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I cannot get them to work from a cold start (auto start or otherwise) in the F-5E - they work fine on a hot ground start. I might be missing something though.



Any ideas?

Posted (edited)

All other lights are on (all knobs turned fully right and confirmed on).



The problem seems to be that the lights are not extended, but I don't remember there being a switch for that and can't find anything in the key bindings.

Edited by Blackeye
Posted (edited)

+1, but it's not only during a cold start.

I've tried a start from runway, then in-air start, it just never work at all.

Take note that I made the update yesterday on the main version, and it still doesn't work :(


PS : in fact at night we can see that taxi lights are on, but lighting is below the aircraft ! It's just the mechanism that don't get the light out

Edited by krapouk


EASA CPL IRME/SE PBN - FI / FE - Yak-52 F-WRYJ owner



Was it via the mission editor where you've set your own hot start ramp / runway ? With a specific time of day ?

Still nothing here :-//


EASA CPL IRME/SE PBN - FI / FE - Yak-52 F-WRYJ owner


+1 no taxi lights.



Cold start from the ramp (Tbilisi for the mission in question.) Mission start time 0500.



The mission is not one of mine, it was one off the User Files. The Hercules Mission, specifically.


I've attached a track to help with diagnosis,


Single player mission, cold start on ramp

  • Connect external air,
  • Power up left and right engines,
  • Turn on external lights and cockpit lights (all work correctly),
  • Turn on taxi lights - nothing happens


  • ED Team



it looks like the lights are coming on but point straight to the ground.


I have reported it tot he team for checking


thank you


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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

Posted (edited)


it looks like the lights are coming on but point straight to the ground.




The lights that point straight to the ground are extra lights as far as I can tell -they are sitting in the fuselage fairly close to each other, while the taxi lights sit further astern and wider apart than the bright spots on the ground. Also the taxi lights seem to fold in bright side up.



Not sure if those extra lights are supposed to come out as well.







Edited by Blackeye
Looks like the beacon light now stop working



It kind of works for me: it is flashing but the flash is not visible at certain view angles for me and it is really dim - esp during day.




But then again the intensity of lights is wonky all over DCS at the moment.


Not working for me. Spotted in the Hercules hunt single night mission. Taxi lights are not visible and I use stable version.



External lights all cranked to full...



Right now its kinda difficult to taxi without those lights.

Not working for me. Spotted in the Hercules hunt single night mission. Taxi lights are not visible and I use stable version.



Well it is fixed for me in the latest open beta version (OB) and since stable is a bit behind OB I'd assume the bug is still present there.



Either wait until the current beta fixes have propagated to stable or start using OB yourself.

Not working for me. Spotted in the Hercules hunt single night mission. Taxi lights are not visible and I use stable version.



External lights all cranked to full...



Right now its kinda difficult to taxi without those lights.


Fixed for me also on latest OB, hopefully this makes its way to stable soon.

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