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DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop-Simulations


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Annunciato a dicembre 2017 SONO PASSATI SEI ANNI....

 novembre 2020 si scusano di non riuscire a traguardare il rilascio entro l'anno... SONO PASSATI TRE ANNI...

Da quando hanno annunciato che è tutto passato e lo sviluppo è ripreso ed in fase di completamento è PASSATO UN ALTRO ANNO...



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Annunciato a dicembre 2017 SONO PASSATI SEI ANNI....
 novembre 2020 si scusano di non riuscire a traguardare il rilascio entro l'anno... SONO PASSATI TRE ANNI...
Da quando hanno annunciato che è tutto passato e lo sviluppo è ripreso ed in fase di completamento è PASSATO UN ALTRO ANNO...
Bah veramente senza parole.
Uscirà prima il Chinook, spero

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 9 Pro utilizzando Tapatalk

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The Polychop Simulations team wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! With the year coming to an end it seems like a good time to reflect on the past and look at the future. Let’s address the big elephant in the room first. While this year has not been the year of the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior release, we’re thrilled to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, we’re approaching the end of the tunnel fast.

While the development of the module hasn’t been exactly a smooth ride, the progress made in the past year has been immense. As the new coders took over the project from our parting engineer, they saw the need to either rewrite or refactor most of the code that drives the module to ensure the desired internal quality threshold in systems and the flight model as well as make it more efficient, dynamic and future proof.

Artwork has been touched up and finalized. On top of that new features have been added which include but are not limited to Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System (L2MUMS), an overhauled Control Display Subsystem, Optical Display Assembly, Pilot Display Unit and the Improved Data Modem. Last but not least, the module has been sent to Eagle Dynamics and passed the flight model tests. All this would not have been possible without the continued efforts put in by our subject matter experts and testers who have stuck with us for many years now.

We’re confident it will soon™ be time to lift the veil and break the radio silence surrounding the development of the OH-58D Kiowa Module.

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FONTE https://www.facebook.com/PolychopSimulations/posts/991002332393862?ref=embed_post


Edited by phant
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Che sia la volta buona??

Devo dire che la mia fiducia è aumentata molto da quando ho letto che ci sta lavorando l’autore della MOD dell’ UH-60L, ha dato prova di saperci fare e non mi stupisce che abbia dovuto riscrivere grande parte del codice precedente… ma su questo non voglio infierire oltre.


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OH-58D(R) Kiowa Warrior Module FAQ

Q: What version of the OH-58D Kiowa will we get?
A: OH-58D(R) CDS4, dating from around 2016. However, the mission editor has access to options to customize the aircraft to represent older airframes with systems such as AN/ALQ-144 Infra-red Countermeasures, the Pilot Display Unit and the removal of the Mast Mounted Sight.

Q: Can I shoot the M4 out of the door?
A: Yes

Q: Is there going to be multicrew?
A: Yes

Q: Will there be a data link or similar?
A: The Improved Data Modem (IDM) is a similar system that allows for transmission of data between player aircraft. This includes but is not limited to the following features: Free-text Messaging, Target Sharing and Remote Hellfire Missions. The OH-58D is also equipped with the Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System (L2MUMS) which allows for video and data transmission between player controlled OH-58Ds and AI UAVs.

Q: What price tag is it going to have?
A: 69,99 USD

Q: Will it have a George AI?
A: The OH-58D will not have a ‘George’ AI on release but this feature is our highest priority after release.

Q: Will it be on Early Access or Pre-Purchase? If so, will there be a discount?
A: The OH-58D will not see an early access release or pre-purchase period.

Q: Will a paintkit be available on release?
A: This is very unlikely

Q: What weapons will be available for this aircraft?
A: M3P .50-caliber machine gun, various 2.75 inch rockets (including laser guided APKWS), AGM-114K Hellfire, Air-To-Air-Stinger missiles and the trusty M4 carbine on the dash.

Q: Can we throw the smoke grenades that are on the dashboard?
A: Yes

Q: Does the Kiowa have a HMD (Helmet Mounted Display) or HUD?
A: The OH-58D has an Optical Display Assembly (ODA) (also referred to as Anvis Display Symbology System - ADSS) which is a helmet mounted sight for use with Night Vision Goggles. Optionally the Pilot Display Unit (PDU) can be installed which provides a limited HUD for weapons symbology.

Q: Does the Kiowa have a data cartridge?
A: Yes - the Personal Computer Data Transfer System (PC-DTS) is a data cartridge system that can save and load data to/from a JSON file. The saved data includes Routes, Waypoints, Target Points, Radio frequencies, Notepad data and more.

Q: Will the FARP Asset pack that was shown in 2019 be released with the Kiowa?
A: No, sadly it will not. While it seemed like a great idea back in 2019, the implications of having to support and maintain 30+ assets indefinitely have the potential to become a burden on our small team.

Q: Are force feedback controllers supported?
A: Testing this is in progress.

Q: Is the flight model of the Gazelle representative of the Kiowa’s flight model?
A: The flight model (and all other areas of development) of the OH-58D has undergone a rigorous testing process with both our internal SMEs and those from Eagle Dynamics. During the entire development process we have had access to - and direct feedback from - experienced Kiowa pilots and crew chiefs who contribute directly to the validation of the flight model and systems of the OH-58D.



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OH-58D Kiowa Report by Polychop

The OH-58D Kiowa is now undergoing testing by Eagle Dynamics and our external test team; an important milestone in its development journey. The dedicated team at Polychop has been working tirelessly to bring this iconic aircraft to DCS.

The goal of the DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is to deliver an exciting and authentic virtual rendition of this renowned military reconnaissance and light attack helicopter. The Kiowa Warrior is a versatile aircraft that is well-suited to locating enemy forces that can then be passed to other forces to engage. The OH-58D also packs a punch with an assortment of weapons. It will find a great home flying along the AH-64D and the upcoming CH-47F Chinook in DCS.

While the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior thrives in the reconnaissance role, making full use of its iconic Mast Mounted Sight (MMS). In more recent conflicts, it’s played a pivotal role in both gathering critical intelligence and supporting ground troops with precision fires on enemy positions.

Armed with an array of weapons that include laser-guided Hellfire missiles, a .50 caliber M3P machine gun, Stinger air-to-air missiles, and a large selection of unguided and guided rocket types such as the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS), we’re certain that DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior pilots will find it thrilling to roll in hot on targets.

Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine



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