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Flight Simulators





Found 3 results

  1. The Iconic Talon Veco Simulations is happy to announce our first public community mod for DCS World: the T-38A Talon. The T-38A Talon is a two-seat supersonic jet trainer powered by two J85 turbojet engines. Entering service in 1961, it was the world's first jet trainer to exceed Mach 1. This revolutionised pilot training with its high performance, endurance, and safety. Extensively used by the U.S. Air Force and other NATO allies, it has trained more than 72,000 pilots since its inception. Even today, over 65 years after its first flight, the T-38 remains a key part of NATO fighter pilot training for many nations. The T-38A will be released as a free standalone full-fidelity community mod with a clickable multi-crew cockpit, highly-detailed 3D model and textures, custom-built external flight model (EFM) and stand-alone avionics. 3D Model The creation of the 3D model began with a simple external design and evolved into a year-and-a-half-long project fueled by precision and dedication to capturing the iconic shape of the T-38A. Our focus on VR optimization and accuracy led us to extensively overhaul the external model and revise the cockpit design three times since 2022, ensuring every detail meets our high standards. Extensive research was crucial in this journey. We gathered hundreds of high-resolution photos, both first-hand and second-hand, of the T-38A and its T-38M counterpart. Using photogrammetry, we meticulously captured the most complex shapes, ensuring no detail was overlooked. To bring the model to life, we are utilizing PBR textures and have hand-painted hundreds of bolts, ensuring an accurate and vibrant representation of the aircraft. This attention to detail not only enhances the realism of the model but also adds a dynamic and immersive quality that makes the aircraft feel truly alive. We have a skilled team of well-known 2d artists and livery creators - Roughmaster, Wolfthrower, Crash, Aqil, and Fistick - dedicated to crafting a diverse range of liveries for the initial release. These liveries represent various operators throughout the aircraft's extensive operational history. Each livery is detailed with unique weathering effects specifically crafted by Roughmaster to reflect the wear and tear experienced by these aircraft over time. Furthermore, we are developing templates with multiple levels of wear-and-tear to include in the livery painting kit. This will allow the community to select their preferred starting point when creating their own liveries, providing flexibility and creative freedom for everyone. External Flight Model (EFM) Development of the EFM started in 2022 and it is responsible for the simulation of the flight dynamic model, engine model and aircraft systems. The flight dynamics of the T-38A are defined by over 25 stability and control derivatives, considering non-linear effects of angle of attack and Mach. The coefficients were derived from wind tunnel tests, empirical estimations and CFD analysis - and subsequently verified against U.S. Air Force flight tests. It features accurate stall characteristics, yaw and pitch dampers, and authentic flight control deflection limits and is continuously refined through extensive flight testing by the Virtual Turkish Stars. The J85 engine simulation uses an analytical model based on a NASA design, providing detailed engine parameters influenced by environmental conditions, with features like afterburner, cold start, and compressor stall accurately represented. The system model employs a "divide and conquer" approach, simulating each component independently, covering electric, fuel, and hydraulic systems on a near-study level, ensuring an honest representation of the aircraft's operational procedures. Standalone Avionic The T-38A features a classic steam gauge cockpit and is fully equipped for instrument flight training. Community mods for DCS typically have limitations regarding the avionic capabilities, as they don't have access to the Software Development Kit (SDK) that is used by 3rd party developers. However, we have carefully chosen an authentic 1970s avionic configuration that allows us to fully implement every functionality, without the need to own any other module and - equally important - without sacrificing our self-imposed level of fidelity. This configuration includes: A fully