Mode Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 (edited) Update Update for DCS World 1.5.4 Open Beta. DCS World AI aircraft with type "uncontrolled" will able start from an aircraft carrier Restored wingtip trails of propeller driven aircraft. Humidity factor added Encyclopedia. Missing 3D models added, M1097 the 3d model name added AI aircraft. The visible restrictions of sensors will not inherit from previous mission. Example: if previous mission was at night the optical sensors will not have very limited range in the next daylight mission. Empty "type" unit in ME and immortals this unit in sim (when launching mission ver 1.5.3 in open beta 1.5.4) Crash during bombing buildings fixed Crash while changing options fixed User snapview saving restored In-cockpit TrackIR functionality corrected. Influence of mouse and default camera position was switched off. DCS L-39 L-39ZA. Gunsight will be always functional, independently by mount/unmount checkbox for L-39C. Edited July 1, 2016 by Mode
ED Team Chizh Posted July 8, 2016 ED Team Posted July 8, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.4 Changelog for public DCS 1.5.4 version This log is sum of previous two logs of 1.5.4 Open beta plus several new positions. DCS World Multiplayer. New integrity check system Multiplayer. Reworked aircraft motion algorithms to improve resistance to lags Multiplayer. Added an input adjustment possibility New Campaign Builder design with multi language support ME. Payload panel. Added skin preview in the 3D view ME. Added new trigger UNIT’S ARGUMENT IN RANGE for checking animation argument for any 3D model in mission ME. Added new trigger PLAYER’S UNIT ARGUMENT IN RANGE for checking animation arguments for player’s 3D model of unit in mission ME. Added the ability to place helicopters on the ground for the cold and hot start Encyclopedia. New 3D view Options panel. New design Support of hot plug of input devices now Module manager. Added DRM button for activation/deactivation Returned moon in the sky Corrected animation of airshow cone Oculus Rift. RadioCommunications and triggered messages menu font increased Oculus Rift. Kneeboard and terrain clipping issues fixed Oculus Rift. Oculus Zoom action added to "UI layer" input options Oculus Rift. VR settings can now be applied without restarting GUI AI aircraft with type "uncontrolled" will able start from an aircraft carrier Restored wingtip trails of propeller driven aircraft. Humidity factor added Encyclopedia. Missing 3D models for Weapon category added AI aircraft. The visible restrictions of sensors will not inherit from previous mission. Example: if previous mission was at night the optical sensors will not have very limited range in the next daylight mission. Updated MiG-29A model. Empty "type" unit in ME and immortals this unit in sim (when launch mission_ver153 on branch 154) Crash during bombing buildings fixed User snapview saving restored Crash while changing options fixed In-cockpit TrackIR functionality corrected. Influence of mouse and default camera position was switched off. AI B-1 and F-14 will not be able to fly without wing Damaged AI aircraft will return to the nearest airfield Corrected dogfight logic of AI WWII fighters Sun will not be visible through objects and cockpit Manpad AI will not ignore time for lock target Fixed bug with all single fired shells, they will not fly-trough targets DCS FC3 Su-27. CN Flight Manual updated Su-27. Added Russian training missions DCS Fw 190 The Challenge campaign. Updated a few missions / all the briefing images The Challenge campaign. Russian locale added DCS L-39 Fix of causeless fire in the hangar and formation below other aircraft Added gauges with imperial scales L-39ZA. Gunsight will be always functional, independently by mount/unmount checkbox for L-39C DCS A-10C Oxygen QTY pointer will move not discrete when test oxygen button depressed DCS UH-1H Some improvements and bug fixes for Sling load operations The hints now in Kneeboard (later it will fully removed from screen) DCS Mi-8MTV2 Some improvements and bug fixes for Sling load operations The hints (about Weapon status, sling load status) now replaced to Kneeboard Now the ground crew can be called without setting an intercom, but opened Window R-863 in default is tuned on ME frequency Default position of the switch ДЕНЬ-НОЧЬ depends on the time of day Fixed failures in ME Added view on Cargo from pilot seats (LShift + LAlt + С), will tuned later Fixed mirrors status during mission start Parking brake fixed After Hot start: pitot heating initialize, SARPP init state, Air Inlet Particle Separator System is initialize, GMC-1A already slaved Human radio modulation changed to AM Tail Rotor Control Failure, repair fixed Add animation for Rotor Swash Plate and TailRotor Hub DCS SA342 by Polychop Added SA342L model featuring Gun, Rockets, new camera with only daytime view, no NVG, rockets recoil to be corrected later Added SA342L separated manual Now both internal cockpit pilots bodies can be hidden using RShift+P key in sequence Corrected Flight Model in turns Corrected Flight Model in dives Corrected HOT3 missile to explode as soon as wire is cut Corrected Rotor torque behavior depending on speed Corrected pitch and roll stick sensitivity Corrected helicopter skids behavior at ground Now helicopter can land in grass Now external pilots bodies don't show when helicopter is set as uncontrolled in ME External copilot body is still visible when helicopter is set as static in ME, will be fixed later Corrected campaign missions to keep player current stage Corrected COMB warning at Alarm panel and manual accordingly Corrected Flares now reload when rearming Corrected Engine sound not to change while in Torque test Corrected Trimming with Magnetic brake Corrected wool wire to correctly reflect wind direction Corrected NADIR VENT parameter to display absolute direction the wind comes from Corrected SAS authority during turns DCS C-101 by AvioDev Corrected mirror far vision. Modified Special Options interface according to new appearance. Changed EB and CC available tasks in ME. Added CC Sea Eagle missile launch capability for AI. DCS Hawk by VEAO W key fixed - both toe brakes on Fuel burn refined Sight glass 3d object fixed - work in progress Sight glass holders transparency fixed TrackIR view limits set Canopy glass external model more transparent Brake pressure increased to hold aircraft on full power Parking brake keyboard and joystick shortcuts set (LCTRL+W = off, RCTRL+W = on) Flaps changed default to F = next detent, LSHIFT+F = previous detent and renamed to Flaps group DCS Black Shark Animation of ejection sequence fixed Parking brake fixed DCS Combined Arms VR corrected Edited July 8, 2016 by Mode Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted July 15, 2016 ED Team Posted July 15, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.4 Update 1 DCS update 1 today in release. DCS World Multiplayer. Server list sorting restored GUI. Menu music will not restarts when changing activity in the menu GUI. AIM-9M/P will be available in payload panel AIM-9P updated 3D model AIM-9P5 missile was introduced. The missile has more advanced, all-aspect guidance seeker compared to the 9P variant. Su-25T. ECM will not work without ECM pod installed Track IR. Add option “TrackIR external views” enable/disable Track IR. Vertical angle origin takes into account GUI. Open/save dialogs will work faster Input. Cell with keyboard/joystick combo will able to select after axis command has been assigned US pilot 3D models was removed from Kuznetsov carrier Flood light in cockpits restored Video recording function restored A-10's AIM-9 missile mount corrected Mortars will fire Encyclopedia. Added some new weapon articles Power lines restored ATGM Vikhr will not be drop out of guidance channel with sidewind DCS M-2000 by RAZBAM EFM Fix. Aerobraking while landing PCA Fix. Radar stuck in TAS on weapons change. INS Fixes. Next/Prev Waypoint key bind INS. ENC (Auto Navigation) Button: Activates/Deactivates automatic waypoint update. INS. Keybinds for BAD, REC, MRQ, VAL and ENC. INS. MRQ selection as navigation waypoint INS. MRQ waypoint save INS. BAD (Offset) Navigation VTB. Weapons load display Cockpit. New model Cockpit. New textures DCS Ka-50 Aircraft repair will working on FARP DCS MiG-15bis Missions converted to multilanguage DCS F-86F Missions converted to multilanguage DCS Hawk by VEAO Falling-out-the-sky issue resolved DCS MiG-21bis by Leatherneck Tuned Engine for acceleration & climb performance adherance. ASP Reticle offset fix for windy conditions Edited July 18, 2016 by Chizh Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted July 22, 2016 ED Team Posted July 22, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.4 Update 2 DCS