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TPOD back to boresight


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I'm having a hard time with the TGP going back to boresight. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


I make sure I undesignate and see the NAV on the hud. make hud SOI by seeing IN CMD on hud...

then quickly after i make the HUD SOI, i press castle in and forward again... I can never get it to work if I've been using the TPOD and did a few bombing runs. however during start of missions before I have done designating etc, I can get it to work perfect. 


is there a trick to it? I've changed it back to SP from waypoint before trying and that doesn't work either. it's driving me nuts lol.

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29 minutes ago, razorseal said:

I'm having a hard time with the TGP going back to boresight. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


I make sure I undesignate and see the NAV on the hud. make hud SOI by seeing IN CMD on hud...

then quickly after i make the HUD SOI, i press castle in and forward again... I can never get it to work if I've been using the TPOD and did a few bombing runs. however during start of missions before I have done designating etc, I can get it to work perfect. 


is there a trick to it? I've changed it back to SP from waypoint before trying and that doesn't work either. it's driving me nuts lol.

Try AAQ long forward instead with pod as SOI. That should get it to snowplough which ought to be fairly close to boresight.

Edited by bfr
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2 hours ago, razorseal said:

I'm having a hard time with the TGP going back to boresight. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


I make sure I undesignate and see the NAV on the hud. make hud SOI by seeing IN CMD on hud...

then quickly after i make the HUD SOI, i press castle in and forward again... I can never get it to work if I've been using the TPOD and did a few bombing runs. however during start of missions before I have done designating etc, I can get it to work perfect. 


is there a trick to it? I've changed it back to SP from waypoint before trying and that doesn't work either. it's driving me nuts lol.

I think (I’m not at PC right now so can’t check) you need to have a weapon selected in order for it to work. Try it - I might be wrong!

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4 hours ago, razorseal said:

I'm having a hard time with the TGP going back to boresight. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


I make sure I undesignate and see the NAV on the hud. make hud SOI by seeing IN CMD on hud...

then quickly after i make the HUD SOI, i press castle in and forward again... I can never get it to work if I've been using the TPOD and did a few bombing runs. however during start of missions before I have done designating etc, I can get it to work perfect. 


is there a trick to it? I've changed it back to SP from waypoint before trying and that doesn't work either. it's driving me nuts lol.

You cannot have an active designation when using this method. Undesignate with Boat SW AFT and try again. I believe you ALSO need to have your bombs in auto mode to do this.

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Saitek X52 | 4770k@4.3GHz | MSI 1080GTX Armor OC | TrackIR 5

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3 hours ago, BuLLeT.ZA said:

You cannot have an active designation when using this method. Undesignate with Boat SW AFT and try again. I believe you ALSO need to have your bombs in auto mode to do this.

I'm def no target (see nav in hud) and I usually always have auto. I don't like cdip

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20 hours ago, jaylw314 said:

IIRC the TGP also cannot be in a tracking mode, e.g. PTRK or ATRK boxed.  Ugh, I can't remember the pilot command, I think it's Auto-Acq press

Ok so I made sure i had a weapon selected, no tracking modes boxed and go to SP mode.


Then hud cmd and do it again. Seemed to work.


Some things are very logical in this jet and some things are not.


Bringing up a2g guns is a pain in the butt (unselected pylons, go to hud cmd, acq aft) lol.  Or boxing the tracking box in tpod. Why csnt we use the tms buttons for it.

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On 7/28/2023 at 1:46 PM, razorseal said:

Bringing up a2g guns is a pain in the butt (unselected pylons, go to hud cmd, acq aft) lol.  Or boxing the tracking box in tpod. Why csnt we use the tms buttons for it.

Simply hitting Weapon Mode Switch Cycle Loop does it for me.

Saitek X52 | 4770k@4.3GHz | MSI 1080GTX Armor OC | TrackIR 5

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