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Ottoman Courier Mission 2


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I've been reading the posts for bugs with this mission and haven't seen one addressing my problem. Everything seems to work fine until I start the bombing run on the range. Once I get cleared hot, I make the run, drop 2 MK 82s, get a report of "good effects," and then the bottom drops out. I've tried the mission several times and the same thing happens each time:

I drop my bombs, then my wingman gets cleared to drop; he never leaves formation though, and even when I use the radio menu to give him commands, he remains glued to my wing. What happens next is that I fly back to the IP, start another run hoping he'll drop his ordnance, but nothing happens. I return to the IP, make another run, and if I drop the next two bombs, THEN my wingman drops at the same time.  Of course, he misses because he's dropping from my right side and flying formation.

Only after I drop the second pair of bombs do I get another contact from JTAC regarding setting up for a second target. I'm out of ordnance at that point, though, so that's where the mission ends for me. I think I've flown it 5 times now,  and can't get past that point. Anybody have any ideas???

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