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About the interactive training missions

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Hi guys.


I have a very long time not flying DCS although it's always on my disk. I come back with a Thrustmaster Warthog system so I try to re-learn the courses. Then I find many of the interactive missions are corrupted or just not right. The P-51D crashes into the sea in the start-up show case mission. The UH-1 and F-86 and Ka-50 start-up mission will just stuck at some point whatever you do, the instructor will not going on. These are what I went through today. The other trainings I do not yet played but I'm afraid there may be problems too.


I know currently the developer team are working hard on DCS 2.0. Some training videos on YouTube seems to be too "arcade" and they do not do it very "professionally". Is there any other interactive training or more accurate instructions? What confuses me is the official training video and the official manual are not exactly do the same so it's a little hard for me to get it clear.

RTX 3070

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There are great YouTube videos available for all modules of this sim.

This was a Boutique Builder iBuypower rig. Until I got the tinker bug again i7 920 @3.6Mhz 12Gig Corsair XMS3 ram 1600 Nvidia 760 SLi w/4Gig DDR5 Ram Intel 310 SSD HDD 160 Gb + Western Digital 4Terabyte HDD Creative SB X-Fi HD Audio Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Speaker System Dual Acer 32"Monitors. PSU 1200 w Thermaltake Win10 64Bit.

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