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DCS: BO-105 PAH1A1 by MilTech-5


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We are currently in the process of connecting all other instruments to the corresponding bus routes. All instruments will be connected correctly according to the circuit diagram and will react accordingly. This includes power supply, light intensity, magnetic switch behavior and instrument failure.
We have also almost finished integrating the drag and wind forces from all external components of the helicopter. The downwash MEDUSA-FM is 50% done as well.
Further progress on the flight model is blocked until the altimeter, speed indicator and and compass are done code-wise.


Since the MEDUSA system monitors the entire helicopter, all forces such as penetrating wind, stabilizers, OAT (Outside air temperature), damage and blown parts are taken into account. For example, if a rotor blade is broken or missing, the MEDUSA rotor task will take this into account and recalculate the flight behavior.


The rotor system was implemented accurately. This also includes the rigid rotor head directed 3° forward and ~1.5° forward to the right.
Currently we are in the process of aligning the line of sight indicator compass to the magnetic compass. Since the magnetic compass shows the real position of the helicopter, the line of sight compass may differ in certain circumstances. A "+" (plus) or a circle indicator will tell you if you need to adjust the line of sight compass.
You will be able to calibrate the disc (indexed rotation of the compass disc) and adjust it to the magnetic compass with a switch.


The electric bus is finished and is just waiting to receive signals from the remaining devices. It's 100% implemented according to the circuit diagram.


The weapon system is currently in our backlog and will be implemented when the majority of other systems are complete. This is one of the last tasks for MEDUSA. As always, this will be implemented exactly according to the circuit diagram.
This includes, but is not limited to:


Wire cut cases
Power problems
The weapon system communicates with the line of sight indicator, YAW control and the current position of the helicopter.


When YAW CONT is on and the "SIGHT LINE" ON switch on the collective is pressed/held, the helicopter will always follow the left/right angle of the sight unit (105° left/right). However, the pilot always has control over the helicopter and must ensure that he is always within the line of sight limit (line of sight Indicator Limits -> 3° left/right). If the conditions are not met, the HOT can't be fired. If the HOT is in flight and the pilot deviates from the 3°, the HOT's communication wires are cut.
If steering inputs are too hard, the hydraulic system switches from System 1 to System 2 (Displayed on the warning panel). This automatically switches the YAW CONT magnetic switch to OFF. In this mode the helicopter is no longer able to follow the periscope.
This entire process is monitored by the MEDUSA HYDRAULIC task and the MEDUSA POWER SUPPLY task.


FONTE https://www.facebook.com/PolyDynamicsDCS/posts/946252884174498?ref=embed_post



Edited by phant


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  • 2 weeks later...

The pilots look badass! 👍

What about the Chopper though? More candy? Pretty please? 🥹

"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Dear DCS Simmers,

Today we successfully completed the downwash effect for the Medusa rotor system. All 10 sectors of each rotor blade are included and the distance to the ground is accurately calculated. The first tests were very(!) successful. Next, the ground effect is connected to the MEDUSA rotor system. Air density, temperature, rotor speed, parts on the helicopter and other physical influences are taken into account here.

Gyro alignment is currently limited from 2 minutes to 10 seconds.
However, we will implement a feature in the configuration menu that can be selected between REAL ALIGNMENT and FAST ALIGNMENT.

We have programmed an extra app for the RL PILOTS that runs during the flight and allows them to influence the intensity of all control inputs during the flight.
This app has sliders that are taken over in real time by DCS and are executed directly.

Final Tasks for FM:
- ENGINE (This task will be finalized as soon as we have the inputs from the FM test from the RL pilots)

Our Pilot already entered the Cockpit...ROIE, our Co-Pilot is ready ...



FONTE https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122101009736312022&id=61559360667659&ref=embed_post



Edited by phant


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There seem to be a new competition between the developers - who can design the most realistic and/or most badass pilot model…. 😂


I love it! 👍

"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

FM at 98 %!

