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About SkYwAlK3R-_

  • Birthday 12/03/1995

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  • Flight Simulators
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  • Interests
    Military, Airsoft, Gaming

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  1. Dear Ugra Media, My wish is that you look into the area of the Airbase and change the Landscape closer to RL. The Terrain in that area is way to flat! Also there is no grass around there... what do you see in the Sat image are black rocks. Greetings Sky
  2. Hey Guys whats up, i try to find the Texture Files of the A10C II 354th FS Davis Monthan AFB, Arizona (DM). Cause i want to modify a that Livery. The Livery Exists in DCS/CoreMods/Aircraft/A-10/Liveries/A-10CII but there are no texture files in it. Can Someone help me/ how does it work today????(all the tutorials are old lol) Greetings Sky
  3. Hey @Lord Vader @Tholozor thanks for the Answer. Don't get me wrong. But if i can change the Laser Code inside the System it should be able to do so? Or how can i change the Lasercode for a JTAC or a Wingman??? I get that for Older Jets that dont have this capabilitys but not for Modern Fighters like an F16 or F18?! Greetings Christian
  4. Good Morning, The Last days i Incounterd a Problemwith Laser Guided Bombs: I set the Codes in the Cockpit both for Bombs and For the TGP but they dont track the Laser anymore and Freefall of the Plane! I still need to test if also 1688 is also a Problem or just the different Codes i used.. like in the Past. Also i need to check if it has something to do with the News Fuse Menu in the Rearm and Refuel Window! Anybody else has experience with that??? Greetings Sky
  5. Same issue here, tried it multiple times now but no success in locking targets Consitently. Same Voicelines and same thing like in Casmos Video!
  6. Hello, yeah i tried that... but the Taz1004 Apache Optimization gives me better results rnow but thanks for the reply
  7. That is what is wondering me so much. PD 1.0 works good even with MSAA with my Rig. Yep i noticed that aswell... hope they work on it... even the Tomcat is not that demanding lol
  8. SO Hello again i played with some settings. Yes GPU was maxing out and also the VRAM was clutterd. GPU now just maxes out for a sec while Loading into the Mission. CPU Max Load 80% with some cores going over 100% do to AMDs automatic OC. (I think no Problem in that) VRAM issue resolved through that: The remove VR Hangar mod works the game went alot smoother after that. Also Taz Apache optimization works also great. I started to play around First i set my PD down to 1.0, ofcourse it went way smoother after that. But... and thats why i used that PD the Game turned into a Schimmery Pixely mess. With DLSS (Quality) was Blurry and just the Pit and the surrounding 10 Meters were ok. I couldnt see what kind of Jet was parked on the other Ramp. So i turned ON MSAA 2x and 4x Frametime went up by 5 ms this got me in another trouble. I gonna leave the Monitors on 1024 every frame... otherwise i cant read the Displays without zoom in all the time. Now the Distance is flickering and every edge has this Pixel shimmer and i have no idea how to resolve that. The only way is up the PD... but would kill most of the Performance i gained.. So the Apache is now Flyable but just with those two Mods. Help with the Graphic Settings would be awesome now. Greetings Sky ahahah i play on MT since it came out, but good thought That wonders me alot: DCS varies from patch to Patch for me but i always had acceptable Frames in VR. with exactly that RIG I think the Remove VR Hangar mod should be a Setting in DCS for VR users
  9. In every other Plane it works totally fine. Its just the Apache. I fly VR since 8 years and have experience with 3 different Headsets. My settings seem Optimistic but they Work and they Work damm good. The Solution was to Mod the Apaches textures to keep them Lower also Disable the VR Hangar Menu seems to free up Space while flying.
  10. Hello Again so mirrors dont change anything no matter what aircraft... so i always left them on. Which DCS log do you need? I run some Mods but they have Nothing to do with the Apache. The Stutters acoure on any Map and start assoon as the final textures are Loaded. Reducing textures didnt do alot. FXO and Metashader i try today. Thank you for the Help offers. Greetings Christian
  11. Hello there, i wanted to try the AH64D again. but asson as all the Textures are Loaded i have massiv FPS Problems. I was wondered cause i play DCS for a long time already and with any other Module its totaly fine. Maybe you Guys have a Solution?! Greetings Sky My Specs: 64Gb DDR4 Ram 2080TI R7 3700x Game is installed on an M2 SSD System is up to date driver wise Headset Valve Index
  12. Its awesome to fly and i can overlook the textures but i think it needs a upgrade soon Totally agree i love to fly it ... there is so much stuff missing
  13. worked the last number is around 100 in the 18 Lua now and its visible on the clouds but still thin enough... thanks man!
  14. i got a small question... really love this setting but in my VR its a bit to i guess thin or not bright enough atleast the HMD has this were i cant see anything and the HUD Pitch Ladder is almost invisible when beeing in clouds. I Read your editing comments but iam not sure what to edit for those two things... could someone help me?
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