xvii-Dietrich Posted July 12, 2021 Posted July 12, 2021 In the recent Grim Reapers interview (link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWYSV5b6K6Y ), IndiaFoxtEcho said they were considering a reconnaissance camera (video ref: 20m35s). If IndiaFoxtEcho could manage it, this would be absolutely amazing (and a first for DCS). I have always been keen on reconnaissance missions and have dreamed of getting some sort of camera or recon capture system into DCS in some way. The following was not for the G.91, but rather just a general suggestion on how to approach the problem. Quote Some aircraft in DCS have a “guncam”. Now imagine that same mechanism, but on a camera pointing straight downward out of the aircraft. And if activating the camera was an event, you could also log the postion/attitude of the aircraft at the time, and then tie that back into the mission. Having reconnaissance, both high and low altitude, was an important part of WW2 and something that no simulator has yet tackled satisfactorily. And, as mentioned, there are already guncams for some DCS modules (e.g. MiG-15bis), so the mechanism exists… it just needs to be in the WW2 aircraft as a photo-recon camera option, pointing down instead of forward and activating a trigger or event when a photograph is taken. Hopefully this is something that ED will consider for DCS. And hopefully this is something that they would consider discussing first, so they can implement what is actually needed by the community, rather than what they think they think the community wants. Ref: https://stormofwar.net/2021/02/23/february-2021-player-interview-with-xvii-dietrich/ I wonder what IndiaFoxtEcho are thinking for their implementation, and if it would be feasible? Does anyone know the type of camera/lens that was fitted in the G.91 historically? And I wonder if any real photographs exist from G.91 aircraft? Anyway, I'm very excited by the thought of genuine photo-recon capability in DCS. Best wishes to IndiaFoxtEcho for their project!! 1
TLTeo Posted July 12, 2021 Posted July 12, 2021 They are also trying to include a photo recon pod to the MB-339, which I suspect will be a prototype for the G91 3
6S.Duke Posted July 12, 2021 Posted July 12, 2021 We are already working to make something similar on the MB-339 which is able to carry a recon pod :)Obviously if the development will be successfully, this feature will be ported on G-91. 7 MB339 EFM Coder Frecce Tricolori Virtuali [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
xvii-Dietrich Posted July 12, 2021 Author Posted July 12, 2021 Oh, superb!! Sounds excellent! Thanks @TLTeo& @6S.Duke!! 2
6S.Duke Posted July 13, 2021 Posted July 13, 2021 @xvii-Dietrich the lens fitted on G91 were 4 inch f/2 Anastigmat (2 1/4" x 2 1/4"). Regarding pictures, there is something on internet, but not much... 3 2 MB339 EFM Coder Frecce Tricolori Virtuali [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
xvii-Dietrich Posted July 13, 2021 Author Posted July 13, 2021 WOW!! Those are some stunning photos. I particularly like that one of the nose of the G.91 opened up, showing the cameras themselves. Thanks for taking the time to post them up for us all. I really hope you guys can get something like this working for DCS. This would be a fantastic addition to the sim. 1
Bremspropeller Posted July 14, 2021 Posted July 14, 2021 What would be cool is not only shooting photos, but attaching mission-objectives, like time over target margin, corret speed/ distance/ altitude/(sun) angle/ exposure for the photo as some scoring-sheet. You know, the perks of photo-recce. Maybe somewhat similar to Heatblur's trap-sheet, but attached to photo- and mission-parameters. 1 So ein Feuerball, JUNGE!
Bananabrai Posted July 15, 2021 Posted July 15, 2021 Photo reconnaisance is awesome and is also my personal most awaited thing in DCS. I normaly am really picky about the aircraft I fly and for what reason/task and I am not that much of a Gina fan, but a Recce Gina I would take any day, like an RF-5A or lets hope the TARPS also becomes a thing for the Tomcat at some point. For me it opens many more scenarios which do not rely on fance modern TGPs, but having different aircraft for different roles and really have a conflict buidling up with all the perparation beforehand and not having everything on the HSD already... BARCAP, scouting, ELINT + RECCE flights, and then the SEAD+DEAD packages, decoys, OCA,... I am dreaming already. A scoring sheet would not be so impartant for me, but to see a recce system integrated into DCS in the end. I guess with such a new feature, we have to remember where we shoot the photos and have them in a windows screenshot folder at the beginning. But ultimaley it would be nice if we can overlay them in combatflite or even a new DCS mission planner (which should not be the same as the mission editor, as the builder knows where he puts the enemy) and plan the next flights. 2 Alias in Discord: Mailman
Lace Posted August 11, 2021 Posted August 11, 2021 I think the Recce/BDA mission is essential for the new dynamic campaign. If players needed to actually gather intel, rather than just be presented with it on a map, it would add a huge element of realism to the tactical planning of sorties, and the strategic considerations of target selection. 4 Laptop Pilot. Alienware X17, i9 11980HK 5.0GHz, 16GB RTX 3080, 64GB DDR4 3200MHz, 2TB NVMe SSD. 2x TM Warthog, Hornet grip, Virpil CM2 & TPR pedals, Virpil collective, Cougar throttle, Viper ICP &MFDs, pit WIP (XBox360 when traveling). Quest 3S. Wishlist: Tornado, Jaguar, Buccaneer, F-117 and F-111.
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