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You have something realy wrong on setting.

When I spawn I killed one friendly and myself, no idea why...

I was number next to him.

Blue side and i was 1-4, 363sq.


P-51D | P-47D | Mosquito FB Mk VI | Spitfire | Fw 190D | Fw 190A | Bf 109K | WWII Assets Pack

Normandy 2 | The Channel | Sinai | Syria | PG | NTTR | South Atlantic 

 F-4E | F-14A/B | F-15E |  F/A-18 | F-86 | F-16C | A-10C | FC-3 | CA | SC |

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Hi eekz,


First of all thank U very much for your server.


I've been there yesterday afternoon and it was funny. Except for ppl voulching continously over my airport.

I would like to give some suggestions, if u permit :)


- U could put more and deadly AAA to protect airports from voulchers.

- U could put starting bases more far away from each other, so pilot have more time to climb and set up their best tactics. This also would make a little more unpredictable where to find enemy


Thank U for your attention.

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- U could put starting bases more far away from each other, so pilot have more time to climb and set up their best tactics. This also would make a little more unpredictable where to find enemy



I dont like this Idea/suggestion!



That people are vulching ist NOT a matter of the distance between the airports, more like because the teams are not balanced -> if 7 red start vs 2 blue, the fight is over quick and the "average MP pilot" moves on to an area with more targets -> most likely the enemy airfield.


My 2 cent:

I think you cant do much against vulching except going ahead as a good example and NOT fly over the enemy airbase, and Dont shoot damaged planes who are RTB.


My suggestion(probably not very practical though):

Establish a "Code of Honor"

1.Dont kill disengaged enemies on theire way RTB(Disengaged=lights on for example)

2.Dont engage on Takeoff and Landing

3.Dont gun planes on the ground( in my opinion boms are fine....some said "bombing is a gentlemansport")


The longer the Server runs with those "rules/CoH" the more it will be established within the frequent players ... maybe in 2-3 months we see some Pilots with good reputation and the word spreads that =BS= is a "fair game" server ;)


There are two types of fighter pilots - those who have, and those who will execute a magnificent break turn towards a bug on the canopy . . . .





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Btw .... had a very nice Sortie with tf_t4trouble yesterday on =BS=

If you fly 109s you probably enjoy this :music_whistling:


There are two types of fighter pilots - those who have, and those who will execute a magnificent break turn towards a bug on the canopy . . . .





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Yesterday i had some great time on the Server :thumbup:

I had wonderful guys in my channel who played funny/good/special music so i was in "cuddlemood" :music_whistling:


what you will see here, happens to me as well -- too often -- the only difference, i get shot down all the time :(




guys - please check your six more often .... :smartass:


There are two types of fighter pilots - those who have, and those who will execute a magnificent break turn towards a bug on the canopy . . . .





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nice ... so i eventually hop on today in the evening and kill myself(by flying a pony :D ) just to start a new streak ;)


There are two types of fighter pilots - those who have, and those who will execute a magnificent break turn towards a bug on the canopy . . . .





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so finally i went back to the =BS= and had a wonderful evening in the 109.

I flew a very rare and fantastic sortie wit D4njo as my wingman ... really guys, that happens very seldom :joystick:



BUT it cant stay like that the whole evening ... all good things must come to an End.

in this case - T4trouble was my end ;)



btw ... trouble ended my streak and now it is counting correctly ;)


There are two types of fighter pilots - those who have, and those who will execute a magnificent break turn towards a bug on the canopy . . . .





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(re: Message #112)


Always look around, often, and DON'T fly predictable. I should follow my own advice!


I like flying in curve motions, much harder for enemy to hit me.


Most guys would never be as courteous as you have shown, bogie would have been blown away at 1st opportunity.

Edited by DieHard


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Caucasus season is over at Burning Skies server!


Stats has been reset. Let me present players' achievements by carefully writing the down according to stats page:


Best pilots since 16.01.2016 in different nominations:

1. Most air kills:

1st place - 159BAG_Mamba - 68 air wins - Bf-109K-4

2nd place - =STP= Schnarre - 31 air wins -Bf-109K-4, mugen - 31 air wins - FW-190D9

3rd place - Shtahel - 26 air wins - FW-190D9


2. Most ground kills (it hasn't been written for some time, so not very accurate)

1st place - MayerCZ - 226 ground kills - FW-190D9

2nd place - Graber77 - 198 ground kills - Bf-109K-4

3rd place - Антон(012) - 85 ground kills - Bf-109K-4


3. Best Current Streak

1st place - mugen - 31 air wins in one pilot life - FW-190D9

2nd place - [DoW]Net_Man - 10 air wins in one pilot life - P-51D, t4trouble - 10 air wins in one pilot life - P-51D

3rd place - lexa13 - 6 air wins in one pilot life - Bf-109K-4


4. Best Air Wins/Lost aircraft ratio

1st place - mugen - 15,5 - FW-190D9

2nd place - Tecnam - 5,5 - P-51D

3rd place - Artsi - 5,0 - P-51D


5. Best Score

1st place - Graber77 - Bf-109K-4

2nd place - 159BAG_Mamba - Bf-109K-4

3rd place - MayerCZ - FW-190D9


Congrats best pilots! Thank you all 364 pilots who visited Burning Skies server during this period of time!

Edited by eekz

Куплю B-17, можно B-24. B-29 не предлагать!

Burning Skies

=Burning Skies= @ Facebook

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From now on Burning Skies is happy to be 1st DCS Public Server hosting WWII dogfight mission in DCS Open Alpha 2.0 in Nevada map!

I will constantly improve the mission basing on your feedback!


Have fun at Nevada on Burning Skies WWII Combat server!


Special thanks to ED Team!

Edited by eekz

Куплю B-17, можно B-24. B-29 не предлагать!

Burning Skies

=Burning Skies= @ Facebook

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When I go to the DCSW Alpha 2.0.1, your server, I get an active pause flashing icon in my upper right hand corner of my monitor's screen.


Do I need a mod from you guys? Or are you not quite ready for prime time just yet?


What's going on?


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