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Synai map Tacan problems


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Anybody have this Tacan problem in Synai Map? I fly FA -18 and use Tacan naviagtion by input an airport Tacan channel. then you got the airport direction from the tacan channel, but the distance info seems not update. the tacan icon on HSI would not close to my airplane even when I have flew over the designated airport. The distance shown on the HUD to the airport would stay to a number and would change. 

by the way, the airport light would not light up for my at night flight and they never answer my call for landing and give me direction as in caucasus map(I am  on the FA-18). I have set the airport to my side. 

This problem only happens on Synai map.

Edited by SUHANG
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I am using the normal T/R TACAN mode. I attached a flight record to demonstrate the problem. As you can see, when I chose the tacan channel of Hatzerim, there are two tacan icon flashes( a new problem). Then I want to contact the airport, I switched the radio frequency to 251.4 AM, still the airport in the \ list is gray. which means the frequency doesn't work. I ignored it and choose the airport to contact it . the frequency in the\ list changes to 39.4, and there are no answer from the airport and the list is gray. And if I continue to fly to the airport, the airport would light up for me. 

Tacan problems Synai.trk

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TACAN distance freezing has been a random (and generally rare) issue with the F-18 for a long time.  Usually if you power your TCN off and on with the UFC buttons it will start working again.  No real rhyme or reason why it happens and it's not very common so that's likely why it hasn't been fixed.

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Problem is the tacan problem for F18 never happened in Causus map. but in Synai map,  it always happens. Plus the radio problem, the airport never answer my call and never light up the light on the runway, which made it very difficult to landing in night. 

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So the TACAN for Hatzerim definitely seems bugged -- it's almost like there are 2 and it flips back and forth (but distance declines normally). EDIT: this is apparently a reported problem, there are 2 TCN with same frequencies -- see

I had the same issue/symptoms with replaying your track file and taking over when trying to contact the airport, but if I open your track in the mission editor and fly it from there, or create a mission from scratch it's no problem, so that's likely not a bug but something in your system.  In your track it's only showing a limited number of options in the radio menu (not normal).  I'd do a repair on your DCS to start.  Are you running any mods?  Have you ever ran Viacom?  Older versions if not uninstalled (even if you don't have it active) were causing issues with the comm's menus.

Edited by rob10
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OK, I run the repair program from the start and it seems not work. As attached the file, I chose the radio frequency of 259.95 AM and called the airport, the radio jumped to 39.xx and there are no answer from the airport. This happens for F18 on Synai map always. weird. 

by the way, I noticed the airport in Synai map has several radio frequencies, from 3X to 1XX, to 2XX, All are on AM. Why there are so many frequencies?

Tacan problems Synai.trk

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On 9/21/2023 at 4:10 PM, SUHANG said:

I noticed the airport in Synai map has several radio frequencies, from 3X to 1XX, to 2XX, All are on AM. Why there are so many frequencies?

This may not be realistic but it allows the ATC to be contacted by older aircraft, which have older radios with different frequency ranges.

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