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Trackir Question

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm new to this game and trackir.

I'm still trying to get the hang of trackir, it takes some getting used to. One problem I am having with it is when I try to look at objects up close.


Take the ABRIS for example, I'll position my head so I'm looking at it up close, and hold it there while I'm looking at everything. After about 5 seconds of keeping my head still at this position, the view automatically switches back to the default position.


With the learning curve, it is quite frustrating when i just want to take time to study some of the instruments carefully only to have my view switch right back to center and unzoomed position. Any thoughts? I'll keep trying to play around with the settings.


On a side note: Gez i'm enjoying this game :)

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It'll switch to the default view after a few seconds if you go out of the field-of-view of the camera. To see if that's the problem, sit back about a foot from where you normally do, center the view, and try the same head movement.


They say you should be 2-6 feet from the camera for best results. I'm at about 2 feet right now, and I occasionally have that issue, but it's usually because I'm totally into what's going on in the game, and I'm leaning WAY over. :) I keep meaning to move the camera back a little bit, but I'm just lazy, and it's not that severe a problem for me.


Other solutions, besides more distance, include sitting the Track Clip higher on your head. That'll increase the sensitivity of the unit, and if you lean way in on the screen, it has less chance of going outside the camera's FOV. Also you could simply increase the Z sensitivity in the TrackIR software, so you don't have to lean in as far to get the same results.

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Open up the Tracking window in the trackir software. Ensure that the 3 dot reflections are showing up when you make the same movement as you do when you are in game. As Ken has said, sounds like you are going out of camera range and the view is resetting. Using the Tracking window you can make sure you are not going out of the range by adjusting the camera if required.

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I've been getting this same problem Jared and i only just cured it yesterday and i dont really know what i did to fix it . There is a file you can edit in the natural point folder but it's been a while since i messed with it and i cant remember what to do now exactly and google shows nothing . I think its the timeout setting .


One thing i have just noticed though is when i opened my tracking window the 3 lights werent dead in the middle so i moved the censor on top the moniter until they were . Best bet though is have a play like others have said once you get it right you'll wonder how you managed without it . :pilotfly:

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Changing the timeout timer isn't going to change the fact that you're out of the camera's FOV (and thus no longer tracking). Fix the root problem, is what I advise. If moving the sensor (or yourself) isn't possible, change the sensitivity of the axis you're having trouble with. That way you won't have to move your head as much to get what you want, and so there's much less chance of losing the camera.

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also, make sure to use a Hotas axis or key combo to ZOOM in teh game..this will save your neck a LOT of pain.


I (generally) only use the Z axis in BS to look over or around the cyclic and access the switches on that panel...if I want to see something close up, I flick my slider and zoom in on it...as far as I know , this is the most common setup (zoom and view Z axis are 2 seperate things in game btw , so dont worry about loosing one to the other, they are mutually exclusive)

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