The wiring isn‘t the problem - but the code to implement into DCS BIOS - can I just use normal arduino code for „zeroing“? Is there a special way to get it work with DCS BIOS? thanks
  15. Hey guys, for my Altimeter in the Hornet I need a stepper to drive the needle in front - I also found code but my question is how I can toggle and set up a endstop with a hall sensor or any other sensor so the code knows where 0 is…. Does anyone have an example for that? thanks in advance
  16. Hey Guys, stupid question: I really enjoy flying the JF17 - especially because it is a very modern Environment BUT: One simple: Is it in any way possible to lock on Emitters spotted by the KG-600? It is so amazing that the Jammer can also "locate" where the Emitters are - but is there no chance to create a point from that Information and Slew TGP or weapons in the direction? Also with the Datalink Ground Targets - is there any way to slew Sensors from something on the HSD? If not, why not? It would make soooo much sense that this should be thinked by the Developers of the Aircraft? Thanks in advance Guys
  17. Hmm ok thank you. So there is no code to „align“ the gauge? Where do I found the „common data“?
  18. Hey Guys, first of all thank you so much for DCS Bios - all LEDs and Switches are working. My only problem is the servo. i built an Standby Airspeed indicator and with a gear so that 180° of the servo can drive 360 on the scale. But i can´t get the two values work so that the Speed indicator work. Is there by any chance a solution to define different values? So easy to speak - if airspeed in the Sim is 100kt, can i read out the value of dcs bios and define in the Arduino IDE "if speed is 100kt (or whichever value DCS Bios has) then set this amount of steps to match the needle on gauge with the speed in the game? If i set the standard values the Servo will start moving at approx. 100kt, but not before. Any help with that? How can i read out Values from DCS Bios? So the value between 0 and 65535 and can i define at which value how many steps the servo should take? Thanks in advance
  19. Hey Leute, absoluter DCS BIOS Neuling hier. Ich probiere mich grade einfach ein Wenig aus - die basics wie pushbutton oder LED klappen in der F18 schonmal (Master Caution z.B.) Jetzt hatte ich hier noch nen Servo rumliegen und wollte mit dem einfach mal nen Zeiger ansteuern der den Radio Altimeter rechts unten simulieren sollte. Der Code funktioniert auch, der Servo bewegt sich sobald sich die Nadel im Virtuellen Cockpit verändert. Problem ist, dass er das nicht so macht wie er soll. Er beginnt sich erst ab 300ft AGL zu drehen etc. Wie muss ich die Werte denn verändern, damit er das richtig macht? Habt ihr mir da ein kleines Einsteiger Tutorial oder einen kurzen Workflow? Danke euch im Voraus
  20. Still no answer or something on ED´s roadmap about that?
  21. Hey, i can still only refuel, not rearm - do i miss anything here? i am very close to the units - it also tells me that rearming is complete, but there are no weapons Why is this feature dropped? It was amazing? Any explanation? Thanks in advance Cypher
  22. Yes i do, of course it works but the video export toggle in the F14 in VR is amazing.
  23. Hello hello hello i want to ask if there is a chance to get a export toggle for the maverick sight as we have it for the TGP in the F14. Background about this request is, that I fly the viggen now for 6 weeks in VR. In VR it is a Pain in the A** to find Targets on the little sight in the front thanks in advance :))
  24. The last part is exactly what I was trying to achieve that’s fine for me - write it on the side list and work it out if time and resources permits - and if not, also fine I am always happy to see little changes in the F14 changelog it’s registered and not necessary
  25. Woooo, don‘t get me wrong mate don‘t want to offense you I have totally no idea how complex it is to change something like that - I just thought it ==> could be easy <== maybe there is a solution in the future - or it isn‘t doesn‘t change a thing to me. But I also guess that this section of the forum is the place to ask something like this all the best
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