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About Mojeaux

  • Birthday 05/19/1957

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  • Flight Simulators
    IL2, Lock on, FC2, DCS BS2, DCS A10-C, F4 BMS
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  1. Problem solved! I discovered that the good ole reliable mission that I normally benchmarked DCS flight operations, I had to go into the mission editor for the said, mission and make a very important change at the Aircraft carrier F-18C properties! Since the addition of the flight "deck crew aircraft directors", IF YOU HAD SET YOUR AIRCRAFT TO SPAWN AT THE CATIPULT, you needed to simply change that F18C to take off from "PARKING". Then you just needed to follow all the new rules. ***Note*** Before you do any saluting or anything that is the ONLY opportunity to perform a new load out! I need to mention I am talking about single-player mode not multiplayer! I'm not sure how rearming will work in a multiplayer situation! GOOD TIMES!
  2. Errr.. When you're on the catapult! There is NO option for unhooking and parking so as to "Re Arm!!" Therefore you be screwed and have to take ONLY the load out that the mission maker pre set! This is killing missions and mission options!
  3. Has anyone else had issues with the ability to rearm the F-18C at the catapult since the patch today, 12/4/2024?
  4. Nice... can you fill us in on the process as to what it is to get to what the hell you said... you found it where? You found it HOW???
  5. DCS causes my PC to crash with the latest patch. more often than ever, now the PC just crashes to DEAD! I can't fly for more than a few minutes now!
  6. No Joy..you must share!!
  7. My problem is repeatable in every multiplayer session. And only as client! Other players in the session do NOT, have this issue, only me!! When I try using the "View weapon", AKA.= "F5", I can cycle views on all currently active weapons, falling bombs, expanding CBU's, Air to air missiles ect. ect. HOWEVER: In the AI world of said tanks, mostly talking about Russian tanks and BMP's that fire the "SNIPPER" missiles. I'm trying to describe the ones that miss there intended target and eventually fall to the ground. In my opinion the game still treats them as still active! On the F-10 map they appear as red dots! Only on my machine! Other players do NOT see the red dots on the F-10 map!!! In heavy battles there can be a lot of them 50 to 100 unexploded SNIPER rounds just laying there! So that's not so bad, what is a deal breaker is in the "View WEAPONS" F-5, There they all are! Stuck in the ground and you have to cycle through each and every View of the said "Unexploded SNIPPER" rounds before you can see the currently fired or falling weapons in a given view. This gets soooo bad you just want to quit cheating by using this F-5, But we ALL love to see this view. #1 Question: Is this only me? Has anyone else been having this new problem! #2. Is there a fix?? #3. Is this a known BUG? I looked, couldn't find any related problems. Cheers...any helpful words will be appreciated. mojo out
  8. Have the Scud missiles been removed from the ME???

    1. Chizh


      No. It is presented into ME.

  9. Nope! never came!!!!
  10. Why U gotta be right?
  11. I've been building a new mission in anticipation of the AH-64 with the NTTR, "Battlefield Vegas" Yea Babe!! Looking good so far. Coupled with driveable Combined arms Red and blue driveable vehicles also lots of AI on roof top targets on the strip! so far a lot of fun! I just need a "AH-64..... If it has good action with the NEW AH-64... I'll post in in the user files!
  12. It's going to be great! Relax!
  13. Atari 520 ST, This referred to the total amount of memory in "Kilobytes"! Haaaaa! This machine caused my divorce from the first wife! You can guess how old I am now!
  14. It is just my observation and comparison. From the older versions of the Caucasus map (only one at the time!). The overall view of the map was clear and you could see for vast distances. However; the frame rate sucked! I remember when they tried to improve the frame rate by adding the haze! I noticed it right away. Didn't like it, but the frame rates seemed to have improved a tad!
  15. Yes I'm sure the problem is with DCS... In the 3 D cockpit it stops intermittently ....with no reason. If you goto a view like F2 or another view you can still see that the Track IR is still working! Just not in the 3 D cockpit anymore. This has been a issue for a very very long time and no one seems to want to address it.
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