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I consider myself to be a very proficient pilot. Certainly, I don't have the experience some of you veterans have, but I can fly a plane! I can land on carriers in most conditions. However, I attempted to refuel my F-15 with a KC-10 last night and it was a disaster. I tried for 30 minutes and eventually killed the entire crew in the KC-10 when I ran into the back of them. No matter how slight the movements I made, I couldn't do it. Is there a track to it? Can you autopilot refuel? Some missions I cannot complete because I suck at mid-air refueling. Help!


Yea Ironhand's videos are the best, those should help you. But let me ask this: before you can refuel your F-15 with the KC-10 at night, did you successfully hook up in the morning? Once you get use to the morning refueling, you can basically predict how you should fly the plane at night. At least that's how i learned it. Good luck to you! The key is practice, eventually I'm sure you will get it =)



AT NIGHT?!?!?!


OMG I can't imagine a night refueling! My problem is that I cannot stabilize the aircraft that well. Maybe I need to adjust the sensitivity of the joystick inputs? I mean, it wasn't that sloppy, but I found if I was off by 1-2 mph then that was it, they'd tell me to break off approach. Of course I've seen all of ironhand's videos, but perhaps I'll watch again. Thanks as usual!


Looks like the problem might be speed control? In that case, you might want to adjust the sensitivity to your throttle. Also, you might want to try refueling with the Su-33, which is suppose to be harder now in FC since the computer doesn't take over even after you hooked up. But in the western planes, IIRC, the computer takes over once you hooked up with the tanker. Practicing in the Su-33 will help you learn how to gradually approach the tanker in a manner that won't freak them out and tell you to break off.



the key is altitude and speed 'h' altitude hold and 'j' speed hold help but there is only so much it can do the russian HUD helps more. Btw how come you cant refuel mig 29?

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