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For example, in the old Soviet order of battle, the ADA battery covering a motorized rifle or a tank division would consist of two ADA platoons. One platoon would consist of 4 SA-9s (Strela-1) and the other would be 4 ZSU-23-4s (Shilka)....
I thought that was the allocation per Motor Rifle or Tank Regiment (not Division)?


Sorry Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum....

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That explains some of the old setup. Each MRD has a Regiment of ADA/SAM assets, in which a Battery is deployed with each ground maneuver Regiment, so in essence, the platoons would be more than likely pushed down to each Battalion.

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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You make sure your Wingman is driving a T-Frog ;). KH-58's to knock out the Long Range SAM's, 25MPU's for the medium range systems and AT-9's for the short range Air Defences and all your problems are sorted.:)


Don´t think so in real life. If you read what Ironhand has answered, the real life emplacements of AAA is much more complete of what usually mission designer here in the sim are used to set up. There is an excellent PDF document on escuadron de san andres´website were it is descibed what ironhand says in muy more detailed, for those interested in good ground defense systems emplacements

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Ok, thankyou.

DCS Wishlist: 1) FIX THE DAMN RIVERS!!! 2) Spherical or cylindrical panorama view projection. 3) Enhanced input options (action upon button release, etc). 4) Aircraft flight parameter dump upon exit (stick posn, attitude, rates, accel, control volume, control-surface positions, SAS bias, etc). 5) ADS-33 maneuver courses as static objects. 6) Exposed API or exports of trim position and stick force for custom controllers. 7) Select auto multiple audio devices

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Does anyone know what G2A missles have actually intercepted another missle? (in real life - maybe even in combat)


The only two that I know of are the patriot and the arrow - and the patriot's results didn't seem that convincing at the time (firing aginst long range missles high in the air). During the Falklands war an exorcet was shot down by a wall of gunfire from the Invincible.


In LOMAC even things like strela's (not even radar guided) are modelled as being able to take out a certain percentage of A2G missles even when they are fired from a relatively short distance (which seems to be really pushing the boundaries of plausibility). Surely if G2A missles had this sort of capability, SDI (star wars) would have easily been a success.



Virtual Australian Air Force http://www.vaaf.net


Virtual Australian Air Force

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Patriots are used as target missiles for other patriots. Both Patriots and S300 can thus intercept A2G weapons at will; there might be a few that are too small, but in general, those are believable.


The Buk-M1 IIRC feature anti-missile capability also.


Yo're right abotu the SHORADs ... thoght he TOR is supposed to have capability against tactical missiles.


On the other hand? None of these vehicles actually have a clue in the game, as to how to defend themselves from an incoming weapons other than to shoot it. They won't move; they won't seek cover, use smoke, shut of their radar, distort the sidelobes, or whatever else.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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I thought that was the allocation per Motor Rifle or Tank Regiment (not Division)?

That's correct. Regiment not division. Too early in the AM, not enough coffee, and too rushed for time.


I've found that I can get good kills on these systems by playing a game of chicken...I'd have to have a pretty good general idea of where the Strelas are though before I'd get down that low, just so I don't end up straying into another one's engagement envelope.

We have an advantage in that the ADA tends to usually show up better in the sim than they would in real life. But, then again, there are also a lot of things we do in this sim that we'd never try, if we could really really die. :)



...though the TOR is supposed to have capability against tactical missiles.

According to articles I recall reading in Military Parade, the Tor is supposed to be effective against, among other things, cruise missiles, guided aerial bombs and low-flying terrain-following fire support helicopters.



YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1...CR6IZ7crfdZxDg



Win 10 Pro x64, ASUS Z97 Pro MoBo, Intel i7-4790K, EVGA GTX 970 4GB, HyperX Savage 32GB, Samsung 850 EVO 250 GB SSD, 2x Seagate Hybrid Drive 2TB Raid 0.

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During the Falklands war an exorcet was shot down by a wall of gunfire from the Invincible.


I think the last air launched Exocet was actualy brought down by Sea Dart SAM.


As a further indication of SAM effectiveness, the Argentinians claim that the Roland unit covering Port Stanley airport has shot down a incoming 1000lb bomb that was toss bombed against the airfield by Sea Harrier.

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Yeah Rich, Military Parade is a good source, but then agan, the Russians like to say that they can cook you dinner too automatically. Not to say their claims aren't justified, but seriously makes you wonder just how true they are.


GGTHaros, I guess they figure that all they have to do is come within range. I can launch a Kh-35 (loophole mind you) and they wait.... oh a few klicks before they decide to engage, and naturally shoots them down. Launch a Kh-31A at them (max range too), and they won't intercept (Tor and Osa, as well as ZSU-23-4, and the Kub/Buk you have to get within 20 kays to hit), so there's a certain speed that they decide to engage the missile, rather than so much type. Given the accuracy required to drop an LGB and to evade a missile, it's not going to be shooting them down anytime soon.

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Yes, there is a speed limitation imposed by the search radar, track radar, and the missile's own capability.


But also keep in mind that the purpose of those big missiles you are shooting at them -is- stand-off range. For one, they wouldn't be used against the SHORAD SAMs, or at least, it would be an unlikely use. Second, unlike what you see in LO, they'd actually slow down significantly before reaching their targets. We're talking 400-500kts TAS.

Even so, the target is too small and too fast for some systems, but for sure, the S300, and PAtriot and Buk-M can fire back.

Other systems, like Tor, etc, can just shut off their radars and just plain 'not be seen'.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Well I've known that since Flanker 2.51 but when you have limited options on the Su-33 you use what you can in lieu of true ARMs ;)

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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I think the last air launched Exocet was actualy brought down by Sea Dart SAM.


I don't think there is any evidence an Exocet was shot down in the Falklands War ... 3 hit, a few were decoyed and fell into the sea, and gunners fired vast amounts of 20mm, 40mm, 4.5" and SeaCats at some - maybe claiming hits. SeaWolf was the only system able to hit a low flying SSM in that conflict and never got a shot.


I think in GW1 (or 2 I can't remember which) a SeaDart took out a Silkworm ... thats a different level of threat all together.

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