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Su-27 in Republic of South Afrika


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I recently discovred this picture (made in 1996), a Russian Airforce Su-27 in flight with 2 Cheetah' from the SALM (Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag).


Who would volunteer to skin this Su-27? :helpsmilie:



met vriendelijke groet,



"умный, спортсмен, комсомолетс"




[TABLE]SPECS: i9-9900K 32gigs RAM, Geforce 2070RTX, Creative XFi Fata1ity, TIR5, Valve Index & HP Reverb, HOTAS Warthog, Logitech G933 Headset, 10Tb storage.[/TABLE]

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Double check yoself, that's an Su-35, black 709.


http://www.milavia.net/aircraft/su-35/su-35.htm (scroll to the middle bottom)

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Well spotted!


Double check yoself, that's an Su-35, black 709.


http://www.milavia.net/aircraft/su-35/su-35.htm (scroll to the middle bottom)



Can it be that its the same plane, as the one featured in my first post? The picture with it and 2 Cheetahs was made in 1996. Could that frame 709 have been a Su-27 upgraded to Su-35?

During the period of 1996, 1997 the Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag (SALM) did evaluate some candidates to repace their Mirage F1's possibly the Su-35 was a initial candiate as well? In the end the Saab Gripen was chosen for the SALM.




Here it is flying in the Republiek van Suid-Afrika.



And this shot from above:


met vriendelijke groet,



"умный, спортсмен, комсомолетс"




[TABLE]SPECS: i9-9900K 32gigs RAM, Geforce 2070RTX, Creative XFi Fata1ity, TIR5, Valve Index & HP Reverb, HOTAS Warthog, Logitech G933 Headset, 10Tb storage.[/TABLE]

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I guess so, but the canard is plainly visible on your first post, it's right there on the LERX really, which is really how I spotted it, not so much the Bort number. Well okay I spotted the canard at an angle while I had to double check on the Bort number. That and the Su-35 prototype/demo aircraft had splinter schemes other than the Su-30 demonstrator.

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Pappavis; I have met a couple of guys in our defence industry over the years.


The rumors are that most people in the top wanted eighter a Russian or French fighter. The Grippen was a surprise.


I must ad that it was also claimed that we wanted a single engine fighter.

That left only the Grippen, F16 and Mirage 2000 as contenders (I don't know if the F16 was even on offer to us.).


Recently there was reports in our papers that our top brass in the Air Force wanted some Italian fighter trainer and not the Hawk, but the politicians went with the Hawk.

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