felixx75 Posted August 9, 2020 Posted August 9, 2020 Kannmir jemand sagen was das kleine Quadrat im TWS/STT Modus bei der S530 für eine Bedeutung hat? Dies wird im HUD und seit neuesem auf dem Radrbilschirm angezeigt. Ich weiß, das ist unpopulär und man muß selbst arbeiten, aber im Grunde sind solche Fragen sehr einfach selbst zu beantworten, denn das steht tatsächlich gut im Handbuch :smilewink: Das heißt natürlich nicht, dass man nicht fragen sollte oder dürfte.
QuiGon Posted March 29, 2021 Posted March 29, 2021 Dev Update: 16 hours ago, RAZBAM_ELMO said: Mirage 2000-C With our new full-time coder working diligently with our partners in the AdA, I will let him explain the new features he has been implementing. The next update will see some big changes for our Mirage. In the last few months, we mainly worked on the INS system, the PCN panel, the VTH (HUD), the autopilot and the fuel system and panel. These improvements and their full descriptions can be found in the Mirage sub-forum. These improvements include: - Fuel System and Panel - VTH - INS and PCN - Autopilot As this update is changing a lot, be sure to disable all your mods before updating and to activate them only when they are updated by their maker to avoid any problem. These are the main changes that we have done to the Mirage for the next update, as you will see in the changelog there are also a lot of other smaller improvements and fixes. We hope your pilots like it. 1 Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!
QuiGon Posted May 27, 2021 Posted May 27, 2021 Dev Update: 1 Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!
caponi Posted May 27, 2021 Posted May 27, 2021 da muss man Razbam jetzt auch mal loben .... Das hat sich in letzter Zeit wirklich verbessert ... !! 2 too much ...
Gladius Posted June 25, 2021 Posted June 25, 2021 Mit dem letzten Update wurde die Mirage um ein paar Feature erweitert. Somit ist der DEC Modus für das Radar implementiert aber anscheinend noch nihct ganz fertig. Und die BAP-100 wurde eingeführt. DIe BAP-100 werden im CCIP Modus abgeworfen, in etwa wie die Belouga BLG66 Gibt es aber dazu passende Tutorials/ Anleitung? Hardware: Windows 11 64Bit, AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, Noctua NH-D15 G2 LBC, MSI X670E Carbon Wifi II, 64 GB Ram 6000 MHz DDR5 CL36 Kingstone Furry, TUF RTX 4080 OC, 3x M.2 SSD Kinston Fury Renegade, Meta Quest 2, ASUS TUF VG279QM Monitor, TM HOTAS Warthog , VIRPIL VPC WarBRD Base mit TM Hornet Stick und Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedalen. Deutscher Guide zu: Mirage 2000C, MiG-21bis, F5 Tiger II, Mi-8MTV2, F-14B Tomcat, AJS-37 Viggen und Fulgabwehrsysteme
QuiGon Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 (edited) Präsentation der neuen Updates der Mirage 2000C: On 5/31/2021 at 2:27 PM, myHelljumper said: Mirage 2000C 16/06/2021 Update presentation Hello Mirage pilots, the PCA/AG update is near, it will bring a lot of quality of life improvements, a new AG radar mode and two new bombs to the aircraft. Most of the changes will be on the PCA, the VTH in AG mode and the AG radar. PCA The PCA has been rewritten from scratch to fix all problems and improve realism. The most important changes are the ordinance displayed on the bottom row. The equipped stores stay even after they have been expended. In selective jettison mode the PCA top row turns blank and the bottom row displays only the weapons still present under the aircraft. The bottom row button “P” light now indicates that the weapon is armed and ready to be released. For bombs, it won’t turn on if the bomb fuze selector is set to “inert” on the PPA For missiles, it won’t turn on if the missile is not prepared for example. The top row options have been adjusted for each mode and weapons. We also adjusted the AG weapon selection. There are three selection modes: AG Selected: The PCA top row displays the weapon options and the VTH displays the weapon delivery symbology. AG Pre-selected: The PCA top row displays the weapon options and the VTH is in NAV mode. AG Memorized: The PCA top row displays NAV options, and the VTH is in NAV mode. When first selecting an AG weapon (bombs, rockets or AG gun) the system is set to AG pre-selected mode. Using the “weapon system CMD FWD” command sets the system to AG selected. From AG selected, using “weapon system CMD FWD” does nothing but using “weapon system CMD AFT” sets the system to AG memorized. From AG memorized or AG pre-selected, using “weapon system CMD AFT” cycles between the two modes. We added the training mode for the PCA. It is set on the rearming windows by selecting the “A/G training” option under “pods” in the weapon slot 11. It adds BLF, BFF and RKF mode to the PCA bottom row. Those