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Need to check but I don't think you can use spotlight mode in TWS. Will clarify with team. 

Please attach short track replay examples.  


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Posted (edited)

Target Management Switch in FCR not working as expected or as before the update

As far as I tested the TMS switches are working well in RWS

One of the functions of the TMS in the FCR screens is cycle between RWS and TWS, that happens when you press TMS right for like a second. 

What is happening is that you can cycle using TMS right from RWS to TWS but not go back to RWS using the same function, the only way apart from the button in the MFD is by pressing TMS down like 3 or 4 times which besides of not be the right way also unblocks the contacts.

Something else is that the TMS up in RWS when you press it, it does a spotlight scan, in TWS the same function is not working and the scan keeps in the same way.

I have already posted this on Discord and is in investigation 🙂

Btw we were always capable of do the spotlight in TWS...

F-16 TMS.trk

Edited by Harkon
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I have noticed since the update if I press TMS right long to switch the radar from RWS to TWS the radar will switch no problem however once I am in TWS if I then try to switch to RWS from TWS by pressing TMS right long the Radar will not switch to RWS but if I press TMS aft then the Radar will switch to RWS  from TWS and I also notice Spotlight search won't work in TWS...



Radar issue.trk

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