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I try without the antivirus, finally i can quit the game well, but only if i quit fast the mission

If i play long time, then at the end of the mission i get another stuck by DCS


However i can play from the mission menu as well :)



I’m really having a blast so far. Seeing the B52’s do their attack run with AGM 54’s is quite spectacular. Although I had to up the prune settings to be able to keep up my framerate in VR.

Thanks for all your work. Im hoping you are doing a PG or Nevada version of your campaign as well


Can I please get some help

I fomlow the instructions cant get any campaigns to work.

I edit the files.. and i can fly a mission. Sometimes i get an error before starting and i click ok and can fly. But when its over no debrief and an error pips up. Others have shown the error. I can screen or type what it is if anyone will please help me


Hello Sublime


Is this the last campaign? TF74 or TF68

On the Release version and not the Open Beta?

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod

Open beta sir... ive tried all of them i had modules for as I love the idea only got guardians to work once :(

I make aure I update the scripts

I took a pic of the error just tried a fresh ninstall of east med defense.

Id really really appreciate help with this. I really wanna fly the f14 in these and the iran camp. I really also wanted to fly my f15 and mig 21 in dce

Heres the error. Besides campaign specific this IIRC is the same error I always get.

I follow the instructions given to a t - I even put the files and created folders for mods missions campaigns dce etc. I tried every suggestion Ive seen others.

Im 99% its the 2.9 open beta I play.

This has happened in both east med and the other carrier grp dce. Guardians of cauxauses and the iran f14 dce. Ill add I can fly the first mission. I get the error post mission no matter what I do.

How can i upload a pic from my cellphone?

The error says

C:users bla bla bla attempt to index local logfile (nil value)

C: ?

String ?

C: users bla bla 179: in function of one event

String c: scripts etc 13: in:

Function c: strings bla bla : 11


The "old" campaigns were installed in the DCS folder (Release or OB).

And doesn't really follow the after-sales service anymore ;)


The new campaign is settling in the directory: Saved Games

Users\YourName\Saved Games\DCS\Mods\tech\DCE

And as OpenBeta is still buggy, for the moment we only provide support when TF74 and TF68 are installed in the release :)



In conclusion, I propose you to install the last campaigns (TF74 and TF68) in Release


Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod
Ok i have them installed in the folder. Ill have to try changing to release.

Please there are different campaigns with different installation methods. Old campaigns will be updated later and we need to know which new campaign you want to install ?


Chose one (TF-74 or TF-68) and try to install it reading the installation pdf ...

If it doesn't work give us your installation paths (writing them if you can't post screens :)

We will try to help you step by step...:thumbup:


First step is to install it on DCS WORLD version (released) NOT DCS World OpenBeta and NOT on a STEAM version...

[/url]All known Dynamic Campaign Engine Campaigns

Last DCE news : Crisis in PG - Iran-Iraq War - TF-71 - TF80s - War over Beirut ...


Posted (edited)

Playing Viggen over PG and really enjoy that campaign. However,our attrition rate is too high and studying acmi file by Tacview I discovered, that AIplanes landing on aircraft carriers are being destroyed (after succesfull landing):


Edited by Jara4

Hi, Jara.

I "disappear" planes that land on carriers so that they don't touch each other in taxiing.

Normally, DCE does not count these "disappearances" as destroyed aircraft.

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod
Can older campaigns be used with the new version of the DCE? - > https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4171063&postcount=1004


After TFs campaigns I’m working on the Hornet over PG adaptation. Then I will be able to adapt easily M-2000, Viggen, Tomcat, IRIAF Tomcat, and more ...

Then maybe adapt old Caucasus campaigns too...


I’m trying to finish a special Indian-pakistan war 1971 with flyable Mig19 F-86F and Mig-21 too

[/url]All known Dynamic Campaign Engine Campaigns

Last DCE news : Crisis in PG - Iran-Iraq War - TF-71 - TF80s - War over Beirut ...





I have recently become a huuuge fan of those campaigns and decided to introduce my friends to them and try them out in multiplayer. When generating a mission, I am asked to specify the second playable plane. My question is: is there a way to add another group of playable planes to the script, so that we can fly the combination of, lets say, harriers + hornets + vipers?




Ok if you are sure to run it on release version we need now to know which campaign you are trying to use and what is your exact install path. Take one Precise TF campaign please


Ok Tf Delta.

And east med fleet defense.

To be sure tell me.how to verify im running release though the instructionsnvia dos which i can useidk if its exact sane error but its very close and no debrief sir

Posted (edited)

I believe i just checked all startup files. I wil start a mission for east med. Let it sit for a few min in game and exit. I will take a pic with my cellphone. How can i link? Or shall i repeat and tell you what the error says?? Its always the same bug. Immsorry ibreally dont get if - I followed all the instructions and debrief brjngs an error. You click accept and you get dumped in game on camp scrn no progress

P80 CEF i got a poc of error msg or can write it for you same as before. Wherencan i poat or send

Edited by Sublimearrepentido

I never got an awnser to the question if the f-18 persian gulf DCE will be updated to feature the supercarrier module. Also, any chance of ever seeing a DCE campaign for the mustang over Normandy map? The module badly needs it since there are only 5 single missions & 2 rather short payed campaigns


I never got an awnser to the question if the f-18 persian gulf DCE will be updated to feature the supercarrier module. Also, any chance of ever seeing a DCE campaign for the mustang over Normandy map? The module badly needs it since there are only 5 single missions & 2 rather short payed campaigns


Well we both pre ordered super carrier module (Miguel21 and I) so we will try to adapt DCE to it if possible :thumbup: (« we » is not exactly what I should write ... )

[/url]All known Dynamic Campaign Engine Campaigns

Last DCE news : Crisis in PG - Iran-Iraq War - TF-71 - TF80s - War over Beirut ...


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