modes work exactly like the normal modes, but without weapons loaded on the aircraft. The PCA will now display an error message and prevent weapon selection when the aircraft loadout is incorrect. VTH The VTH (HUD) is still going through a complete overhaul. We updated most AG symbology to SVG (vector drawings) which greatly improves the quality and readability of the VTH. All the symbology projected positions have also been checked and fixed when needed. CCPI CCPI symbology has been greatly improved, it is now complete and more precise. The domain bracket and domain direction arrows have been added. They represent the correct altitude and vertical speed domain of employment for the selected CCPI weapon relative to the FPM. The CCPI PI has also been updated and is now correct and easier to use. The bomb fall line has been updated and now has a cut representing the last bomb impact. It is now also stopped at the horizon when the FPM is above it. The bomb fall point “wings” are now only displayed if the bombs are ready to release and armed. In the same way the BF indication will flash when the configuration of the bombs is not correct On this screenshot you can see : The vertical domain bracket, on the left hand side of the FPM. Release cue, horizontal bar below the FPM. Displayed when the trigger is pressed and present until all of the bombs in the salvo are dropped. It starts below the FPM and climbs to reach it at the time the first bomb is dropped. Bomb fall line, piper and the last bomb cut. CCPL Just as CCPI, CCPL symbology has been greatly improved, it is now complete and more precise. The CCPL PI has also been updated and is now correct and easier to use. The release calculations have been thoroughly improved, allowing for a more accurate delivery in all profiles. As per SME feedback, we also added a 6 second fuze timer to all CCPL bombs. A new quick action mission has been added to train at CCPL PI. This mission is a good tool to train and master the Mk-82 toss bombing profile. AG guns and rockets Just like CCPI and CCPL, the AG gun and rocket symbology is now complete. Present in AG gun, rockets and CCPLs modes is the safety bar. It has been improved and is now very useful in avoiding the ground and the weapon fragment zone. When the bar reaches the center of the piper, designation diamond or FPM, a X will be displayed on the VTH. At this time the pilot needs to pull 6 g in order to avoid the danger zone. We can now choose the type of ammunition for the guns, AP Tracers and standard AP. Thanks to SME feedback we were able to reproduce a little quirk of the AG gun symbology: the range indication circle starts at 12 o’clock when out of range and then snaps to 11 o’clock before unwinding normally. AG radar modes TAS TAS (air-to-ground radar ranging) mode has been improved. It now simulates the radar beam and the subsequent radar returns. This means that this ranging method is now less reliable, but more realistic. A few effects need to be taken into account in order to get the greatest precision possible out of the TAS mode: The radar gets multiple returns inside it’s 3° cone, it will try to average them out to get the position of the center of the cone. The designation diamond, and thus, the radar, needs to stay pointed at the same area for about 1 second to ensure that the radar has the time to calculate the cone center. The cone center calculations can be perturbed by an uneven terrain, keep that in mind. Since the radar emits in a cone, the farther the designation, the bigger the illuminated area. This means that the cone center calculations will be less precise. A low dive angle will also increase the illuminated area, a steep dive is preferable If the radar sees two planes of terrain, it will have a hard time deciding what plane to use. It can result in a very inaccurate designation. Water will absorb a lot of the radar waves, rendering radar ranging unpracticable unless at a very steep angle. RS ranging might be preferable when attacking targets on or near water. DEC DEC (terrain avoidance) mode for the radar has been added. This mode is used to avoid terrain in low altitude and bad weather or night navigation. It is selected using the DEC button at the center of the radar control panel. In this mode the radar presents echoes from the ground in either green or red, the radar altitude (H) at the center and the clearance height on the right (HD). The TDC is not available in this mode. The clearance height is the height difference below the aircraft above which the ground echoes are displayed in red. This mode is still work in progress and bugs are to be expected. Also, objects like buildings, vehicles or boats are not yet taken into account by the