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I’ve submitted a ticket for a refund or an exchange for my F-15E module and have not received a reply. 

Will someone reply and let me know when this process will complete?

Thank you


I've been through this successfully.

Did you receive an email acknowledging your request? This is what I received:

"Your request has been accepted with unique number xxxxxx.

Subject: Your request is accepted

Please do not reply to this message. This is only a generated confirmation, showing that techsupport has received your request and is working on it.

To view or edit your ticket proceed to: User support

Please do not reply to this email. We're unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address."


17 hours ago, t1mb0b said:

probably better to address that to support rather than ranting, did you do that?

I did submit a ticket. Please read my post before making judgement. 

17 hours ago, Cab said:

I've been through this successfully.

Did you receive an email acknowledging your request? This is what I received:

"Your request has been accepted with unique number xxxxxx.

Subject: Your request is accepted

Please do not reply to this message. This is only a generated confirmation, showing that techsupport has received your request and is working on it.

To view or edit your ticket proceed to: User support

Please do not reply to this email. We're unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address."


I did submit a ticket. No I didn’t receive an email response. Who did you contact?  Maybe I sent it to the wrong location. 

Thanks, glad it worked out for you. 


Partial success.  I got the confirmation email but when I try to purchase a different module there is not the option to use my internal account.  Any suggestions?

  • ED Team

Refunds can take 7 to 10 working days, if you do not hear anything in that time please reply to the same support ticket and the team will get to you. Obviously they are very busy so please be patient, if you have a support ticket number they will get to you. 

Login here https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/

thank you 


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