The downwash and transition was sent to the MEDUSA system today. The physical formulas work together and calculate all necessary situations.

The downwash/ground effect is calculated from all 10 sectors per rotor blades. As the air cushion moves at increasing speed, it reacts to external influences such as OAT, air density, wind and attachments to the helicopter.

Subtleties such as the pointer deviations when the tanks slosh during control inputs, or turbulence on the pickup such as the clib/dive indicator are implemented as an extra feature.
Next, the BO-105 will be released to the SMEs and BO-105 pilots for testing.

Pilot/CO-pilot is already in the cockpit. 

The screenshot shows the status without normal/roughness maps:


FONTE https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122108706344312022&id=61559360667659&ref=embed_post




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This week we fed the MEDUSA system with additional information.

This also includes the turbulence of the ground effect moving backwards through the tail rotor and the stabilizer. Furthermore, the precise, physical force programming automatically resulted in the famous collective effect, which is typical of the BO-105. As many people know, this effect is speed-dependent.

The faster you fly, the more aggressive this effect is. A Red Bull pilot told us that you can fly a pattern with the BO-105 using only the collective and pedals. This procedure is taught to all aspiring aerobatic pilots as a requirement. Since the BO-105's response to a control input is ~0.08 seconds, special maneuvers become very unusual, also due to the hingeless rotor system.

In the meantime - Pilot/Co-Pilot got their belt.


FONTE https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122114588552312022&id=61559360667659&ref=embed_post



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Beh non mi sono certo basato sugli screenshot ma sulla dichiarazione che il modello di volo è finito al 98% e che il prossimo passo sarà dare tutto in mano agli SME e ai piloti.

Certo non è detto che poter completare questo 2% ci voglia poco (visto i tempi biblici potrebbero volerci anni e che poi i tester impieghino poco a dare il loro riscontro, positivo oltretutto, è tutt’altro che scontato.

In definitiva non stavo dicendo che il modulo era dietro l’angolo ma stavo dicendo che dopo “UN DECENNIO” di soli screenshot si parla anche di qualcosa di molto più tangibile.

Io credo di essere stato uno dei più critici sulla gestazione di questo modulo e come te non sono molto ottimista, ma sicuramente gli auguro tutto il bene possibile e non sarei certo contento se fallisse il progetto, anzi sarei felicissimo di essere smentito e non sarei mai soddisfatto di averci “preso” per una mancata riuscita.

Edited by fabio.dangelo
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8 ore fa, fabio.dangelo ha scritto:

Beh non mi sono certo basato sugli screenshot ma sulla dichiarazione che il modello di volo è finito al 98% e che il prossimo passo sarà dare tutto in mano agli SME e ai piloti.

Certo non è detto che poter completare questo 2% ci voglia poco (visto i tempi biblici potrebbero volerci anni e che poi i tester impieghino poco a dare il loro riscontro, positivo oltretutto, è tutt’altro che scontato.

In definitiva non stavo dicendo che il modulo era dietro l’angolo ma stavo dicendo che dopo “UN DECENNIO” di soli screenshot si parla anche di qualcosa di molto più tangibile.

Io credo di essere stato uno dei più critici sulla gestazione di questo modulo e come te non sono molto ottimista, ma sicuramente gli auguro tutto il bene possibile e non sarei certo contento se fallisse il progetto, anzi sarei felicissimo di essere smentito e non sarei mai soddisfatto di averci “preso” per una mancata riuscita.

A prescindere dalla tempistica mi auguro veramente anch'io che questo elicottero a cui sono molto interessato possa finalmente vedere la luce dopo tanti annoi di buio, senza dubbio lo merita il 3D artist The_Fragger che ha tenuto duro come si suol dire tutti questi anni...



p.s solo a titolo informativo prima che qualcuno, come dire, si agiti, ho già informato Bignewy della mia nuova iscrizione, grazie



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