Update 2 The main task of today's update is the Early Access of DCS: F-5E Tiger II Several fixes and corrections: Ground vehicles will not call dust effect from concrete surfaces Su-25T. Added animation of baro altimeter failure flag Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H. Fixed crash when player helicopter with selected cargo is destroyed Flaming Cliffs. Error when DRM button pressed fixed Su-27. Incorrect Mechanical Devices Indicator fixed MP. Added role selection window localization DCS Hawk by VEAO Controls indicator now shows with RCtrl+Enter Weapons selector has been fixed Flaps and gear down now affect flight model Rudder yaw sensitivity has been tweaked Aden gun pod texture added Known DCS F-5E bugs and inconsistencies: IDLE RPM (Thrust) vs altitude. IDLE thrust too big at altitude. Damaged aircraft without one wing sink smoothly. No spin after tail slide. According to TO, when tailsliding with pitch > 70 degrees the plane should enter inverted spin. Choсks animation linked to canopy animation on net phantom Turn perfomance at 5000ft. Sustained turn curve has no step on 330 KIAS. No compressor stall and flameout. Max lift g-loads. According to TO at 5000 ft and GW 13750 the F-5 can achieve 6.0 G at M = 0.5. In simulator the plane can achieve 6.6 at M=0.5 and 7.1 at M = 0.52. Pitch down input is too abrupt due to absence of half of the axis. stick fwd movenent is less, than aft, but the scale of joystick-virtual stick is the same for aft and fwd movement. Missing missile excess-G marker on LCOSS. Gunsight mode A/A1 works incorrect. AIM-9 seeker FOV is very narrow. RWR sound issues. No sounds are present for new radar sources Only one attempt to lock-on after ACQ button release in radar search mode. Radar elevation controls stop working after target lock is broken. Lock gate cannot be controlled after severl mode switches. Edited July 22, 2016 by Chizh Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Racoon Posted August 5, 2016 ED Team Posted August 5, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.4 Update 3 DCS Update 3 The Museum Relic (MiG-15 and F-86F) campaign release! DCS World Multiplayer. Improved aircraft motion algorithms. TrackIR input data separated to own cpp, cockpit will use angles from trackIR directly (like in old way). Removed “headtracking disabled” message. Artifacts on Maverick's IR-view and Shkval view fixed Input chat commands moved to UI layer Trim will working when secondary FFB device connected Module manager. Added DRM controller for campaigns Su-25T. Incorrect Mechanical Devices Indicator fixed Su-25T. Updated Chinese version of the Georgian Oil War campaign DCS FC3 Su-33. Incorrect Mechanical Devices Indicator fixed DCS F-5E Tiger II AIM-9P5 missile corrected AA1/DG mode tuned HUD circle tuned in MSL mode Damage model corrected Auto lock corrected in MSL mode DCS crushing on using GUNS fixed Fix G-limited indication in MSL mode Fix aircraft behavior at IDLE Engines on high-altitude airfields Fix Choсks animation linked to canopy animation on net phantom Added possibility to change laser code for GBU-12 Added laser code for GBU-12 to kneeboard Smoke engines adjustment Added LAU-68 for FFAR Mk5 FFAR HEAT - improved FM Rocket rotation frequency adjustment Dispersion of FFAR increased Fix Radar "In Range" indicator doesn't flash when below minimum range DCS will not hangs at weapon release if RIPPLE mode selected Added control of radar indicator brightness Changed default radar indicator brightness Wing brake fixed Corrected only one attempt to lock-on after ACQ button release in radar search mode Added nose ballast, when inboard fuel tanks are carried. Radar elevation controls will not stop working after target lock is broken Fixed wind in FM Tail light will flashing on net phantom DCS M-2000 by RAZBAM Super radar fix Magic selection bug fix VTB STT display for CCM. Dropping contacts when out of STT range. Checks that STT target is within the +/- 60º cone. DCS C-101 by AvioDev Reworked cockpit structure Radios (VHF, UHF, intercom) implementation. Front and rear cockpit New cockpit (knobs, oxygen system, tap on glass...) realistic sounds. Front and rear cockpit Tweaked AI takeoff performance Modified mirror vision Integration work between front and rear cockpit continues. Several improvements All front cockpit devices can be now assigned to keyboard and joystick commands. WIP for rear cockpit DCS Mi-8MTV2 Repair crash fix DCS Ka-50 Chinese flight manual updated Edited August 5, 2016 by Mode C-101 log added 1
ED Team Racoon Posted August 19, 2016 ED Team Posted August 19, 2016 DCS Update 4 DCS World Fixed crash after exit from multiplayer. Labels format now forced in multiplayer game from mission file (custom labels script should be added to mission file manually). Trimmer method now selecting correctly for FFB and nonFFB devices. DCS can be closed by Alt+F4 combo (need to add ‘respect_alt_f4 = true’ line to autoexec.cfg). Encyclopedia: R4M rockets description added. DCS Bf‐109 K‐4 Module is in release status now. Added new skins. DCS F‐86F Fixed missing wing tank pylon textures on some LODs. DCS F‐5E Tiger II Radio channel presets now loading in a prepared mission. Fixed frequency rounding in preset channel chart. DCS UH‐1H Fixed frequency rounding in preset channel chart. 1
ED Team Chizh Posted September 9, 2016 ED Team Posted September 9, 2016 DCS 1.5.4 Update 5 DCS Update 5 Today A-10C Operation Piercing Fury by Ranger79 integration. DCS World Crash server and client in multiplayer when another client occupies manpad unit is fixed IC will not be cheated by unregistered mods China's assets callsign format shown in ME is corrected AA missiles will not dive after miss MP. Fixed issue with difficult to close of chat window No debriefing points for wins issue fixed External model draw arguments accessible from Export.lua Fixed the issue with artillery that not open fire in some places Added RU phrases for ground air supply MP. Added info about difficulties setting on the server M1A2. Corrected damage model Kneeboard. Added support of localized folder inside mission Mid-range missile hit will not always causes to full aircraft destruction Ground units. Fixed issue with shells that flying through target without collision China unit system will be in metric DCS FC3 Su-25. Radar altimeter pointer corrected Su-25. The boom of opened canopy corrected FC3 aircraft. An enabling of cockpit lights at night by default fixed Su-27/33 indication corrected Fixed issue with China a/c radio without audio DCS SA342 Gazelle by Polychop New same sight for both gun and rockets Corrected VRS Corrected Mistral Missile performances Corrected issue with rearming Mistral version Corrected issue with Yugoslav livery Fixed game crash when crashing mistral version or swapping from mistral version to another helicopter Corrected main alarm lamp to switch off with fuel lever full forward position Changed some cockpit instrument glasses for compatibility with external mods Fixed instruments internal lights Now Copilot is no more be able to engage Autopilot Slaved mode, in multicrew Added FFB feature, still WIP DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Changed default FOV to 150 degrees Fixed side-slip ball while flying inverted. Adjusted flight dynamics with drag chute deployed. Corrected check warning lights button on landing gear panel causing the intake nose cone to extend. Redefined ventilation lever from axis to lever. Adjusted fuel set knob animation assignment to controller rotaries. Adjusted ASP rotary inputs for controller devices. Fixed trigger zone of canopy ventilation system handle. Fixed canopy visibility and animation after rearm/repair. Fixed when AI only fires S-5M rockets in pairs. Corrected R-60M’s all aspect seeker-head. Increased nose cone damage value. Optimized LODs. Added VVS Metal livery. Fixed fuel tank pylons’ texture. Fixed Southeria livery’s unweathered left wing. Created new specular textures for metal and painted liveries. Created normal bump textures for visible damage. Corrected UV mapping on windscreen. Corrected normals’ orientation on static center airbrake. Fixed alpha channel presets for landing gear chocks. Holes now show. Remodeled tires’ animation and damaged looks. Animated engine fan blades. Removed canopy covers for further testing with end-of-shutdown animation. Disabled intake relief and spill doors’ visibility arguments for further testing. Partially fixed two primary engine sounds at mission start. DCS L-39 L-39ZA. A gun smoke texture will not be visible without shooting Pilot textures corrected L-39C. Fixed bug with the weapon panel bomb lamps are not lit, when bombs are on the hardpoints L-39ZA. Gun moment is zeroize Pitot dyn slowdown speed calculation fix DCS Mi-8MTV2 Cyrillic characters on the few cockpit warning lights was replaced in the English cockpit DCS Bf 109 K-4 Update on training missions for Bf 109K-4 Reworked control surfaces deflection saturation to a clamping behaviour Electrical gauges will depend of electric power Fixed surface degradation upon detachment of control surfaces, redesigned axis-driven elevator trim behaviour Added zero tick to trim scale DCS F-5E Fixed through hole on external model CHAFF/FLARE dispenser is available by default during air start Fuel tanks will be available for repair Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team USSR_Rik Posted September 14, 2016 ED Team Posted September 14, 2016 hotfix hotfix. "Operation Piercing Fury" campaign: Second mission, player parking position changed, traffic jam at the spawn fixed. Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. That road goes down and down. Можно держаться на одном уровне добра, но никому и никогда не удавалось удержаться на одном уровне зла. Эта дорога ведёт вниз и вниз. G.K. Chesterton DCS World 2.5: Часто задаваемые вопросы
