escaner Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 What exactly is supposed to do this UPLOOK mode in the AIM-9X with the HMD? It is enabled with castle down from HACQ and disable with castle up. Also, when moving the AIM-9X around out of HACQ, I can hear a sound that reminds me of the RWR, but looks like it actually is the 9X. What does it mean? Thanks [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
Swift. Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 So if you zoom out when you are in the Uplook mode you will see the two uplook reticules in the top left or top right depending on where you are facing. These reticules are where the 9x seeker is slaved to rather than the DAC(centre reticule). Its used to alleviate neck strain irl. As for the waterfall sound that you hear when using 9x, iirc that is the sound made to signify the seeker is look high off bore sight, or potentially when it reaches the edge of its gimbal range. I cant quite remember. 1 476th Discord | 476th Website | Swift Youtube Ryzen 5800x, RTX 4070ti, 64GB, Quest 2
KlarSnow Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 I tested/found out about this the other day, it appears that while everything looks to be working, the Aim-9X seeker will never change tone if you put the uplook reticle over something. So even tho it appears to be slewing appropriately (based on the AIM-9X LOS circle in the hud following the uplook around instead of the helmet cross), it isnt useable. The other issue is that the real things blink when you exceed the AIM-9X field of regard, IE are looking past where the 9X can point, it doesnt do that in DCS. Keep in mind the location of the uplook cursors is so far up and to the side that if you are flying in VR you will probably never see it, since you have a 1-1 FOV in VR, real thing shows up at around your eyebrow which is gonna be outside the FOV of most if not all VR headsets. Note just how far up and to the left it is in this image (slightly zoomed out from default FOV) 1
Bunny Clark Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 I don't think UPLOOK is fully implemented, as I've not seen it mentioned in any patch notes yet. Maybe I've just missed something. The bloop sound that's played signifies handoff of the Sidewinder seeker from the HUD to the HMD. 1 Oil In The Water Hornet Campaign. Bunny's: Form-Fillable Controller Layout PDFs | HOTAS Kneeboards | Checklist Kneeboards
Top Jockey Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 ... man... this kind of stuff never ceases to amaze me. Jets Helis Maps FC 3 JA 37 Ka-50 Caucasus F-14 A/B MiG-23 Mi-8 MTV2 Nevada F-16 C MiG-29 F/A-18 C Mirage III E MiG-21 bis Mirage 2000 C i7-4790 K , 16 GB DDR3 , GTX 1660 Ti 6GB , Samsung 860 QVO 1TB
KlarSnow Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 So played around with these a bit more, and...they sorta work. It looks like if you move the uplook cursor outside of the 9X field of regard (more than 90 deg HOBS) the 9X seeker detaches from the uplook and just floats around offset. This would explain it not tracking because its pretty easy to put the uplook past 90 degrees from the nose. However you can kentucky windage it if you play around, and it will work. When it is not detached from the uplook, it appears to mostly work as intended. However, the 9X doesnt seem to track when you have the crosshair on a target, but if you put one of the 4 outer points of the crosshair on the target, it seems to reliably start to track. So basically its really finicky to use cause to get a solid tone you kinda have to find the kentucky windage sweet spot where it will hold, as you pull the trigger. However there is a pretty useful technique you can do that is far more reliable. Command Uplook, then command Uncage. The seeker is now slaved to the uplook, but as soon as it detects anything it immediately tracks on its own and decommands uplook. So you know when it has found something because the AIM-9X immediately starts tracking and the uplook crosshair goes away instantly. Can actually reliably get some quick HOBS shots off with it that way. 1
escaner Posted October 26, 2020 Author Posted October 26, 2020 Thank you guys for the replies pretty useful technique you can do that is far more reliable. Command Uplook, then command Uncage. The seeker is now slaved to the uplook, but as soon as it detects anything it immediately tracks on its own and decommands uplook. So you know when it has found something because the AIM-9X immediately starts tracking and the uplook crosshair goes away instantly. Can actually reliably get some quick HOBS shots off with it that way. I guess it is the similar with HMD guiding the 9X without radar ACM modes enabled? I thought I would need to press uncage when the target was under the seeker, but had inconsistent behavior. It could also be what you say: just uncage once, I am gonna try that. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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