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[WIP] ACM BORE Radar not follow HCMS to where you looking at

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Posted (edited)

in ACM BORE mode Radar not auto SWEEP to where HMCS is looking


How to reproduce


- Enter ACM BORE with HMCS ON

- Look far away at 60 degree TOP-RIGHT and "TMS UP" to active "ACM BORE" again

- Look back to "Left MFD" at radar "Elevation Caret" and "Azimuth Caret"

it not move back but still point at that TOP-RIGHT

- Look at other side and "TMS UP" radar will move and stay at that new point


You have to "TMS UP" all the time to force radar to move to where HMCS is pointing

or Radar will not lock target in HMCS aim cross


but in Manual say Radar always auto SWEEP to where you looking and auto lock target

Edited by Alfas

This seems to agree with my experience as well. I'd put the egg on a target and nothing would happen, so out of frustration, I'd hit TMS up a few times, and suddenly, LOCK.

Evan "Preacher" Weeks - Dad. Programmer. Virtual Fighter Pilot.


  • 2 weeks later...

Same issue I need to place the bore on the target and quit/reactive the boresight mode 2 or 3 times to get the lock

Modules: Nevada, Persian Gulf, Syria, Normandie, FC3, CA, Super Carrier, A-10C, A-10C II, F/A-18C, F-16 C, F-14 B, SA342, and WWII assets.

Hardware: I7 8700K, Geforce GTX 1080Ti 11Go OC, 32Gb RAM, screen resolution 2K

Devices: Hotas Warthog, Cougar MFDs, Saitek rudder pedals, Track IR


I have the same issue. It actually happens with most of the ACM modes, most frequently after the initial lock is broken or canceled. Getting a re-acquisition is unreliable or requires cycling through modes a few times.

  • ED Team

Ok, so right now it is working as intended as in your need to do a TMS UP command when you want it to lock, further into development, it will lock without this command. That is what I am seeing when I test as well, let me know if that works for everyone right now. Thanks!

Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

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Got it thanks, that makes sense for a WIP component. It was just confusing as the it's different now than the other ACM and auto acquisition modes.

  • 3 weeks later...

Great job on the push and strides you guys are making on the viper.. really stoked for tomorrow's OB patch..


I'm curious if there is any update to be had in regards to the ACM Auto acquisition for the bore and vertical modes ?





  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

[MISSING TRACKS] STT & ACM Boresight and Vertical Scan acting strange


So I was playing with some of the Radar modes last night and ran across a few weird things. Not sure if they are bugs or user error. See attached track.


1. I was doing a stern conversion intercept on an IL-76 from below. I got a radar lock on him in the beam at about 10nm lookup. The radar was having trouble keeping lock and kept drifting off in the stern and sometimes losing the lock or going back and forth behind. The radar shouldn't have had any trouble keeping lock in the beam or in a stern chase from a lookup at close range.


2. I was experimenting with the ACM modes using both Boresight and Vertical scan. The boresight mode initially seemed to work OK, but the vertical scan would not lock the target hardly ever and I should have been well within parameters. I was at 6 oclock to the target at about 2-3nm. It was intermittent at best. And at other times it would lock in Vert scan when the lift vector was NOT on the target -which is the opposite of what should happen.


3. I then switched the HMCS on and tried the same test. Vert scan was still very intermittent still. But occasionally even Bore would not lock when the nose was pointed at the aircraft -i.e. I was not looking off boresight. When I would use the HMCS Bore to lock the target when it was off the nose, it worked fine. I was also still seeing the vert scan and boresight mode lock the target when I was not in what I would consider the correct parameters such as the lift vector was not on the target in vert scan or I was not looking at the target with the HMCS circle and sometimes it would lock anyway.


4. Another final thing I wondered about the mechanization of the ACM modes...... If I had a lock and then TMS'd aft to break lock.... shouldn't the radar lock the target again if it sees it, or do I have to always go TMS forward to relock each time? Also when using the HMCS, If I was looking off to the side of the nose at the target in ACM boresight and put the oval over the target, the radar would lock. If I TMS'd aft to break lock, it would relock if I was still looking at it. However, if I broke lock, looked away and then put the oval back over it, it would not automatically lock the target again unless I TMS'd fwd to command the lock.


Is this all normal behavior?? Thanks.


Edit: Doh, the track file is too big. I'll have to rerun it and shorted the time down. Sorry, standby for that track file..