ED Team Chizh Posted September 23, 2016 ED Team Posted September 23, 2016 DCS 1.5.4 Update 6 DCS Update 6 Updated missions in the A-10C Operation Piercing Fury and the Museum Relic campaigns. DCS World MP. Improved MP extrapolator Fixed GUI error when choosing a place in the supply list Decreased the surveillance range of artillery for the FPS stutter preventing The sound of explosions will be play after mission restart MP. All notifications on server will be allowed in order for user scripts to get stats, even if the client does not allow it Export API. Provide a way to get own unit type even when allow_ownship_export is turned off in MP server settings Decreased point rate of Armed House from 100 to 10. Input. Joysticks Thrustmaster HOTAS, XBox 360, Cobra will not getting stuck with axes movement F10 map. Mouse click point will be in correct place when using multiple viewports/monitors is rendered on left screen DCS FC3 Fixed Su-33 Heavy Sky Campaign spawn location issues on the deck DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Updates forgotten for update 5 now included in update 6. RSBN lateral deviation in DESCEND (PROBIVANIE) mode is now displayed. RSBN and ARK sounds can now play simultaneously if selected. Fixed pressurized/depressurized sounds when canopy is jettisoned. Added collision modeling for drop tanks. DCS M-2000 by RAZBAM RWR Missile Launch Warning enabled RWR "library" updated RWR coding upgraded, now it uses three letters code instead of 2. Radar ranging (TAS) upgraded. Guns & rockets gunsight upgraded. CCIP with TAS bug fixed. Flight plan waypoint display in VTB upgraded. INS ΔAlt input in feet fixed. DCS Bf 109 K-4 Wing slat will be animated Added 2 dogfight skin DCS Ka-50 Parking hot start from carrier - landing gear lever will be in correct position DCS Fw 190 D-9 HOTAS flaps assignment corrected and will be works DCS UH-1H Trimmer mode option added DCS L-39 Corrected IAS indication in the rain conditions Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Groove Posted September 27, 2016 ED Team Posted September 27, 2016 Dear all, we are aware of the stability issues with DCS: MiG-21bis since the last update and work closely with Leatherneck Simulations on a hotfix. As soon as the hotfix is ready and tested, we will release it. Thanks for your patience. Our Forum Rules:
ED Team USSR_Rik Posted September 27, 2016 ED Team Posted September 27, 2016 hotfix DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Crash fix DCS M-2000 by RAZBAM Ground Ranging mode fix 1 Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. That road goes down and down. Можно держаться на одном уровне добра, но никому и никогда не удавалось удержаться на одном уровне зла. Эта дорога ведёт вниз и вниз. G.K. Chesterton DCS World 2.5: Часто задаваемые вопросы
ED Team Chizh Posted September 30, 2016 ED Team Posted September 30, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.4 Update 7 DCS Update 7 Added support of A-10C Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification campaign by Maple Flag Net extrapolator changed for future iumprovement, please be patient DCS World. Removed the scale that was displayed in the Campaign window Separate module of Su-27. Position indicator (ИП-52) corrected L-39. Fixed the incorrect liveries on LODs DCS C-101 General changes: Fixed clock set functionality - no more chronometer reset occurs. Altimeters now change their indication without a noticeable lag, when a new baro pressure is set. Altimeters read negative values. FIRE TEST function was fixed. DC power check was added to the gear handle logic (gear is controlled by solenoid), and to the gear downlock override button (the handle downlock can't be overridden without electric power). Gear downlock override button got a safety wire, which can be overridden by 2-seconds press and hold. Rebuilt 3D model and textures of magnetic compass. Ability to transmit/receive T-tone. Separate used fuel calculation for front and rear cockpits. Fixed clock rewind/set lever. Altimeter and clock knobs animation adjusted. Changed engine smoke level (thickness). Altimeter baro set knob is mechanically linked to the pointer/counter system. The baro set knob stops if indication reaches its min/max possible displayed values (from -1000 to 59980 ft). The baro set knob operation is independent in each cockpit. CODE OFF altimeter flag is animated smoothly now. Airspeed pointers animated smoothly now. I.e. no more jumps from zero to the minimum displayed airspeed. Mach scale is properly animated. Its end (.9) is visible in the window when aircraft is on ground. Working R/T flag on ADI in both cockpits. R/T and backup ADI OFF flags were animated smoothly. Fixed Slip animation. Airspeed pointers and counters will be initialized correctly at hot start. Some liveries and textures corrected. Fixed excessive accelerometer oscillations at takeoff. Fixed backup attitude indicator when its power was set off. Fixed EN and ES training missions for new EB cockpit. Updated quickstart and single missions according to multilingual system. Added CN. Training missions remain with old system, in a separate locale folder. Rear cockpit functionality added: Gear downlock override button. Gear warning mute button. Flap switch. Plus animation was made smooth in both cockpits. Oxygen system main supply lever. Oxygen system pressure warning switch (specific for the rear cockpit). 'Antiskid' korry button. 'Fail/Caution/Fire' korry buttons. Cockpit Illumination system. Rear cockpit integration of N1, N2, EGT, oil temperature, oil pressure + rear cockpit circuit breakers and indicators' brightness control. Smooth animation applied to them. Fuel flow, voltmeter and hydraulics pressure complete. Used fuel reset and fuel flow test buttons. Implemented VSI and g meter. Rear cockpit clock. Working backup ADI and turn/slip indicator (including the circuit breaker). Working antiskid Korry button. Edited October 1, 2016 by BillyCrusher Version number added Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted November 3, 2016 ED Team Posted November 3, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.5 DCS 1.5.5 changelog DCS World Introduced user Tactical Marks on the F10 map view. New flight dynamics of Stinger and Igla missiles. ME. Attack point circle on the map restored Debriefing. The duplicate tasks and aircraft names in the General Debriefing Data will be filtered Added clickable radio-menu AI UH-1H will not able to fly with broken tail rotor IL-78 refueling pod lights: functionality added Fixed visibility some map objects through haze The LOD of destroyed Kamaz-43101 model has been fixed Simulation ESC menu. Added Audio Option panel button Simulation ESC menu. Added Quit to Desktop button Crash when trying to take control (jump into) of AI helicopter with vertical velocity more than 2 m/s fixed Mission Generator. GUI Error when trying to change the starting position of vehicle company has been fixed MP. Added keyboard shortcut (F5) to refresh a list of servers in the lobby MP. Lobby. The task column was replaced with an airfield column. MP. Fixed bug that causes a no restriction movement of F11 view after ESC pressing MP. Player kick button will visible only on server MP: increased default timeouts to 300 seconds Network protocol changed (version 1.5.5 incompatible with 1.5.4) Added new 3D models: KRAZ truck and Merkava 4 MBT. Il-78 tanker. Added lights animation to UPAZ refueling pod. DCS FC3 Su-33: Autopilot mode indication will work Su-33. Digital fuel indicator repaired Su-25T. Engine sound will not disappear in cockpit when RPM<36% and RPM>98% F-15C. The override possibility of TWS 30 degree scan to 60 degree scan has been eliminated F-15C. TDC will not be slewed by mouse to outside