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Posted (edited)


Guys, this photo above and those videos:



are not the same event :smilewink: which makes me think it was a trained crowd teaser...BTW the crowd was applauding which means that the "control problems" were announced or even entire pilot-tower comms from the link were aired thru PA...


Now why I doubt it, there's no such building SW of Zhukovsky airstrip as the one seen in the photo...



Left taller building, I simply don't remember it...plus you'd see a lots of aircraft parked at the other side of runway...

Edited by Vekkinho



I do think that was a normal landing, I was looking at the video you posted Topol and I do not think is even close to be similar, just IMHO. I just wander what is the moment of inertia on the left main tire when it hit the ground? I wonder how heavy was the aircraft when it landed? I think at the least, they had to change the tire and check the left axle, or maybe even the right to make you it did not get bent. Now if Bob Hoover was flying, then I would consider it a normal landing :joystick:.


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To whom it may concern,

I am an idiot, unfortunately for the world, I have a internet connection and a fondness for beer....apologies for that.

Thank you for you patience.



Many people don't want the truth, they want constant reassurance that whatever misconception/fallacies they believe in are true..

Nice low formation flying of UH-1Ds. Don't know if it was posted here... If yes - sorry. Nice music but pitty there is no real video sound.


Great, now if there was a link...;)

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I regognized the same!

One afterburner is missing just after the minimum speed pass

I have a photo on which you can see the "normal" smoke on the left engine and the afterburner on the right engine a few minutes later you only see the right after burner for the rest of the program (saturday only, friday 19th both were on)

erm here:





Perhaps one of you guys have a better pic on which you can see the heat blur, I wonder if this pilot (Ruet IIRC)indeed finished this display with just one engine workin?

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Waiting to build a F/A-18C home-pit...

ex - Swiss Air Force Pilatus PC-21 Ground Crew

SFM? AFM? EFM?? What's this?



i7-5960X (8 core @3.00GHz)¦32GB DDR4 RAM¦Asus X99-WS/IPMI¦2x GTX970 4GB SLI¦Samsung 850 PRO 512GB SSD¦TrackIR 5 Pro¦TM Warthog¦MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals



Well the guy recovered the plane...and those demo flight birds usually scramble on bingo fuel which in case of emergency landing reduces the odds of reaching alternate landing strip.;)





64th Aggressor Squadron
Discord: 64th Aggressor Squadron

Fuel economy? :D

"See, to me that's a stupid instrument. It tells what your angle of attack is. If you don't know you shouldn't be flying." - Chuck Yeager, from the back seat of F-15D at age 89.



I assume engines do not engage/disengage in afterburner exactly at the same time.There might be a second or so delay.

Thermaltake Kandalf LCS | Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R | Etasis ET750 (850W Max) | i7-920 OC to 4.0 GHz | Gigabyte HD5850 | OCZ Gold 6GB DDR3 2000 | 2 X 30GB OCZ Vertex SSD in RAID 0 | ASUS VW266H 25.5" | LG Blue Ray 10X burner | TIR 5 | Saitek X-52 Pro | Logitech G930 | Saitek Pro flight rudder pedals | Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

I assume engines do not engage/disengage in afterburner exactly at the same time.There might be a second or so delay.


Correct.. Eurofighter does the exact same thing.



It has nothing to do with a split throttle - it's just the electronic controller scheduling the afterburner ignition such that it won't blow out or stall the engine.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda


Rafale was in a right hand forced turn as I can tell from the pics, you may also notice that the left engine wasn't running AB which makes me think that it's power was automatically reduced by some onboard Flickus to compensate for the nose dip during turn...this way right hand engine creates asymetric thrust and keeps the nose from diving under horizon.


Could my theory work with Rafale?!


Rafale was in a right hand forced turn as I can tell from the pics, you may also notice that the left engine wasn't running AB which makes me think that it's power was automatically reduced by some onboard Flickus to compensate for the nose dip during turn...this way right hand engine creates asymetric thrust and keeps the nose from diving under horizon.


Could my theory work with Rafale?!


I don't think so: (at 0:28min)


sorry my camera isn't the best :noexpression:

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Waiting to build a F/A-18C home-pit...

ex - Swiss Air Force Pilatus PC-21 Ground Crew

SFM? AFM? EFM?? What's this?



i7-5960X (8 core @3.00GHz)¦32GB DDR4 RAM¦Asus X99-WS/IPMI¦2x GTX970 4GB SLI¦Samsung 850 PRO 512GB SSD¦TrackIR 5 Pro¦TM Warthog¦MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals



Krakow Aviation Museum


From a recent visit. Thought I'd try something a bit different.

























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