functional UHF radio for radio communication with ATC and even other players via voice chat. Intercom for communication between the pilot in the front seat and the instructor in the back seat via voice chat. TACAN for range and bearing information to ground beacons, taking into account distance and line-of-sight limitations. ILS for vertical and horizontal guidance during instrument approach, including marker beacon. A mechanical Flight Director System provides the steering cues to follow the desired flight path. Our vision is to provide an unforgettable experience that truly represents what it's like to be in the seats of the T-38A Talon, creating a digital representation that goes beyond what you see on the screen. This project represents a culmination of extensive research, meticulous craftsmanship, and a deep appreciation for the historical significance of this iconic trainer. We invite you to join our journey and experience the T-38A Talon in unparalleled detail. To stay updated on our progress, participate in discussions, and connect with fellow enthusiasts, join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/GfwnDEr62s
  2. Upon loading into the crew of an Mi-24, the copilot-gunner immediately requests control of the aircraft and must either manually rescind it or be denied, depending on crew control priority. This occurs even though the front seat operator does not actually press the bind. This occurred regardless of who was in the front seat, at least in my testing. Steps to reproduce: -Create or join a multiplayer server in which a multi-crew enabled Mi-24 exists -Load into the helicopter as pilot -Have a partner join you in the front seat -If it is like my experience, the partner will instantly request control of the aircraft, without actually pressing any buttons themselves Trackfile enclosed. In this trackfile I, "No-Go", am the copilot gunner. "Ryker 1-1 Tyrant" is the pilot. I instantly request control of the aircraft despite pressing no buttons. Playback begins at around 60 seconds. Aircraft control priority is Pilot. TEST MI24-20240127-183951.trk
  3. CURRENT VERSION: 2024-04-26b DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3331710/ 10 PERCENT TRUE: https://www.10percenttrue.com/ Welcome to Inherent Resolve, a DCS F-15E Strike Eagle Mission designed by Sedlo for the 10 Percent True Podcast. This is an Close Air Support Mission set on the Syria Map and can be played single-player or multi-crew. See Read_Me file in the included ,zip for more information. There are two versions of this mission inside the zip file. One is a Cold Start and the other an Air Start. The Air Start version puts you at the refueling track, full of gas and ready to take on any tasking you receive. It is recommended to fly the Cold Start Version first though, as you will receive more information about the mission. NOTE: If you are playing multicrew, it must be a locally hosted multiplayer session. Due to the complex triggers and scripts in the mission you cannot use the Dedicated Server. This mission is designed for players who are proficient in the DCS F-15E module and its weapons systems. Examples of challenges you may face include: • Basic aircraft handling, such as take offs and landings • Use of the various radio and navigation systems. • Air to Air Refueling. • Dynamic re-tasking in a fast-paced environment. • Use of the targeting pod and employment of weapons systems. (It is essential that you read and understand the included mission briefing documents AND the Read_Me file included in the .zip) In addition, familiarity with US military terms and abbreviations is helpful to understand what is going on in the flight. A glossary of useful terms is available at the end of Steve Davies’ excellent book Be Afraid of the Dark, which you can find in your DCS World ClosedBeta\Mods\aircraft\F-15E\Doc folder. NOTE: You MUST own RAZBAM’s F-15E Strike Eagle module and you MUST own UGRA MEDIA’s Syria Terrain in order to play this mission! ************* INSTALLATION: Unzip the contents of the download to your folder at Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Missions ************* MISSION OBJECTIVES Today’s mission (XR-352-P) has three main objectives: • Provide On Call CAS support in the southern Section of the AO from 06:30z to 09:00z. • Train with 93rd ARW out of Fairchild AFB, newly arrived in theatre. • Familiarization with Local area and AO