the scan zone Su-27. Incorrect indication of fuel quantity when starting in air has been fixed Su-27. Flight control system with AOA and G-limiter has been adjusted Su-27. Autopilot has been adjusted Su-27. Tires strength has been adjusted DCS A-10C Steerpoint marker on HUD will not floating The parasitic elements of external 3D model were removed from cockpit Fixed click sound for some cockpit switches UHF radio tone sound will not heard without electrical power A-10C Piercing Fury Campaign corrections DCS Hawk by VEAO Aden gun pod fire and ejector positions updated. Brake pressure gauges now functional. Transponder panel now active (for future functionality). Gun and stores stick flaps animated correctly. External textures optimized. Kneeboard updated for authentic Hawk checklists. Rear seat switching implemented for single player including functionality: Press 2 and 1 to switch cockpits (can also assign to joystick). Click spots updated for rear seat functionality. Flap and gear control (clickable and joystick) implemented, including emergency flap and gear. Flap and gear indicators functional. Hydraulics and brake pressure gauges implemented. Parking brake, Anti-Skid, Oxygen switch and AC/DC buttons all implemented. HSI, Standby ADI, DGI and pressure settings switches, buttons and knobs functionality implemented. All rear cockpit dash gauges implemented. HSI Tacan / ILS navigation and glideslope functions implemented. Beacon light and test implemented. Accelerometer reset implemented. CWP indicators functional including test switch. Attention light reset switches implemented. Land/Taxi light switch implemented. Cockpit lighting switches, including dimmers, implemented. Cockpit lighting WIP for FPS improvements. CCS box implemented; VHF/UHF/ILS/Tacan (tune radios in front cockpit). Canopy locking lever and safety catch implemented. Note: there is no grab handle in the back, press LCtrl+C to close or front cockpit grab handle). Engine start / re-light sequence implemented. You can start the jet from the back but some switches in front need to be set (Ignition, Battery, LP Fuel Cock and Fuel Pump). Weapons indicator panel functional and tied to front cockpit switch functionality (indicator lights show what has been set in the front). Weapon override switch functional (set to override to disable firing of weapons). Weapon jettison button functional. Multi-Crew. Ability to ride-along in the rear seat in Player 2 slot on multi-player servers. DCS L-39 Anti-ice system switch will be OFF at cold start ADI failure lamp will lit when AC power is missing Corrected latitude value on GMK-1 Cockpits sounds will depend of corresponding canopy state, forward cockpit by forward canopy and rear cockpit by rear canopy. Emergency generator extension will be visible on net phantoms. P-51D High Stakes Campaign 2nd mission: 1st waypoint condition simplified 7th mission: targeting becomes more explicit for player DCS F-5E Inverted spin has been simulated. UHF Radio - Hinged Access Door will be opened. AIM-9 tone will not be heard if both wingtips gone off. Landing gear audible warning will be heard when warning test switch enabled. TACAN channel selector animation corrected. Fixed RWR sound issues with new contacts. Wing bend and twist due to G-loads has been corrected. Changing TACAN channel will not interrupt current radio chat. Input: Added some axis commands for TDC, rudder trim, lights etc. With the start in the air the F-5E will be trimmed on the assigned speed like it is implemented for all other aircraft. Aileron limiter now disabled at cold start. Single player missions added. Added inert and training stores. Added wing damage with high G overload Drag chute can not be fully deployed without any airstream Drag chute model corrected DCS UH-1H External F2 camera will do not zooming out on certain angles The missing a pilot's skin fragments were restored Side machineguns control by TrackIR and mouse has been refactored ‘Hot start’ fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer Search and landing lights will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer DCS Black Shark Fire exhaust effect for Ka-50's APU has been added Searchlight will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer DCS F-86 Fixed incorrect effect of flap deflection on pitching moment DCS Mi-8MTV2 Taxi & landing lights will enabled when hot start on ground at night APU exhaust fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer DCS C-101 by AvioDev Fuel reset knob animation was inverted. DRM button added to Module Manager. Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made springloaded for both positions). Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect). Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine antiice korry buttons. Fixed cockpit mechanism. Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters. Reworked ejection seat model and labels. Updated autostart sequence. Fixed and finished all cockpit texture. Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function. Re-saved Quick Start and Single Caucasus missions to avoid hang on restart. Fixed problem with the front cockpit being clickable from the rear one. Fixed cockpit specular texture. TACAN will work in all theaters now. TACAN panel animation and clickability updated. TACAN ID audio can be switched on/off now via intercom in the rear cockpit. Terrain masking is correctly accounted now. AA TACAN is functional now. Test function was fixed, automatic self-test function was added (starts after 3 sec timeout, when TACAN station signal is lost). Test function can be interrupted by selecting another channel, or switching mode dial to another mode. TACAN ranging function can be turned off by pulling TACAN DME circuit breaker. Bugs fixed since Open Beta 1.5.5. (last week) MP. Tactical marks will be able to delete Ground unit will not fall through roof of buildings. Manpads for example. Sometime manpad unit does not fire. Fixed. F-5E. Fixed missing right wing light halo F-5E. Corrected training missions triggers (setting course). F-5E. Some corrections to Flight Manual F-5E. Added pilot to cockpit F-5E. Fixed fuel pressure lights simultaneously going off after single engine start F-5E. Fixed oxygen pressure gage showing 0 after turning off supply lever F-5E. Fixed chaff program execution when single flare is selected F-5E. Added IFF input commands Known major issues: Mouse cursor is visible on mission start in FC's cockpits L-39: RadioCommandDialogPanel error when MP client second time occupied the rear cockpit Oculus: bottom buttons on multiplayer GUI are not clicable Edited November 11, 2016 by Chizh Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted December 2, 2016 ED Team Posted December 2, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.5 Update 1 DCS Update 1 DCS Mi-8MTV2 goes to official release status DCS World PAI: AI refueling check collision optimisation, multi-hose tanker flow fix, AI-client position fix PAI : Kutaisi. Collision on taxiing fixed The void onboard numbers in the custom skins has been fixed Manpad units will produce script ON SHOT event VR crash for SFM planes fixed The smoke trail effects (leaks, smoke-generators, missile trails) corrected Missile trail will not suddenly disappears on some distance Mission generator. The error when China Su-27 is selected has been fixed The aircraft laser designator will not pass through buildings and missiles will not aim to laser spot behind the illuminated building Merkava 4. Machineguns' ammunition amount corrected Fix of the script error when aerobatic task selected in triggered actions panel MiG-29. The weapons will not hang in air when corresponding wing with pylons is lost DoF is off for VR devices Su-27: Engine RPM in the engine stalls condition corrected Camera will be attached to pilot after ejection in any case MP. The free camera of dead pilot will not be able to move to anywhere if the free camera is prohibited on the server DCS Hawk by VEAO AHRS failure on re-spawn fixed. HYD2 pressure loss on re-spawn fixed. Keyboard pitch control now auto re-centers preventing HYD bleed during flight. Liveries: “Finland HW-329 Green Brown” added to country Finland Liveries: “Finland HW-341 Grey” made more matte and wrong liveries name fixed (was “HW-373 Grey” instead of “HW-341 Grey”) Swiss textures being black in F1 and F2 view fixed. DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Fixed radio indicator showing "---.