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Lowest AI attack altitude with retarded bombs is 990 ft. This defeats the purpose of the bomb and should be a lot lower.


Lowest Snake Eye attack profile in F-5E-34-1-1 is 100 ft.


  • 1 year later...

Can the minimum attack altitude for Snakeye and other retarded weapons can be lowered from 990 ft to at least 200 ft? Currently, minimum AI attack altitude for retarded and slick weapons is identical.

  • 6 months later...


  • AI not using high drag MK 82 Snakeye below 1000ft - fixed.



PS: When I saw this fix in the patch notes I thought "This sounds like it was reported by MBot", so I followed the link to this thread and wasn't disappointed :D

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DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

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Well, a quick test with an AI F-5E and Snakeye shows this issue is still not properly addressed. With waypoints set at 100 ft AGL and given any of the regular air-ground attack tasks, the AI will still climb to 1000 ft to drop Snakeyes.


I had success to enforce a bomb drop at 100 ft by using the "Altitude Above" setting in the attack task and setting this to 100 ft. This only works against a sea level target though. Against a target at higher ground elevation, the AI will refuse to attack altogether with this method.


It seems this issue needs more work and should then be properly tested.

  • ED Team

Hi Mbot


For now it is possible to set the attack run below a 1000, we merged the work that has already been done as it does improve on the old results, but yes we do have more work coming for this.


It has taken a lot of work to get the AI to perform these attack runs at low level and to remain on the deck for re attacks without hitting terrain in the process. I am currently reviewing new additions to this so hopefully you will see them soon.


Please add your track showing the behaviour, note if they have a CAS tasking in the advanced waypoint actions they will climb.




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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal


Attached are two tracks, one with a sea level target and one with a target at 1'500 ft elevation. Two aircraft with a bombing task and Snakeye bombs. The left aircraft has no "Altitude Above" set in the attack task, the right aircraft has "Altitude Above" set to 100ft.


Sea level target:

-Left aircraft climbs to default 1'000 ft above target to attack (issue)

-Right aircraft attacks target at reasonable low altitude (ok)*


1'500 ft elevation target:

-Left aircraft climbs to default 1'000 ft above target to attack (issue)

-Right aircraft does not attack and directly proceeds to next waypoint (issue)



*Previously the "Altitude Above" setting had the effect to impose a minimum AGL attack altitude to AI. It had no further effect if the aircraft was already at or above the set Altitude Above. I don't know if this setting is intended to have a new meaning now (have more far reaching control on attack altitude). If so it should perhaps be considered to rename it.



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