radar. New bombs BAP-100 The long awaited BAP-100 has been added. This is a Very High Drag Anti-Runway Rocket Propelled Bomb, its PCA weapon code is BF8. It uses CCPI delivery method and 6, 12 or 18 BAP-100 can be loaded on the central pylon. At the release the bomb will slow down using a parachute to come to at least a 60° angle from the ground, then ignite the rocket motor to penetrate the ground at high speed and explode. Mk-82Air Mk-82Air is a High Drag Bomb with a higher drag than the Mk-82 Snake Eye resulting in a longer fall time. This longer fall time allows higher separation from the aircraft for low altitude employment. Its PCA weapon code is BF2 and it uses CCPI delivery method. Other changes We improved the VTH IFF symbology, now in PID or PIC, when doing an IFF request the target square will be underlined. The VTH IFF positive symbol has also been improved, now the “A” is bigger and inside the target square. We added the navigation BUT on the VTB display. It’s materialized by a “+” and represents the position of the current DEST BUT. It’s independent from the tactical BUTs displayed with the PCN and is only visible in NAV and AG modes. When the navigation BUT is displayed and RD is selected on the PCA, two parallel lines will be displayed indicating the RD relative to the BUT. We added an initial drift time parameter to the editor for the Mirage. It will simulate the drift accumulated after the set time in a random manner. It can be useful for INS fix training. Full changelog New features - Added DEC Mode - Added an initial air start drift time parameter in mission editor - Added BAP100 anti-runway ordnance - Added Mk82Air - Added gun ammo choice (tracer/non-tracer) - Added training modes BLF/BFF/RKF - Added CCPI PI PCA - SNA/WSC/CNM/PCA rewritten for fixing all states and available functions - Implemented Air ground selected/memorized state - Implemented P light on PCA buttons CAS/RK - Improved Rockets & CAS piper precision and added wind correction - Fixed transition from track error to reticle at 10km instead of 10NM in CCIP - Fixed EXT and INT for rockets - Added safety height decision cue to gun and rocket CAS modes - Fine tuned gun/rocket CAS symbology CCIP/BF - Fixed CCIP accuracy (was always long) - Added bomb releasing marker in CCPI - Added wind drift correction to CCPI - Redesigned CCIP BFL - Added Vz range indicator to HUD CCIP - Added last bomb mark (gap) to CCIP line - Added CCPI fallback height marker - Added CCPI reticle wings when armed - Added 2 seconds safety fuse arming timer to BF - Added CCIP release delay - Fixed CCIP safety height decision cue - Improved BLG66 model and added delay burst with INST/RET point CCRP/BL - Calibrated CCRP ballistic sight for all types of bombs - Fixed CCRPsafety height decision cue - Added 6 seconds safety fuse arming timer to BL/EL - Added 500m lateral error limit to CCRP release - Removed FPM in gun/rocket CAS mode and caged ladder on reticle - Improved CCRP time to release cue : appears when 42° pullup possible for toss bombing PI - PI Designation ends when designated PI is overflown - Added PI symbol in HUD when missing BAD - Added CCRP release centering on middle of salvo - Added a CCRP-IP quickstart mission Telemetry - Implemented realistic AG radar beam radius & ground lock behavior - Made TAS radar poorly effective on water at low incident angle - Fixed AG TAS mode radar not slaved to impact point in CAS/RK/CCIP - Implemented full TAS/RS/ZBI/fallback logic - Added ZBI & fallback ballistic modes Jettisoning - Added Selective Jettison ON+OPEN bind - Fixed BL66 Jettison Not working - Fixed Jettison requiring Master Arm - Added selective rocket pod jettisoning - Fixed Selective jettison of magics now exclusively through PCA button and not CNM - Fixed Selective jettison PCA display - Fixed Selective jettison loosing weapon selection and mode - Added hot bomb selective jettisoning with master arm and fuse Other - Fixed a HUD projection/alignment bias - Added IFF Interrogate Bar in HUD - Improved IFF "A" HUD symbol (bigger and centered) - Added A/G modes Dest waypoint pos in VTB - Fixed PCN display in position update mode - Fixed TOP abort with course dev > 21deg - Fixed AP ALT HOLD malfunction while changing altimeter calibration - Improved radar antenna elevation commands - Hide PD marker when Glide captured instead of Loc - Changed Radalt SELH step to 10ft - Added 3-Pos Emergency Hyd Pump bind - Added GMeter reset bind - Fixed Emergency throttle behavior replaced axis by switches - Added 3-Pos bind for Refuel Switch - Improved HUD nav distance indication - Fixed F-16C_50 RWR symbol - Added realistic Bingo sound Edited July 7, 2021 by QuiGon Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!