--" when radio powered off Updated mil-power engine performance Updated airfoil tables for more correct sustained turn rate Updated damage configuration Added DDM Equipment Added Caucasus Campaign (1.5.5 only) Added Caucasus Training Missions (1.5.5 only) Added CMD Program Edit Added BLG-66 Belouga cluster bomb Removed MK-20 Rockeye cluster bomb DCS Fw 190 D-9 Pilot model in cockpit is able to be disabled Decreasing of fuel quantity via rearm/refuel dialog will not affect MW50 tank Inverted keyboard commands for reticle brightness control DCS A-10C Second AIM-9 missile will have a seeker indication on HUD Simplified Radio is restored DCS Mi-8MTV2 Sling-load gameplay upgraded: new loads were added ( 8 so far, more to come with updates) with their dynamics tuned, sling damage upon contact with helicopter implemented, crew chief sling-load operation voice commands added. Released model of rope damage with helicopter Released model of cargos damage with world objects AI door and rear gunners added ( Door gunned with “KORD” 12.7 mm machine gun and rear gunner with PKT machine gun 7.62 mm), with ability to play as door gunner. Different predefined settings for combined TrackIR and mouse interactions for view and machine gun controls were added. if in addition to existing input devices (keyboard, mouse, joysticks) there is a head tracking device (TrackIR), views and gun can be controlled in three different ways without the need for self settings by user Reworked helicopter dynamic according to taken damage or systems failures (tail rotor fails dynamic, tail breakaway, tail rotor transmission fin damage); Destructive overload was fine-tuned (gear break possibility, tail rotor breakaway), gear friction, damage system from projectiles hits tuned, crew cabin armor implemented; Cockpit sound was tuned and fixed according to real Mi-8 pilots feedback; Gun Camera added. Special options for module were changed, including addition of joystick without springs and FFB option. Incorrect changes in camera pitch caused by airframe shake fixed Pilot’s guide was reworked, every procedure illustrated, systems descriptions added (including frequently asked questions on forums), typos and inaccuracies fixed (guide volume increased by 100%). We are aware of the bug with the m117 crate, it will be fixed in upcoming updates. DCS Ka-50 ABRIS Search function will work Restored chaff sound that was absent in some conditions DCS L-39 Taxi and landing lights initialization at night hot start added DCS Bf 109 K-4 Auto start sequence will not depend by radio start-up request if it was sent before Campaigns A-10C Piercing Fury Campaign. AI Chinook will land Edited December 2, 2016 by Mode 1 Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted December 9, 2016 ED Team Posted December 9, 2016 DCS 1.5.5 Update 2 DCS Update 2 Added support of the new “The Border” campaign for Mi-8MTV2 pilot by Armen. DCS World Ingame unit labels. Added possibility to adjust the color blending and opacity depending by distance. See \\Config\View\Labels.lua script. Ingame unit labels. Labels will scale in VR. Added Su-27 and MiG-29 to Kazakhstan and Belarus. Belarus will use metric system by default. MP. Fixed the chat switching by key-commands. Mouse cursor will not disappear after multiplayer chat switching. Mouse cursor will not be moved outside of DCS window when game window resolution less then desktop resolution. Radio menu won’t be clickable while track replays. Slingload cargo's net phantom drops through buildings rooftop fixed DCS Bf 109 K-4 Wheel brake axis will use full volume of slider, not one half. DCS Mi-8MTV2 Fix: KORD vertical aiming Fix: Tail boom damage at the beginning of the mission if setting in ME cold start w/o armor, hardpoint, fuel Fix: Fast mission generator makes missions without weapons Fix: Mission Editor, payloads preview: Mi-8 appears without half-doors Tune: rotor cockpit sounds Tune: Main rotor transmission fire occurrence process Flight Manuals (RU/EN): Fix errors, added new bookmarks (on left panel) Training missions: callsign changed to “Player” Mi-8 and UH-1H campaigns: missions start in darkness fixed DCS FC3 Su-27. Rudder will works correctly at low and high speeds. DCS L-39 Bingo fuel indicator will not continuously blinks after negative Gs. DCS C-101 by AvioDev New items not present in latest 2.0.4 version: New realistic smoke system implemented. IFR flight training hood implemented. Added Controls Indicator Window. Added working ADI in external view. Fixed gear lever light. Fixed warning sounds. Items already present in latest 2.0.4 version: Added provisional kneeboard with C-101EB checklist. Finished rear cockpit fuel and engine panels. Coded landing lights switches for rear cockpit. Coded rear cockpit pitot heat korry button. Fixed korry covers (now you need to open the cover to be able to click the korry). Fixed batteries 50ºC temperature korry indication for rear cockpit. TACAN X/Y channel have got click sound. Rear cockpit emergency canopy lever coded. Pitot heat and engine anti-ice systems will reset their state when power is lost. TACAN control panel switches and Intercom TCN knobs are properly set up now at mission start. Fixed animation for TACAN X/Y channel knob and indication. DCS F-5E Changed antenna elevation cursor position to relative to ARL. Adjusted video knob influence on indication. Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted December 16, 2016 ED Team Posted December 16, 2016 (edited) DCS 1.5.5 Update 3 DCS Update 3 Added support of DCS: Spitfire LF Mk.IX MP. Wingman of client will take off Fixed bug that caused to inoperative of mouse on external view after closing radio menu by selecting 'F12. Exit' item Trigger "missile in zone" will work correctly UH-1H. Fixed missions 06-07 for UH-1H Helicopters AI. Corrected landing behavior. At final stage of landing the helicopter will not evade by nearest obstacles. Mi-8MTV2. Fixed bug - cargo half-door disappear in static Mi-8 Mi-8MTV2. Fixed bug - inability to open cargo half-doors in Mi-8 player’s Known issues: Spitfire: Cockpit glass texture remains when moving part is opened Spitfire: Sight brightness knob texture absent F-5E: Engines start-up doesn't work DCS hotfix Spitfire LF MkIX Cockpit glass texture moved with canopy Sight brightness knob texture added Cockpit Engine sounds updateв F-5E Electrical system repaired Edited December 16, 2016 by USSR_Rik Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted December 23, 2016 ED Team Posted December 23, 2016 DCS 1.5.5 Update 4 DCS Update 4 DCS World Mi-8, UH-1 The smoke in the unloading area restored F10 Radio addCommandForGroup using script will works now Trigger rule "Part of Group in Zone" for human aircraft restored DCS C-101 by AvioDev No smoke while weight-on-wheels signal is sensed. Fixed smoke system reinit on weapon rearm. Added quantity accounting to the Smoke System. Unlimited smoke capacity is set when the 'Unlimited weapons' option is active. Smoke system messages to user were added when 'Easy avionics' option is active. Fixed some labels and indicating arrows of consoles and instruments lights panels. Fixed consoles textures. Fixed magnetic compass light switch. Added IFR hood keyboard/joystick command. Added functionality for the rear cockpit 'console lights' and 'instrument and storm lights' circuit breakers. N1, N2 and ITT digital displays brightness is controlled by 'Instruments' knob now. N1, N2, ITT and HSI bearing/range and VHF frequency digital displays now have minimum brigthness of 0.5 instead of 0. UHF frequency display FREQ/TEST switch have got 3 positions with TEST position spring loaded. Middle position works like previous FREQ position, and FREQ position always displays frequency disregarding UHF frequency mode knob position. Fixed ADI, it now shows the 20º of bank mark that was missing. DCS M-2000C Kneeboard: Radio preset page. Added independent animation for left/right main wheel. Fixed relaxed stability issue. Cockpit model update to fix small bleeding bug. Added Campaign missions documentation folder in Docs. Added broken pieces models for left and right wings. DCS L-39 Fixed Pitot heating DCS Spitfire IX Rearm fixed Gunsight smoked glass corrected Stick animation corrected Changed rate of rewards from 40 to 20 points DCS UH-1H VOR and ILS localizer bar fixed DCS F-5E Lights will not enabled at the cold aircraft start Bf 109 K-4 Artificial horizon and compass fixed Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted December 28, 2016 ED Team Posted December 28, 2016 DCS 1.5.5 Update 5 Short update. Last in this year. DCS Update 5 Triggers. Group is dead rule will working for air units The Piercing Fury Campaign. AI wingmen will starting up on mission 6. Fixed bug that caused issue with Su-33 take off from ship if F-5 present in mission. The smoke trail density for some missiles increased. The Ka-50 Republic campaign. Corrected rules of success in the mission 8. Su-27 The Ultimate argument campaign. The tasks of AI Su-25 flight in the mission 3 tuned. Happy New Year to all! :beer: 2 Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted January 27, 2017 ED