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Possible help for single F14 users with Jester.


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I know many people that have bought the F14. The best module, the less used. All says, more or less the same. Use it with Jester is not good enough. When radar targetting or with the Lantirn, it shows the weak points of "speaking" with the RIO.

I know there is a mod to make use of the Lantirn with the Pilot. I wish Heatblur would include it by default as an option, but of course that is not real.


But today I had an idea that would be real. When we talk to another we point what we want with our finger. Heatblur could use that feature. In the pilot repetitive TID (radar or lantirn view with the pilot) we could point with our mouse cursor the contact that we would like to target. So a "magic" cursor would appear in the pilots TID, and we could click over the object that we would like Jester to target at. Radar contact or object in Lantirn. Even we could say Jester to "look left, right up down, zoomed in or out to look for something (using it with Vaicom would be awesome).


I think, that way, we could use more Jester as Rio in single player without jumping into Rio seat.... and in multiplayer if we fly alone in our tomcat.


What do you think?

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I think it's pointless to make wishes on the system when Jester LANTIRN operation is not yet implemented.

For the radar you can already point at the exact target in the menu.

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I guess he’s getting at in a cockpit environment you would lean over and point out objects to your Rio, it would ideally be a bit more seamless than physically going through the menu. I sort of get that, not sure how easy that would be to implement, probably wouldn’t go down to well with the purists, particularly if little boxes appeared in your field of view over targets so it would have to have an option to disable it, but in some ways could be more realistic.

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I would like if we just could use our vision, I mean I always play in VR. That I could just look at the thing I want to have in the lantern. And then just command Jester to look at that spot. Or something like that.


You can already do that with Jester's Spot command while looking at the spot with VR or headtracking. I believe it's only for A2A targets atm.

🖥️ Win10  i7-10700KF  32GB  RTX3060   🥽 Rift S   🕹️ T16000M  TWCS  TFRP   ✈️ FC3  F-14A/B  F-15E   ⚙️ CA   🚢 SC   🌐 NTTR  PG  Syria

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