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List of Module's that work?


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So far I can not get my Hawk to work in 2.5 nor it seems my Mil -8 they just non log crash back to desktop. Does anyone have a list of module's that actually work in 2.5?

Modules: KA-50, A-10C, FC3, UH-1H, MI-8MTV2, MIG-21bis, FW-190D9, F-86F, MIG-15bis, M-2000C, AJS-37 Viggen , AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL , F-5E Tiger , L-39 Albatros.

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^ What he said.


Merlin, disable any mods you use and if it still doesn't help, run through the usual 3-steps drill of DCS troubleshooting:


Thanks for the reply. My Viggen , P 51, A10's both A and C, Mig 15 and 21, F 86 , Huey, Mil-8 and finally FC3 all work without any major problem in 1.5. The only Third party mod I have running in the background is Reshade both for 1.5 and 2.5 I have since disabled it for 2.5 (no change to the non log crash to desktop sadly).


Not withstanding the fact that 2.5 is in Beta it's hit and miss whether or not I can get my aircraft to work in it or Nevada. The only one that I can honestly say is 100% consistent is the A 10 C. Hawk and Mil-8 will fail 100% of the time for me.

Modules: KA-50, A-10C, FC3, UH-1H, MI-8MTV2, MIG-21bis, FW-190D9, F-86F, MIG-15bis, M-2000C, AJS-37 Viggen , AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL , F-5E Tiger , L-39 Albatros.

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