Team Posted January 27, 2017 (edited) DCS World 1.5.6 Update 2017-02-10 Today we release a new crucial update - DCS This update introduces new aircraft DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Leatherneck Simulations also a number of fixes and additions. Release of DCS A-10C Stone Shield campaign Below the list of fixes and additions. DCS World Su-25T. Quick Start, Single and Training missions were converted into the multilanguage format. Su-25T. Added Russian localization for Training missions. TF-51D. Added Training missions. Added cargo name in status bar. Helicopters. When track replays, helicopter "rudder trimmer" local settings will not apply. Only track settings will work. Script Crash player with querying groups of Mi-8 and UH-1H will not bring crash. FARP and cargo objects will be able to selecting and then viewed via the F10 map. Ground units life in the trigger condition will correspond to lifebar indication. Marker smoke of cargo unload zone will work at 2 km distance and closer. Multiplayer. Server port can be reassigned in Multiplayer GUI. VR. Tool tip box size corrected. VR: Training mission helper cursor and highlight box will be visible. Mission generator. Fixed error that appears with generating mission for some aircraft. Fixed GUI error when using 'Nav. targets points' in ME. Fixed GUI error when tried to change object type for object that already used in advanced task Su-25T. Corrected payload with one jammer pod. Added second jammer pod. Custom cockpit liveries now can be placed in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries folder (for example liveries for F-86 cockpit can be placed here: "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_F-86F Sabre"). Antiradiation missiles. Corrected guidance system. Corrected launch zone calculation. GBU-12 aiming corrected Mouse cursor will disappear when idle Mission generator. Mission generator will create radio presets section in mission file. Placement of F-14s on a carrier deck corrected. Training missions. Local player callsign will be correct MQ-9 Reaper. Camo liveries corrected Unit.getRadar() function now will return ‘true’ for tracking radars part of SAM complex. Chinese speech support added TOW Bradley M2 launch interval decreased to 2 sec SAM Avenger too small launch interval in some cases corrected SAM Stinger (Igla) launch event now appears in briefing Ground unit weapons name in briefing corrected ATGM launch delay when units belong the same group removed Ground unit now continues deploy process after AI switching OFF and ON Ground Search Radar becomes inactive (but remains rotates) when get 50% damage. Updated 3D model of MiG-29S (9-13S). Ka-50 Medvedev 2 Campaign. Chinese localization added. Ka-50 cockpit sounds updated. DCS Spitfire IX Fixed invalid argument for side door net animation. Magneto ON/OFF commands reversed. Corrected typos in free flight instant mission. Gunsight brightness commands works correct. Wing guns will not work when corresponding wing goes off. DCS F-5E Fuel leakage from damaged fuel tank decreased AHRS will not work when related CB'S are off Fuel flow from external tanks corrected Fixed landing gear alternate release Roll trimmer motion rate decreased Fixed frequent CADC failures. Gear doors are open at cold start. Added training mission on the use of GBU-12 bombs. Added the section for use GBU-12 bombs in the Flight Manual DCS FC3 Su-27. Added axes for separated pedal wheel brakes and nose wheel steering control Su-27. Corrected F-5E payload in the instant mission Intercept. Su-27. Emergency brake handle added into cockpit. Su-33. Refueling probe will not appears inside cockpit. Su-33. Emergency brake and Emergency hook handles added into cockpit. DCS L-39 Added trimmer synchronization in multiplayer Engine can be stopped in air when "solo flight" option enabled Flaps control buttons will return into upper position after flaps moving finished QS mission Cold Start corrected - added valid home ATC frequency to 19th channel DCS UH-1H Damaged pitot system can be repaired. Player will not be able to interact with cockpit after all crew members are dead. DCS A-10C Air refueling sound will not play after disconnecting from tanker Corrected damage model of engine nacelles. DCS MiG-21bis Fixed misaligned Taxi Lights Fixed various external model (LOD) errors Corrected R-13M and R-13M1 missile performance Fixed anti-skid regardless of nose wheel brake Corrected FM roll inertia Corrected R-55 & RS-2US performance Adjusted In-Ground Effect (IGE) DCS M-2000C Added dynamic nose and tail numbering Added slight buffet at very high pitch rates Added airfoil aerodynamic force shift back with mach Updates to jammer switch functionality based on community feedback Updates to reduce control effectiveness at high AOA Updates to AP control tuning (some regimes still WIP) Updates to various AP logic (some features still WIP) Updates to afterburner fuel flow schedule (lower fuel flow with altitude as expected) Updates to afterburner performance for acceleration timing (reduced from previous) Updates to transonic drag modeling for performance and accelerating timing (greatly increased drag from previous) Updates to external fuel tank and 530D parasite drag values for performance and acceleration timing (minor increase) Updates to low speed AOA recovery control law for better response Updates to airfoil tables and stability coefficients to better match sustained turn rate charts (in general before had too high subsonic, too low supersonic) Updates to hydraulic system damage model Fixed AP still in standby when re-engaged when AP was previously turned off while in standby Fixed AP not allowed to disengage when in standby Fixed FBW gains on ground behavior Fixed some typos in tooltips Fixed a minor blending issue in FBW control laws Fixed engine inlet mass flow too high at high AOA Fixed engine efficiency at altitude and at idle (reduced) Fixed minor issue with drag reduction due to slats (reduction was too high previously) Fixed bugs in nearly all campaign and training missions Fixed INS flight plan no longer will reset when rearming or refueling DCS Combined Arms BMP-1 and BMD-1 now have common sight for all the turret armaments. Fixed missile armament “hangup” in mode of “missile guidance”. Voice message “enemy burn” will not play when destroying infantries. Fixed inverted lengthwise swinging of unit body while accelerating or braking in reverse gear. DCS C-101 by AvioDev New 3D external model, textures and liveries. New 3D cockpit model and part of the textures. Pilot model updated. Main altimeter got updated behaviour (lagging) when the internal vibrator is OFF. Fixed main altimeter negative altitudes display. Fixed a minor glitch in altimeters with the pointer jump, when the baro setting is changed during aircraft climbing/descending. Barometric setting is not affected now by the pointer stuck due to the internal vibrator being OFF. Rear cockpit STARTER CB will prevent engine starter operation when is pulled (works in parallel with the forward cockpit CB). Fixed rear cockpit TARSYN control panel and FD annunciator panel. Made clock chronometer seconds hand moving discretely (4 steps per a second). Clock chronometer seconds hand will move backwards, when earlier time is set and chronometer was operating. Fixed CAWS lights ON/OFF and dimming logic when battery cycled ON and OFF. Modified cockpit snap views and default cockpit view. Fixed smoke control panel layout. Fixed smoke CB position. Modified smoke colour. GPU sound is heard now at external views. Added new sounds in the cockpit: canopy, canopy lock/ safety handles, canopy detachment lever, parking brake handle, emergency gear extension lever, ejection handle. Added a specific 'buzz' sound, which is heard once batteries are ON. Sounds for canopy move and open/close locks and the 'buzz' sound are heard at external views now. Added a quiet 'clicking' sound in cockpit. It is heard when the secondary DC bus is energized. Added sound for UHF knobs. Changed several cockpit sounds from mono to stereo. Adjusted delays, open/close, lock/unlock, squeeze/release timings in the canopy animation. The canopy safety catch (release handle) now can be squeezed with the canopy locked - the canopy will open immediately, once the canopy lever is unlocked. Canopy animation updated. Fixed View axis commands for Joystick Inputs. Fixed magnetic compass light switch. Selected second cockpit controls can be heard now from the other cockpit. Fixed ADI display. Added CN version of C-101 EB Flight Manual. Added stairs and helmet to cockpit view when aircraft is off and canopy opened. Other seat pilot's head is now animated in the cockpit. Wheel chocks and stairs work correctly now in flyable aircraft. Fixed external lights panel. Fixed AI external