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Need help with trigger zones


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I have no knowledge of lua. I'm developing on a mission editor and I need to define a trigger zone that is not circular. I need the area is polygonal or square and that this defined by geographical coordinates. Is that possible? or I can just make circular in the default?


If there way to do this through a LUA, and someone can help me write the code, I would really be very thankful.



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I check the PDF document but i do not understand lua and I can not find a way to make the script.


Somewhere I read that could be done but can not find the forum, I have been hours looking for it.


We will have to wait for a programmer in lua. I check the PDF document but i do not understand lua and I can not find a way to make the script.

Somewhere I read that could be done but can not find the forum, I have been hours looking for it.

We will have to wait for a programmer in lua.


EDIT --->


Maybe this is what you say?




units = {'[blue][vehicle]'},

zone = mist.getGroupPoints('forest1'),

flag = 11


--[[Once run, this function will start a process that will set flag 11 true when any blue vehicles are within the polygon shape created by the waypoints of the group named "forest1"]]



units = {'[red][plane]'},

zone = {

[1] = mist.DBs.unitsByName['AO 1'].point,

[2] = mist.DBs.unitsByName['AO 2'].point,

[3] = mist.DBs.unitsByName['AO 3'].point,

[4] = mist.DBs.unitsByName['AO 4'].point,

[5] = mist.DBs.unitsByName['AO 5'].point,

[6] = mist.DBs.unitsByName['AO 6'].point,


flag = 201,

maxalt = 6000,

interval = 30


--[[Once run, this function will start a process that will set flag 201 true when any red planes are within the polygon shape derived by the intial starting positions of the units named "AO 1" through "AO 6" and are less than 6000 meters above sea level. This process will run once every 30 seconds.]]

Edited by GaSi
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You place a unit (give it a name) on the map and add WPs (Waypoints) to a close polygon (your trigger zone).

units={'[blue][plane]'}, --unit names


every 20sec. the zone will check if a blue aircraft is in the zone, which the WPs of unit inf1WP define; if it found a blue aircraft, it set Flag 101 true.

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The ability to create polygon areas (not just radii / circles) is something that would be a great addition to the ME.

I was once hoping to create a zone that was basically "L" shaped that encompassed a specific area within a town/city. Obviously, I discovered one of the many shortfalls of the ME.

There is a ton that you can do, but one must find many work-arounds to achieve really creative missions IMO.

But I stopped learning before I even got started, simply because Updates kept making missions no longer work. So the ME is useless to me at the moment until it's perfected and finished.


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But I stopped learning before I even got started, simply because Updates kept making missions no longer work. So the ME is useless to me at the moment until it's perfected and finished.


Well, you then can just permanently give up on ME as it will never ever be perfect and finished. Patches have been breaking previous missions for a decade. It's always been like this. I even learned to never schedule a mission on Friday night as I know the friday update will screw up the mission I am working on the previous week. I don't say it is normal. It's just the way it is. But since I want to fly on DCS aircraft and enjoy it with my squad mates, there is no choice. If we were all waiting for the ME to be perfect, that would be the end of DCS.

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Well, you then can just permanently give up on ME as it will never ever be perfect and finished. Patches have been breaking previous missions for a decade. It's always been like this.


Excellent Answer. Very reassuring. A positive selling point.

At least you sold me. I have already given up on ME amongst other things.


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  • 3 months later...
I thought there was a way to create a zone based on the route of a late activated object... I'm not trying to create a zone to detect a unit entering- I'm just trying to establish a zone that a unit can be randomly spawned within.




Spawning in a poly is a little more difficult than a circle, but it is fairly straight forward. Actually have an example on hand because I used this for a Viggen mission I made.



local avg = mist.getAvgPoint(coords)
local radius = 0
for i = 1, #coords do
if mist.utils.get2DDist(avg, coords[i]) > radius then
	radius = mist.utils.get2DDist(avg, coords[i])
local lSpawnPos = {}
for j = 1, 100 do
lSpawnPos = mist.getRandPointInCircle(avg, radius)
if mist.pointInPolygon(lSpawnPos, coords) then

coords is a table of points used to define the polygon. It is getting the average position (center) of all of the coordinates and then checks the distance between each coordinate and the center to figure out the total radius. Imagine you drew a shape and then made a perfect circle from the center to encompass the entire shape. If it is a rather complex shape then chances are only 1 point will ever touch the circle.


I use the center position and the radius to generate a random point within and then check if that point is within the polygon. I run it on a for, j = 100 do loop so that it has 100 chances to return a point within the zone.


You could also generate a random number based on the x and y min/max bounds of the polygon.

The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world.

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A peace of lua code....


local function isInPolygon(_P, _vertex)
local point = _P

local isOnVertex = false

for i = 1, #_vertex do
	if _vertex[i].x == point.x and _vertex[i].z == point.z then
		isOnVertex = true

if isOnVertex == false then
	local inside = 0
	for i = 1, #_vertex - 1 do
		if _vertex[i].y <= point.y then
			if _vertex[i + 1].y > point.y and
					whichSide(_vertex[i], _vertex[i+1], point) < 0 then
				inside = inside + 1
		elseif _vertex[i + 1].y <= point.y and
					whichSide(_vertex[i], _vertex[i+1], point) > 0 then
			inside = inside - 1
	-- if inside == 0  then point outside polygon
	-- if inside ~= 0 then point inside polygon
	-- No efficient for crossed polygon

	return inside ~= 0
	return true


whichSide(A,B,P) is a basic function to find the position of a point P relative to an oriented segment AB :


det =(B.x - A.x) * (P.z - A.z) -  (B.z - A.z) * (P.x - A.x)


det < 0 if P on left and det > 0 if P on right


That is the code I will include in my ATME script Tools in next version ;)


The biggest problem is to spawn in such a polygon... Code is near good too ;)



Edited by sunski34
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