procedures ************* WEATHER AND NOTAMS OVERVIEW A weakening high-pressure system overhead the southern AO will slowly give way to a warm front approaching from the Mediterranean. Weather throughout the AO is good VFR, light winds, visibility more than 10 miles and ceilings around 10,000ft. METAR/TAF KING HUSSEIN AB (OJMF) METAR/TAF METAR OJMF 0400Z 30012KT 10SM SCT100 10/1 Q1013 2992 TAF OMJF 060404 P10SM SCT100 FM 061000 30020KT P7SM HZ BKN100 H4 AIRBASE (IQ-0400) METAR/TAF METAR IQ-0400 0400Z 34002KT 10SM SCT110 8/1 Q1013 2992 TAF IQ-0400 060404 P10SM SCT110 FM 061000 30030KT P3SM HZ BKN60 H3 AIRBASE (IQ-0020) METAR/TAF METAR IQ-0020 0400Z 01011KT 10SM BKN100 6/1 Q1013 2992 TAF IQ-0020 060404 P10SM SCT110 FM 061000 30030KT P3SM HZ BKN60 NOTAMS C007 - OJMF TAXIWAY C, C3, C4 CLOSED UFN C036 - OJMF TACAN (10X, AJQ) U/S FROM 0100Z-0400Z DEC.6 C991 - OJMF LIGHTING RWY 31 TO READ: AW INSTEAD OF AO C216 – OJMF VHF TWR FREQ 119.7 U/S UFN. CTC TWR 121.0 UFN C217 – OJMF VHF ATIS FREQ 129.75 U/S UFN. ************* INTELLIGENCE UPDATE OVERVIEW 06 DECEMBER 2016 AT 01:00 ZULU Daesh fighters are expected to make a final move on the town of Palmyra this morning after taking the airport late last night. The Syrian Army has retreated to the Palmyra Army Depot and are expected to hold the base against the current Daesh attack. The Palmyra Army Depot is a suspected WMD storage area, and it’s in Syria’s best interest to secure these weapons from being compromised. The State Department and OGA have reached out to the Syrian leadership to offer assistance in securing the WMD but all offers have been declined. The COALITION partners have determined that WMD falling into the hands of DAESH is to be avoided at all cost. ________________________________________ The Russian Navy Task Force centered around t he Cruiser VARYAG is expected to make port at Tartus this afternoon. Refueling and replenishment operations are expected to take 12 hours. ________________________________________ RIVET JOINT has detected indications of a new SA-3 battery located at TYIAS airbase. The proximity to the FEBA near Palmyra indicates that the Syrians intend to hold TIYAS in the face of any organized Daesh attack. ________________________________________ The new teletype link (POLECAT) between the Syrian Ministry of Defense, RUAFHQ and JACKAL is now operational. This development is meant to ensure positive communications between military leadership on all sides of the situation in Syrian. ________________________________________ ************* MISSION PLANNING Mission Number – XR-352-P Departure: VFR Departure runway 31 from C2 (8998 ft remaining) Afterburner: Yes Departure Instructions: VFR 31 Dep LEFT turn heading 180 maintain 6000. Note: There is no ATC control outside the OJMF control zone. OJMF Control Zone extends in a 10nm radius up to 5500ft MSL • Ford 51 will depart runway 31 with an immediate left turn to heading 180. Expect to be pushed to FOCUS control leaving 5000ft. • Rendezvous and refuel with Texaco 51 at Steer Point 2 (ADDER). • Take Up On-Call CAS with an orbit overhead Steer Point 3 (Al-Tanf) • VUL time is 0630-0900 Z. • Following VUL time, TEXACO 51 will be available for refueling if desired. • Expect the visual approach and overhead break runway 31. • When overhead Syrian Territory, ensure you are EAST of the 38 E line. ************* THREATS The Syrian Air Force has increased operations dramatically in the last 24 hours. Yesterday, they carried out multiple airstrikes in defense of the city of Palmyra. SU-24 and MiG-29 attacks were observed, with all operations out of the TIYAS airbase. Russian SU-35 CAP patrols have been observed in and around the port of TARTUS, which coincides with the expected arrival of their naval task force later today. Syrian Air Force has MiG-29 on alert at TIYAS and SHAYRAT airbases, all believed to be in a 15-minute alert status. Russian SU-35 are on 5-minute alert at Latakia Airbase. ________________________________________ Syrian IADS network is still operational. Damascus is defended by long range SA-5 and SA-2 batteries. SA-2, SA-3 and SA-6 batteries near the airbase at TIYAS are operational. High volumes of AAA and MANPADS expected throughout the AO. ************* RULES OF ENGAGMENT ROE Weapons Tight – Do not fire unless under direct attack or authorized via JACKAL or FOCUS control. *************
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