lights logic. Fixed landing light position. Fixed cockpit mirror animation. Pilot's helmet glass in first-person view implemented (‘H’ key by default). Forward cockpit canopy will be teared off if it was not locked, once the ejection sequence has been started on ground. Ejection safety pin now disables the eject handle clickspot until the safety pin is pulled. Ejection seat model updated. Deleted fuel flow test button from rear cockpit. DCS Update 2017-02-03 DCS World Added F-5E-3 skins by winners of F-5E skin contest Added updated Kilo class submarine AI SAMs will not shooting to dead aircraf Fixed bug that caused to AI wingmen not starting up in some missions Fixed stuttering on loading new terrain area Corrected cockpit shadows DCS L-39 Turn Coordinator deflection corrected Fixed GMK heading synchronization in multiplayer DCS FC3 MiG-29A/S collision model edited. MIG-29s will not explode on take off or landing. DCS Update 2017-02-10 DCS World S-25OF rocket. The motor flame effect increased to S-25L level. Sweden was added to blue coalition by default. Propeller drawing procedure in controllable aircraft was reworked to handle rare negative prop phase values in a way it won't change prop blur mode. Trigger zone can be set to 5 meters radius now, instead 100 meters minimum earlier. Corrected 3D shape of MiG-29S wingtips. Force Feedback can be enabled for Saitek Cyborg Evo Force joystick (need to add ‘input.blacklist_ffb = false’ line into \Saved Games\DCS\autoexec.cfg file). MP. Corrupted F10 map after Changing mission function restored. MP. Client crash after connect to server when RB-04 is in flight fixed. Faded UI when set antialiasing 8xQ fixed. DCS F-5E Muzzle flashes will not appear inside cockpit. DCS Flaming Cliffs 3 Su-25. Gunsight reticle was restored. Su-25. Bomb sight will not be too low. DCS Combined Arms DCS crash that appears when controllable Igla manpad collides with building fixed. SAM SA-15 Tor will rearm DCS Spitfire IX Changed altimeter set pressure scale from ATA to millibars. Edited February 10, 2017 by Chizh Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted March 31, 2017 ED Team Posted March 31, 2017 (edited) DCS 1.5.6 Update 1 DCS Update 1 To Open Beta at first. DCS World Restored autobriefing info in simulation. External views and F5 view will be allowed for 'Game Master'. AI planes will able to perform high G turns in the aerobatics tasks. LOD of Oliver Perry corrected. Start of ATGM Vikhr will produce warning on A-10C MWS. MP. Kuznetsov carrier. Clients will not spawn in one place. Scripts. Game crash when player issues command Group.destroy() to their own group fixed. Crash when civilian traffic died fixed. Gunpads sound will heard for all aircraft. BetAB-500ShP booster fire effect corrected. S-24 rocket. Corrected a rocket motor flame volume. AIM-7M. DLZ calculation corrected. AI fighters will be able to attack a low IR signature helicopters with short-range AA missiles. Flight model. Eliminated of parasitic lift ground effect appears in flight under objects. Invalid number of chaff/flares in rearming menu fixed. ME. Voice Over in the triggered action can be localized now. Helipad icon on F10 view will change color after capturing by other coalition. AI helicopters will have a clouds of dust effect near ground surface. MP. Repairing client no longer causes crash. Fixed an occasional crash that could occur when restarting mission. Other stability improvements. DCS C-101 by AvioDev New item not present in latest 2.0.5 version: Added missing C-101 EB/CC default skin to several countries in ME. Added Chile, Honduras, Jordan and USAF Aggressor skins to their respective countries in ME. Items already present in latest 2.0.5 version: Fixed collision model to improve FPS, especially when flying close to some objects. Improved flaps external model. Fixed auto startup sequence. No more BLOC.CAB announcement after autostart. Fixed main wheels coordinates, wheel smoke will be shown correctly now. Fixed helmet visor texture (removed banding). DCS FC 3 Bomb-fall line on Russian aircraft HUDs will not flashing. Su-27. Corrected wheel brakes. Added new command for brakes - LShift+W. DCS Ka-50 FPS drops by half when NAV mode of ABRIS enabled with Water - Low option fixed. DCS A-10C A turn coordination with SAS enabled corrected. Training. A-10C-Training-Navigation.miz - TACAN triggers corrected DCS AJS 37 by Heatblur Simulations Changed height definition (parking space size) Added weapon chart to /Docs/ Fix for series-launch after re-arm Updated warheads for rockets Implemented MP Friendly BK90 Added localization support for hints and inputs Fixed some tooltip popups Added customized cockpit support (EN Cockpit incoming!) Added localization PO files Added CN hint and encyclopedia localization Added RU localization of payloads/failures/mission names Corrected RB 15 missing its' target Corrected silent RWR Corrected RB-04 and RB-15 for the AI Fixed CTD when entering a mission with a carrier and other ships in the same group Improved structural damage Added Over-G sounds Added basic force feedback implementation Added key commands for stick Rebuilt AFK landing mode Possibly fixed RB-04 and RB-15 rearm issues Fixed some keyboard flight control commands Fixed FORMLJUS shining on wing instead of vertical tailplane Fixed gap in front panel in external view Fixed pylons poking through interior of intake Fixed see through behind FLI ball Re-fixed E-W on FLI ball Re-fixed gap in front canopy rim Optimized various cockpit parts Fixed TILS light staying on after landing AKAN gunpod sounds added (ED) Various misc texture fixes Flaps now retract over 8+ seconds, easing lift loss after takeoff Refactored high alpha warning system fixed ground collision warning staying on after power off Fixed RB-XX name format Corrected small icon Fixed missing ‘4’ on Altitude Gauge DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Adjusted suspension dampers. Adjusted axis roll at slow speeds. Adjusted low speed drag in landing configuration. Adjusted acceleration in climb and turning. Fixed unusual event when AOA stalls, caused aircraft to enter uncontrollable roll. Fixed RSBN, PRMG, SAU automatic landing modes, causing unwanted oscillations. Fixed default chaff and flare quantities for ASO-2 configuration. Fixed the armament selection switch’s logic. Adjusted IR missiles’ detection range. Fixed radar ground reflections’ algorithm while flying inverted. Added landing/taxi lights 3 position commands. ВДИ-30К altimeter now calibrated for International Standard Atmosphere Fixed RSBN distance indicator changing from 019 to 020. UPK-23-250 control box now shows. Corrected “Main Red Lights” rotation animation. Corrected ADI/HSI’s light illumination sequence. Adjusted afterburner animation and sound synchronization. DCS L-39 Fixed errors in artificial horizon behaviour without power. The wing hardpoints will be numbered correctly. L-39 QS and Training missions updated. DCS Combined Arms SAM radar indicator will not disappear after switching Driver/Gunner/Radar positions. Driver/Gunner/Radar key commands changed. Fixed DCS crash when player leaves ground unit with turned ON radar view. Aiming of Tunguska (SA-19) with stabilization switch-on corrected. DCS Spitfire IX Update of EN Spitfire flight manual. Known issue Significant performance drop with enabled civilian traffic. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 April Update DCS DCS World Tree models fixed. Fixed GUI Error when using the condition for the task. F-15C. Fixed performance drop issue related to control axis moving in some cases. DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Important: This update contains the MiG-21Bis StarForce patch. Before applying this update, please visit ED forum thread for detailed information: (English) (Russian) Adjusted suspension dampers to be more rigid. Adjusted flaps’ drag coefficients. Adjusted pitch, roll, and yaw stability. Fixed landing/taxi light inputs. Edited April 7, 2017 by Chizh Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team BillyCrusher Posted April 21, 2017 ED Team Posted April 21, 2017 (edited) DCS 1.5.6 Update 2 DCS Update 2 ‘UH-1H Argo’ campaign introduced. DCS World Su-33 won’t try to take off with folded wings. Ambient sound will not disappear after mission restart. CG-60 Normandy: Restored missing sounds of anti-aircraft artillery. Reduced Kh-25, Kh-29 warheads power. Fixed “Hear Like In Helmet” option resets when changing sound volume. Fixed wrong QFE pressure in briefing. Multiplayer: Fixed crash on mission restart. Fixed strange AI maneuvers when a task pushed by trigger. Fixed bug with some ME tabs continued to be displayed when another window opened. DCS UH-1H Fixed inverted CDI Vertical Bar. DCS L-39 Option “Hide Stick” now works for L-39ZA. Ailerons