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About paco2002

  • Birthday 04/02/2002

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, War Thunder
  • Location
    Alicante, Spain
  • Interests
    Planes, Helicopters and cars

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  1. Confirmed too, it isn't working
  2. You have a key combo to teleport to parking in those cases. F-18C - Supercarrier section
  3. The JF-17 is a fantasy plane?
  4. Hi @Chump. Unfortunately I've been trying to use it, but with no joy, I create the mark but no info appears on the script running, it shows that the 1.0v is working, but after creating a F10 mark with "seaeagle" nothing happens, any idea on how to make it work? (MIST added before the seaeagle.lue script SeaEagle.miz There you have the miz in case you want to check anything Best regards, Also, any update on this @fausete @Vibora It's been a while without updates
  5. Hi, if you enter the airboss, and go to the F10 screen inside the airboss you see units that are not visible at the F10 normal map, wich leads to a big issue for mission. SupercarrierAirbossF10SP.trkSupercarrierAirbossF10MP.trk
  6. Hi, it looks like NASSAMS are unable to reload in Persian Guld in SP or MP NASSAMSDoesNotReloadSP.trkNASSAMSDoesNotRearmMP.trk
  7. I like it, +1 to the wishlist
  8. +1 Cannot change Data cartridge, so it leave the plane mostly broken
  9. paco2002

    Pilot body

    Knoc knoc, someone there?
  10. Yup, it has been broken for many months, maybe even year? But no work has been done to it
  11. Hi, I have made a two tracks to add to the report of the GB6 on the JF-17 You can see how the GB6 does some incorrect corrections on windy conditions. GB6LS6NoWind.trk GB6LS6WithWind.trk GB6LS6WithALittleBitOfWind.trk
  12. CM-400AKG is not out yet
  13. Well, I have it since 2020 aprox, it is a good plane
  14. Probably yes, but I prefer if @Vibora considers it to move it to the weapon issues if it is on EDs side, or leave it here if its on AvioDev side
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