QuiGon Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 Präsentation des Triebwerks-Updates und anderer Änderungen: On 6/18/2022 at 2:11 PM, myHelljumper said: Mirage 2000C Engine update presentation Hello Mirage pilots, we are happy to present you the upcoming engine update for our M-2000C module. The team has been working on a new engine model that is more accurate to its real life counterpart and allows for better damage and failure simulation. This update should release on the Open Beta later this month. In this update presentation we will first introduce the reworked M53-P2 engine model and explain how it was created. We will then talk about the change it will bring to the module flight envelope and finish by presenting the other changes this update will bring. M53-P2 Engine Introduction The Snecma M-53 is an afterburning turbofan engine developed for the Dassault Mirage 2000 fighter. The M53-P2 is an improvement to the initial M53-5 improving throttle response as well as dry and wet thrust. The engine is controlled by a FADEC (full authority digital engine control) computer that translates the throttle movement into a linear and predictable engine response. The FADEC takes altitude, speed engine RPM and temperature into account to maintain optimal parameters inside the engine and ensure that maximum performance is obtained in every condition. Engine modeling The engine of the aircraft is based on a physical model that takes every engine design parameter into account. These parameters are determined using public literature, SME feedback and general knowledge of afterburning turbofan engines. Unobtainable parameters are deducted from industry standard or tuned to match known performance points of the aircraft. The engine model takes all possible external parameters (altitude, speed, temperature, humidity, pressure) into account to deliver a very detailed and as accurate as possible simulation of the engine. This model is bounded by the operational limits of the engine, namely over-speed, over-temp, flameout and wear. These limits are not “scripted”, they are probabilistic meaning that when a limit is exceeded, a failure will occur after a randomized amount of time. The farther from the limit, the sooner the failure, until it is virtually instantaneous. Engine performance The new engine maximum performance has not changed significantly with the update, but it will be more accurate in all regimes of flight and also have a more realistic behavior. The most evident change is the engine RPM that now goes up to 103% instead of 100%. This is because the aircraft was originally equipped with the less powerful M53-5 engine which would go to 100%. The biggest change in performance will come from external temperature where a 15°C increase will reduce the overall thrust by 5%. The new engine will also have an improved throttle response delay: On the ground, the time from idle to max thrust dry is 5 sec compared to 8 sec for the old model. Engine failure and damage When exceeding a limit or by undergoing battle damage, the engine will now encounter better modeled failures. These failures range from engine wear reducing performance to catastrophic blade containment failure, destroying the aircraft, and transformation of the turbine into a modern art sculpture. Emergency systems have also been improved with the addition of the emergency oil system, emergency fuel throttle, backup FADEC and afterburner cutoff. These function as they should to allow the pilot to save a damaged engine and return to base. Aircraft performances In-flight behavior In order to accommodate the new engine, the aircraft flight model has been adjusted. The new flight model will keep most of the characteristics of the old one but with an adjusted drag for both speed and AoA, pushing it closer to known performance points. The aircraft can now follow the standard break procedure, something that was not possible previously due to the drag being too high at high AoA. The aircraft can also cruise at Mach 0.95+ at altitude with an air-to-air combat load. The supersonic drag curve has also been adjusted, being the highest in transonic then reducing once out of this zone. Ground behavior We also took the time to adjust the behavior of the aircraft on the ground. The new suspension should better reflect the real aircraft like the bounciness of the front gear. The aircraft will now roll on idle on even ground and no brakes are applied, check the wheel chock before starting ! New bombs With the inclusion of the SAMP bombs into DCS, we added the SAMP-250 to the loadout of our Mirage. The SAMP-250 is a 250 kg general purpose bomb of french design that was used by the French Air Force before switching to the Mk-82 bomb. 2 versions are available, a low drag and a high drag version with a drag chute kit. It is to note that the release profile for the low drag version has not been adjusted yet and that they will always fall long. We will work on fixing that in a future patch. Other changes In addition to the engine rework, we implemented a lot of quality of life updates for the Mirage. We will list some of them : Added slats effect when deployed/retracted manually. Dissociated the 4 slats so they can be damaged independently and affect the FM. More realistic VTH field of view constraints. Added fuel dump trails. Improved exterior lights. Added customizable elastic limit (special options). Added “MISSION ACCOMPLIE” Mirage 2000C retirement celebration livery. Fixed green radio default preset to 01. Updated manual To go with the release of this update is the updated manual. The manual has been updated with the latest changes for the Mirage 2000C. It will be available in your game files (DCS Word/Mods/aircraft/M-2000C/Doc) and can also be download here : M-2000C Manual 2.2.0.pdf Conclusion With this update we again pushed the Mirage systems realism where they deserves to be. We will continue to improve the aircraft remaining systems and work on more detailed failures and damages. And to everyone flying the Mirage, thank you for your support ! 1 Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!
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