force limit by airflow was increased. Throttle latch in rear cockpit will be opened in multiplayer mode. Radio control switch fixed - control will be switched between the cockpits with every flip. RSBN control box lighting fixed. Fixed bias of minute pointer on stopwatch dial. DCS Ka-50 Fixed hang of simulation after sending command "Attack datalink targets" to wingman. DCS A-10C Fixed progressive roll oscillation in autopilot ALT mode. DCS C-101 by AvioDev The main reason for this update is the implementation of new navaids, which are now compatible with any DCS map as well as highly improved. Details below. Removed rudder trim from C-101EB input options. Fixed navigation lights in external model which were hanging in midair when wings/tail are detached. Updated missions according to new smoke system. They can now be launched and edited again. Mission briefing picture will now appear also when main interface theme is not C-101. Changes in sounds. WIP. New VHF NAV (VOR/ILS/MB) implementation. Most of the code redone and made compatible with any DCS map. Updated RMI and HSI course deviation logic. Fixed forward and rear ARN-127 (VOR/ILS/MB) control panel indications and functionality. VHF and MK control knobs made functional in the rear cockpit Intercom Panel. Working Marker lights in the rear cockpit. Fixed VOR/MB test functionality. Working VHF CB in the rear cockpit. Fixed RMI pointers jump when passing through zero heading. Adjusted RMI pointers movement speed. TACAN stowed (when receiver is off) bearing was changed to 155 degrees. Minor fixes in TACAN pointer behaviour during mode transitions. RMI VOR bearing pointer is set to fixed 270 degrees, when ILS station is received. ARC-134 and ARC-127 frequency displays show '11 . 00' and '10 . 00' respectively when priority is set to the second cockpit, and the corresponding radio control box is switched off. Finished rear cockpit RMI/HSI/ADI and other navigation-related animations. Finished NAV priority functionality - AHRS fast erect/sync functions. Fixed warning, and gear low pitched tone sounds volume control: - no more dependence of the Intercom Panel INT knob. Fixed aft cockpit ADI test. Fixed aft cockpit markers lights test. Rear cockpit FD panel repeater implemented (plus brightness control). Rear cockpit ADI pitch adjust was animated (knob has no function). Some systems are still WIP, like FD commands, ADI pitch adjust or ADI’s rising runway symbol. Stay tuned! DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Adjusted suspension dampers to be more rigid. Adjusted flaps’ drag coefficients. Adjusted pitch, roll, and yaw stability. Fixed RSBN, PRMG, SAU automatic landing modes, causing unwanted oscillation. Fixed pitot tube’s inverted slideslip indicator. Added inputs to silent ARC/RSBN signals. Fixed landing/taxi light inputs to LALT+L. Fixed tires bursting at low landing speeds. Fixed GSh-23 Sound and UPK-23 alignment. Fixed afterburner sound synchronization with animation. Renamed S-24B to differentiate between LNS’ and ED’s weapon. Edited April 21, 2017 by Mode MiG-21 log added "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.
ED Team Chizh Posted April 28, 2017 ED Team Posted April 28, 2017 DCS 1.5.6 Update 3 DCS Update 3 Support a new Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign. DCS World Su-27. Fixed bug of starting brakes that causes plane slow down in the air. MP. Fixed server crash related to ground vehicles. UH-1H. Vertical CDI bar will do not inverts of ILS and FM homing DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations Decreased roll rate. Fixed SS Piper: will move with distance only. Fixed IR missile piper not following locked target. Fixed UPK pod piper position by -2 mrads. Fixed ARK far-near switch synchronization with clickable area. Adjusted afterburner sound synchronization with animation. Switched to ED’s custom cockpit solution: place your custom cockpit livery in “C:\Users\your_username\Saved Games\DCS.xxxx\Liveries\Mig-21_CP\my_livery” folder. Added more ‘21’ mark to weapons to differentiate between LNS’ and ED’s weapon. Added RU localization. Users can create localization for their own language (copy "CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21BIS\l10n\ru\LC_MESSAGES“, save in appropriate language folder and edit with PoEdit) 1 Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team USSR_Rik Posted May 12, 2017 ED Team Posted May 12, 2017 (edited) DCS Update 4 DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM added to Steam (attention: it uses Steam Keys only instead of Starforce keys) DCS World PAI aircraft engine running with uncontrolled type fixed. Crash on second simulation launch with JTAC fixed. Scripting function Weapon.getTarget() on SEAD missiles now returns correct data. Corrected maximum fuel quantity for OH-58. Clouds aren’t longer rendered in front of water splashes. AI planes won’t be spawned with running engine when ramp start. DCS C-101 by AvioDev Fixed command bar jump when passing through north heading or setting north heading in HDG mode. ALT mode commands now a correct altitude. Fixed missing SBY and GS EXT lights in rear panel repeater. FD V/L mode fixed. Fixed FD GO AROUND mode, it now commands wings level in roll channel instead of lateral mode V/L. Fixed GS mode, the airplane will now follow the glide path correctly. Fixed FD PAT mode. Restored functionality. ADI pitch adjustment knob only sets FD command bar in PAT mode, not ADI pitch attitude. Fixed ADI rising RWY symbol. It will now be hidden when the ADI is energized, as there is no radar altitude in the C-101EB. Fixed animation limits, when moved by mouse wheel, for the following cockpit controls: VHF NAV Volume, HSI Digits Brightness, ADI Pitch Adjustment, Airspeed Indicator Bug (still buggy as it moves too fast, corrected for next update). DCS MiG-21Bis by Magnitude 3 LLC Adjusted timing for SPS-141 flair drop. Fixed random countermeasures not working when button is pushed. Added Chinese localization. Added frontal lock correction for 'rear-aspect only' missiles. Note that the missiles can still acquire frontal lock when the target ir signature becomes strong enough. Added new skin: Croatia 2014 DCS A-10C Fixed roll induced sideslip with SAS on. DCS Su-27 Cockpit stick animation angles corrected. DCS F-5E-3 Fixed incorrect rockets release with 60 ms interval set via kneeboard. Mi-8MTV2 Joystick input for AI gunners panel added. Su-25T Training missions texts showtime reduced. Edited May 13, 2017 by BillyCrusher C-101 item corrected Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. That road goes down and down. Можно держаться на одном уровне добра, но никому и никогда не удавалось удержаться на одном уровне зла. Эта дорога ведёт вниз и вниз. G.K. Chesterton DCS World 2.5: Часто задаваемые вопросы
ED Team Chizh Posted June 30, 2017 ED Team Posted June 30, 2017 (edited) DCS 1.5.7 DCS 1.5.7 Update to Open Beta today. It will be available for public in the next week. Features DCS WWII Asset Pack integrated. NOTE: If DCS fails to start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file is missing, you need to install Universal CRT from: It is not only DCS issue, please read here: DCS World Su-25T. Chinese flight manual updated. The dispersion of aircraft gun cases increased by 3 times. GUI. Main window. In the Module manager icon added not-installed modules indicator. Su-25T. Fixed broken intro in Su-25T - Presents.miz 'Default' zoom command {RCtrl+NumEnter} on external view restored. Ingame option window will save latest used tab. HAI. Default formation fixed for helicopters. HAI. Group of helicopters always spawns in wedge formation regardless of ME option fixed. Add trimmer mode for joysticks without spring and FFB into Ka-50 special options. Fix ingame manual window is lesser than game window in minimum resolution. A number of other minor corrections and improvements. DCS P-51D Russian flight manual updated. DCS FC3 Su-25. Chinese flight manual updated. Su-25. NPP Pointer inverted. DCS Hawk by VEAO Hypoxia ceiling fixed. Sidewinder tone fixed to go off when no more missiles or missile system switched off. UH-1H by Belsimtek Corrected a strange behavior of long cargo rope after hooking. C-101 by AvioDev Cockpit reflections corrected (Still WIP). Added CN localization of Startup training mission. Fixed magnetic compass index. It illuminates now when compass light is on. Fixed Compass Light Switch (it had no animation). Edited July 12, 2017 by BillyCrusher Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
ED Team Chizh Posted July 5, 2017 ED Team Posted July 5, 2017 DCS 1.5.7 goes to Open Beta today. It will be available for public in the next week. 1 Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу
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