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Chaff/Flare Help


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Short Answer - Nope.



Long Answer - Nope, but there will be once the data cartridge stuff that ED are working on comes to fruition. Should be able to set a bunch of presets in the special options menu I'd guess.

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My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

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You can manually edit the countermeasures lua file for the F-16 to set up your programs manually until we get the data cartridge system.


DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Cockpit\Scripts\EWS\CMDS\device\CMDS_ALE47.lua has all the default programs.

REAPER 51 | Tholozor
VFA-136 (c.2007): https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3305981/
Arleigh Burke Destroyer Pack (2020): https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3313752/

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You can manually edit the countermeasures lua file for the F-16 to set up your programs manually until we get the data cartridge system.


DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Cockpit\Scripts\EWS\CMDS\device\CMDS_ALE47.lua has all the default programs.


Derp. Yeah or you can do that. :doh::lol:


Just be aware the file will get overwritten every time the sim updates so you'll have to go back and re-edit it.

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

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You can manually edit the countermeasures lua file for the F-16 to set up your programs manually until we get the data cartridge system.


DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Cockpit\Scripts\EWS\CMDS\device\CMDS_ALE47.lua has all the default programs.



Thanks! That will be perfect for now.



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Derp. Yeah or you can do that. :doh::lol:

Just be aware the file will get overwritten every time the sim updates so you'll have to go back and re-edit it.






I know you are trying to help, but bro, settle down. Your comments tend to lean on the negative side - try the glass half full on the next one :thumbsup:




Just something to think about.



The reply was perfect, and what I was looking for until we have a better solution.



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I know you are trying to help, but bro, settle down. Your comments tend to lean on the negative side - try the glass half full on the next one :thumbsup:




Just something to think about.



The reply was perfect, and what I was looking for until we have a better solution.


I was not being negative! I was saying I forgot about that option lol hence the "derp" and the :doh:

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

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