Edited by Notso

System HW: i9-9900K @5ghz, MSI 11GB RTX-2080-Ti Trio, G-Skill 32GB RAM, Reverb HMD, Steam VR, TM Warthog Hotas Stick & Throttle, TM F/A-18 Stick grip add-on, TM TFRP pedals. SW: 2.5.6 OB


Since this was bumped for me, any progress on on this WIP component (auto bore tracking of the helmet sight)? I see that the last patched fixed a bunch of ACM issues, so thank you for that!

So I was playing with some of the Radar modes last night and ran across a few weird things. Not sure if they are bugs or user error. See attached track.


1. I was doing a stern conversion intercept on an IL-76 from below. I got a radar lock on him in the beam at about 10nm lookup. The radar was having trouble keeping lock and kept drifting off in the stern and sometimes losing the lock or going back and forth behind. The radar shouldn't have had any trouble keeping lock in the beam or in a stern chase from a lookup at close range.


2. I was experimenting with the ACM modes using both Boresight and Vertical scan. The boresight mode initially seemed to work OK, but the vertical scan would not lock the target hardly ever and I should have been well within parameters. I was at 6 oclock to the target at about 2-3nm. It was intermittent at best. And at other times it would lock in Vert scan when the lift vector was NOT on the target -which is the opposite of what should happen.


3. I then switched the HMCS on and tried the same test. Vert scan was still very intermittent still. But occasionally even Bore would not lock when the nose was pointed at the aircraft -i.e. I was not looking off boresight. When I would use the HMCS Bore to lock the target when it was off the nose, it worked fine. I was also still seeing the vert scan and boresight mode lock the target when I was not in what I would consider the correct parameters such as the lift vector was not on the target in vert scan or I was not looking at the target with the HMCS circle and sometimes it would lock anyway.


4. Another final thing I wondered about the mechanization of the ACM modes...... If I had a lock and then TMS'd aft to break lock.... shouldn't the radar lock the target again if it sees it, or do I have to always go TMS forward to relock each time? Also when using the HMCS, If I was looking off to the side of the nose at the target in ACM boresight and put the oval over the target, the radar would lock. If I TMS'd aft to break lock, it would relock if I was still looking at it. However, if I broke lock, looked away and then put the oval back over it, it would not automatically lock the target again unless I TMS'd fwd to command the lock.


Is this all normal behavior?? Thanks.


Edit: Doh, the track file is too big. I'll have to rerun it and shorted the time down. Sorry, standby for that track file..


Here is the track file attached this time.


The vertical scan seemed to be behaving much better. And the HMCS Bore was working with the exception of if you looked away from the target, commanded bore with TMS fwd and then looked back over to the target with the helmet oval, it would not lock unless you then TMS'd fwd again. However, if it was already over the tgt, and TMS fwd it would lock right away.


Not sure if this is a bug or how the viper is actually mechanized.

HMCS Bore-vert scan.trk

System HW: i9-9900K @5ghz, MSI 11GB RTX-2080-Ti Trio, G-Skill 32GB RAM, Reverb HMD, Steam VR, TM Warthog Hotas Stick & Throttle, TM F/A-18 Stick grip add-on, TM TFRP pedals. SW: 2.5.6 OB

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

Dogfight ACM modes taking a long time to lock


I am going to leave a youtube video of DCS footage here and just need a verdict on how realistic the times for the radar to lock up are.



1m11s to 1m46s in this video with other ACM modes:

(he was not notching me and distance was 7-8nm)


I sadly couldn't find any real world examples of how long it takes, but with the FA18 in DCS it looks like it's going a lot quicker:

see at:

- 2m00s

- 2m18s

- 2m39s

- 2m43s


That guy is locking targets in the FA-18 quicker than it takes me to lock even one in the F-16.

Edited by deadpool

Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Do not expect a reply to any questions, 30.06.2021 - Silenced by Nineline

looks to me like you are right on the vertical scan limit, anything more than 60` and you are not going to lock anything up.


Thank you for the insight!

I have added a bit more material to the post.

Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Do not expect a reply to any questions, 30.06.2021 - Silenced by Nineline

I reckon he uses chaff



No chaff involved.


Also an info:

Chaff in DCS supposedly does nothing against locking attempts and won't work against aircraft or SAM radar at all. It only has an impact on missiles guiding on you (which is mindboggling and surreal as well)

Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Do not expect a reply to any questions, 30.06.2021 - Silenced by Nineline

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